Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 27

Sky pov

While I was sitting in my car I tried talking to my wolf again. “Layla.” And again I got now response. I sighed, grabbed my bag and climbed out of my car. I locked my car and headed into the building and walked to were the signs show the office was to get my new schedule. After that I went to my locker. After I put away all my books, I went searching for my brothers and my friends.

Well I guess they will either be with their mates or they will be outside somewhere, I thought to myself. “What do you think Layla” I tried talking to her again. And again no response. Let’s check outside first. I walked out of one of the side doors the let to the outside and saw a big group of people around a big tree. I sighed. I hope that they are not in that big group, because I don’t have the energy to deal with new people now.

I walked closer and the first one I saw was Shaun. I sighed. Great they are there. As soon as I get closer, I saw all of my friends, brothers and our mates with some other people under the big tree, and a lot more just standing around them, either trying to talking to them or just talking to each other. My shoulders shagged as I walked closer. Rei looked up when I was close to them. "Hey you found us," said Rei while smiling at me. All of them then looked up also smiling. My friends smile fell when they saw me. "Yeah, I guess” I replied trying to fake smile. They looked at me confused.

"Alright everyone get lost" said the voice that makes me shiver every time. I didn't care what he said I just sitting down with my head on my knees. After Wenner said that I guess they all disappeared, because it got a lot quieter. I lifted my head and looked at everyone that was left, it was my friends, brothers and our mates with some of our friends. "What's wrong" asked Colin. "Nothing" I said. “Sky” Theo said.

“I had nightmares and just feel worn out already” I replied to them, because if I don’t tell them, they will just ask my parents. All my friends and brothers looked worried at me, but at the moment I just don’t care. The rest just looked at us, some with confused faces. It was quiet for a moment. "Did you eat breakfast today" asked Kia. "I am not hungry" I replied to him. “Sky that is not an answer” Dash said while looking at me. “I was not hungry this morning also, so that means no I did not eat” I replied angerly.

"You need to eat Sky" replied Shaun. "But I am not hungry" I screamed. "Just leave me alone" I said in a softer voice. After my outburst it was quit around me, and I started to feel bad, and I wanted to just cry and curl up somewhere, but I was not in a good mood, had a bad night sleep and I don't know why and that just makes me angrier. After about five minutes somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me to my right, as I was just about to yell at the person I was placed on a lap and I could feel the sparks.

Then he placed some wrap into my hands. I looked to Wenner and said, "What do you think you are doing?" "Eat" was all he said. I looked at his face and the expression he held was nonnegotiable. “Layla” I tried talking to my wolf again and yet again I got no respond. I sighed and unwrapped the wraps. I looked at it and my stomach made a turn.

I sighed and I took a bite and ate about half of the wrap. After I ate that, I couldn’t eat more because then I will throw up. I pushed the other half of the wrap it into his hands. He looked at me and before he could say anything I said," I can't eat anymore so please don't force me." I was starting to feel better sitting in his lap, so I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Wenner pov

After the day we went to meet our mates, we were all busy moving into the our new homes and into the new pack house. We were so busy we couldn’t’ meet our mates again. I guess that is why we were so excited to go back to school after the holidays. I woke up at 5 am and went to my bathroom to take a showered and put on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with a white shirt with my black leather jacket over it. I then put on my black and red sneakers. After I did my hair and made sure I had everything I went downstairs to eat some breakfast with the others in the house.

When I sat down everyone started talking about what to expect from their mates and everything else. After breakfast we went outside and to our cars. We rode together just as we were about to get in some of our mates came and then they rode with their mates. I asked Shaun" Where is Sky."

"Probably still in bed" he replied. They all laughed at that. We looked at them confused. Dash saw this and spoke. “Sky is not a morning person and will only wake up at around 6 if we wake her or around 7.” We nodded our heads and then we all drove to school. I rode with Dash and Mia in his car.

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