Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 21

Sky pov

After the driver dropped me off at our new pack house for now, I went and changed and got into bed. I was so in my thoughts. “My did you run away from Mate,” Layla asked. “I don’t know Lay, maybe I was just scared, I mean he is the next Alpha King,” I said to her. “Yeah and so, I mean come on he is hot,” Layla said.

“Really is that all you care about, I mean I am afraid he might be like him,” I said. She got really quiet after that. Let’s just go to sleep I thought to myself. The next morning when I woke up I saw that it was around 7 o’clock in the morning. I am still so tired. “Are you crazy or what” I heard Rei shout at my door. I turned to face them and saw that my friends were standing there.

“Don’t shout so early in the morning” I said to him, while sitting up on my bed. “You ran away in the middle of the ball while the Alpha King was talking,” Sammy said. “No I am not crazy,” I said. “Well, we think you are,” Lilac said while sitting next to me. “I agree because who in their right mind runs away from the next Alpha King” Al said while laughing. “I am not crazy, I just needed time to think about things,” I said to them.

“Well to be honest I am with Sky, if she didn’t run away first probably one of us would,” Colin said. “Why would you guys, you met your mates,” Sammy asked. “Well you are lucky, you grew up with yours, I for one didn’t and did you see my mates, I have one dominant Alpha and one omega and did you see the dominant alpha’s at that table, I know I am huge and big but they are bigger than me,” Colin said while shaking his head.

“Yeah I agree, my mates are also huge, now that you mention that again, we should probably go and tell our parents that we want to go travel to find our mates and we need to do it really fast before our mates get here,” Rei said. “I agree we can go now” I replied. Everybody nodded their heads in agreement.

I mean what Colin said is true, most of our mates at the table were over 6 feet tall and except for Colin and Al who are also over 6 feet tall, but to the rest of us that is huge. “Wait did you guys follow me home yesterday” I asked them. “Yes we did, you ran out of there like your butt was on fire or something was chasing you,” Chloe said. “Well did you see how huge my mate was, I am tiny compared to him” I said and at that moment my door opened again and Shuan, Theo and Kia stood there.

“Good you guys are awake,” Kia said. “Why” Isa asked. “Mom told us to see if you guys are awake because we have guests so you guys need to get dressed,” Shaun said and I saw that he looked sort of fancy. I groaned.

“Please, please don’t tell me it is rich people who think that they are better than everybody, I really don’t want to dress fancy again or pretend I am happy that they are here,” I said to them. “You never want to dress fancy,” Rei said. “Well all we are going to say is that you guys need to dress to impress,” they all said and then they left. I groaned. “Who would come over so early in the morning” asked Al. “I don’t know, let’s just go and get ready,” Sammy said.

They all stood up and left. I quickly went to my bathroom and took a shower. After I was done with my shower I finished with my bathroom routine and walked to my closet. I looked over my fancy clothes but my eyes just wandered over to my comfy clothes. Well, I already wore fancy clothes yesterday so I am going comfy today.

So I chose short black shorts, with my oversized panda hoodie that falls to the middle of my thighs and black fluffy socks. I tied my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of my room. When I got outside my room my friends were already waiting there. They all laughed when I got outside of my room.

“What” I asked them. "I love how we all just decide to wear comfy clothes," laughed Sammy. "Yeah, well there was no way Sky would wear fancy clothes again, and we all know that so why should we dress to impress when we all know we would just get grumpy, so I guess we wear comfy clothes" replied Chloe. "Yeah, we know her too well," said Colin. “Okay is everybody ready,” Lilac asked.

“Yes let’s go before my mother comes and get us,” I said. With that, we all walked downstairs to where the living room was. We heard voices coming from the living room and just as we were about to go in my mother came out. “Really Shaun” my mother yelled when she saw us. Shaun came running out of the living room to see why she yelled at him and as soon as he saw us he burst out laughing.

I mean he was doubled over in laughter. He gathered himself and said “We told them to dress to impress, but mom you should know your daughter and her friends by now,” he said and walked back into the living room. “Really guys, we have guests, and you all look like you are on vacation,” my mother said to us while shaking her head. “Mum I already wore a fancy dress yesterday and I am not in the mood to impress anybody today, so I won’t go and dress fancy, and by the way who in this town, who is good enough to impress, do I need to impress,” I told her.

At my words, she looked at me in concern. I just shook my head. “Jason she is your daughter, you talk to her” my mother yelled to my father. “You guys go in and greet the guests I am going to get some drinks for them,” my mother said and walked to the kitchen. We then walked into the living room to see who was here.

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