Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 23

Wenner pov

After Lucan said that I just kept quiet about what he was doing because I knew he was just as nervous as I was. "No, I am not," he said. I rolled my eyes at that. “Of course, you are nervous, you can’t stop pacing” I replied. “Whatever” he replied. Well I can’t blame him. I sighed and got out of bed.

I then went to the bathroom to take a shower and to get dressed. I want to impress my mate but still keep up my reputation, so I dress in ripped black jeans, with a red v-neck shirt, and a black leather jacket over it. After that, I made sure my hair was combed but messed it up again because like I said I have a bad boy reputation to keep.

I then grabbed my things and walked downstairs. When I got to the kitchen I saw that everybody was there and that everybody was already dressed and ready to go. “Morning guys,” I said to everyone when I walked inside. “Morning” they replied and some just waved. “Morning son are you ready to go” my father asked. “Yeah Dad” I replied while grabbing an energy bar out of the snack box.

"Okay then, let's get into the cars and go," my father said to us. We all then walked outside. We climbed into the limos and off we went. It is easier to take the limo when we go somewhere together because there is less parking space than say about 20 cars. While we were on our way, we all made some small talk.

"Do you think they will accept us?" asked Mike, who curled into Damien more. "I am sure they will, it might take time, but I am sure they will" replied Willow. "But what if they don't," he asked back, looking scared. "Then we make them love us" replied Damian while trying to keep Mike calm.

“Hey trust me, if you guys make them trust you, then they will never leave your side,” Dash said. “So all we need to do is earn their trust,” Mike asked hopeful. Dash nodded his head, and that looked like it calmed Mike a lot. But I could see that Dash's eyes said everything and the rest of the Alpha saw it also, it wouldn’t be easy to win their trust. Everybody just kept to themselves and busy in their own minds. “Why do you think we need to win their trust” Lucan asked me.

“The only reason I can come up with is that they were hurt by somebody” I replied. “I will kill anybody who hurt our mate” he replied. “Easy Lucan don’t get so worked up anymore, we want to see her not scare her” I replied. After a while, I felt that he was somewhat calm, not completely though. About 10 minutes later we arrived at the new pack house, and we saw that they were busy moving in.

The limos stopped in front of the pack house. It was almost like two big pack houses that they mashed together. It can fit about 2000-6000 wolves. I mean our pack is about 4500 wolves and the Blue Moon Pack is about 3500 wolves. Though not all the wolves of our packs will move here, some will still live in our old pack house but all Blue Moon is moving here, but again some will move to our old pack house, near the palace center, and some will live here, but not everyone will stay in the pack house.

There are smaller houses around the pack land where wolves that have families will live and the single wolves will live in the pack house. Our new home is also near the pack house. All the houses around the pack land can house about six people, except the Alpha’s house which can almost hold 20 people. We then followed my father and mother around the pack house to the tree line on the left side. We walked for about 5 minutes before we saw about 10 houses.

The first house was our new house. We still need to move in, which I think will happen tomorrow. We kept walking until about the third house. My father walked up the front steps. “I guess this is where they are living,” Holden said. “Yes and please behave, all of you,” my mother said. “Yes Mom” I replied and kissed her cheek. We followed my father up the front steps.

He knocked on the door. We were greeted by the Alpha and his wife and as we went in. “Good morning Caden, morning Amelia” the Alpha greeted my parents. “Morning guys” my parents greeted back. They also greeted everybody else. “Come on in,” the Luna said. I saw that Dash froze for a moment. “You good bro” I mined linked him. He looked at me and nodded his head, but I could see something was bothering him. We followed Uncle Jason and Aunty Silvia into the living room.

When we entered we saw their whole family there and we could feel Dash's anger rising. Mia went to calm him down as we went to sit down. "So, Dash it is good to see you again," said a boy. Yes, boy I don't see him as a man because if Dash is this angry then it is probably their family and if they are mean to my mate then they don't deserve to be a man. "I wish it was good to see you again, Stephan" he replied.

“Why Dash, we used to play together” this boy, Stephan asked. It looks like he really doesn’t understand why Dash is mean to him. “Because you started to bully and hurt our cousin” Dash replied and it was harsh. “O please, just forget it already and let’s hang out this weekend,” he said to Dash. Dash sighed. “I am sorry, but I am not wasting time on trash” Das replied to him and held Mia closer to him.

His face was in her neck. I could almost laugh at the face he made. You could see the anger on his face. The rest of us tried to keep our laughs in but most failed even my father was struggling, and he is an alpha who needs to keep a serious face when in meetings. I also saw Uncle Jason and Aunty Silvia struggling to keep their laughter in.

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