Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 24

Wenner pov

"That is no way to talk to your family" replied a man. “David is that how you raised your son” he asked Dash’s dad. Uncle David stopped smiling and said in the coldest voice I ever heard him speak in “Don’t bring how I raised my son into this, I raised my son to respect everybody but that boy is asking for trouble.” "I am sorry Uncle Dean, because I hope you don't think you are my family because the things you say and do to my cousin Sky in unacceptable," Dash said in a cold voice.

I saw that Mia and the omega’s bowed their heads slightly. “Because she is not norm…” the man started. "That is enough" Alpha Jason said and some of his Alpha pheromones came out. "Dean, this is my house so please keep yourself and everybody of you inline" he said. “But…” a woman started. “No buts Stella, this is my house and if you don’t want to follow my rules then you know where my door is” he said. They kept their mouth shut. “They better” Lucan said in my mind.

“I agree” I replied. "So Wenner I heard that you haven't found your mate yet" asked another man. “George” Uncle Jason said. “We are just curious” replied this Aunty Stella. "So, I was wondering..." he started. “You heard wrong” Dash said. “Keep your nose out of it” a girl screamed at Dash. “Don’t yell at him” Mia screamed back in her face. We were all shocked because Mia never yells. Dash pulled Mia back into his lap. “They better not try anything” Lucan said, on the edge of my mind, ready for anything that can happen.

“I am sorry Mina, but he is my future Alpha, my brother, My brother in arms, my best friend and my brother-in-law, so no I won’t keep my mouth shut” Dash said to this little girl. I decide to step in before anybody draws blood. "I have found my mate thank you very much" I replied before anybody could say anything again. “Okay that’s enough” my father said. It looked like they wanted to say more, but it was an order from the Alpha King.

I was starting to get very annoyed, and Lucan was starting to fight for control to put these pups into their place, and I guess everybody could see that, because Shaun and his brothers came and either sat with their mates or sat with us. They drew our attention away from them. And we all started talking. "We'll let me go and check where those other children are, and does anybody want something to drink or can I just bring jugs with water in" asked Luna Silvia. Just jugs with water is fine, can I come and help” my mother asked.

“No thank you Amelia, you just sit and relax. "I promise mom Sky is still sleeping," said Kia. "Boys since you want to make bets go wake them up while I get drinks for everybody" replied Luna Silvia. At that they stood up and went out the door. I talked with my friends and tried to keep away from those people. After a while they returned and Shaun laughs. "Why are you laughing" asked Dash.

"Because we told them to dress to impress," replied Kia. "So, they are going to dress fancy, I knew I should've worn something else," replied Mike and Ace. Even Holden looked at the clothes he was wearing. “Maybe we should leave and come back later when we look better” Mike started.

Damien pulled him more into his side kissing his head to calm him down. Dash also started laughing. We looked at them funny. Dash started to apologize "I am sorry but there is no way that they would do that, so you guys are fine just the way you look." We were still confused but kept quiet. “Did you guys call them” Aunty Silvia asked. “Yes mom we did, they are on their way, and yes we told them we had guests” Shaun said. “They should be here any moment now” Theo said.

“Thank you boys” Aunty Silvia said and stood up. She walked out of the living room. “Mom is going to be mad” Theo said and sighed. “I know but this is just way to funny” Kia said. “You guys are evil” Dash laughed. “He calmed down a lot” Lucan said, still on edge. I just nodded my head at him.

Just as she is out the door, we hear her speaking "Really Shaun". At that he ran out and the rest of the boys stopped laughing and paled. Even Dash. "We told them to dress to impress, but you should know your daughter and her friends by now" he replied and a moment later he came back and tried to keep his laughter in. We looked at him confused.

“Really guys, we have guests, and you all look like you are on vacation” Aunty Silvia said. “Mum I already wore a fancy dress yesterday and I am not in the mood to impress anybody today, so I won’t go and dress fancy, and by the way who in this town, who is good enough to impress, do I need to impress” I guess my mate said. After that it was quiet for a bit.

“Jason she is your daughter, you talk to her” Aunty Silvia yelled to Uncle Jason. “You guys go in and greet the guests I am going to get some drinks for them” Aunty Luna said. After Aunty Silvia said that, we heard footsteps walking away. A while later our mates entered, and I could see why Dash said we ae fine with the was we looked. My mate looked super comfy and happy, that is until she saw who was in the living room.

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