Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 29

Wenner pov

She looks up at me and said, "What do you think you are doing?" "Eat" was all I said back to her. I gave her a look that said I was not messing around. She took the wrap and opened it. As she started to eat the wrap, I looked around and saw all of our friends shocked faces. “What” I mind linked them. “You pulled her onto your lap” Holden said shocked. “You actually touched a girl” Harper said. “You got my cousin to eat, when she didn’t want to” Dash said shocked.

“Yeah I agree with Dash, when my sister doesn’t want to eat, there is nothing you can’t do” Kia said. “You guys look so cute tighter” Mia gushed. “I agree” Mike also gushed. “Can we take a photo” Victoria asked. “Yes, then we can share it with everybody” Hazel said. “Send the photo to us to please” Chloe asked. “No you guys can’t take a photo, you will scare her” I mind linked them back. I looked at them and all of them were pouting at me. “It feels good to have mate in our arms” Lucan said. I hummed in agreement.

After a few minutes she pushed about half of the wrap into my hands. I looked at her and she said, "I can't eat anymore so please don't force me." She put her head on my shoulders and closed her eyes. We sat like that for a few minutes before the bell rang. I took her schedule and saw she had the same subjects as me. I woke her and as she woke up, she slapped my hand and said to leave her alone. “She is so cute” Lucan said.

Everybody laughed, because she is the first one and actually dared to slap the next king, and everybody knows that if anybody try to do it, I will kill them or punish them. But because she is my mate, I won't dare to hurt her, and she can slap me anytime she wants. She shot up as soon as she realized what she had done. "I am so..." she started but I stopped her with a laugh.

"It's fine piccola tigre" I replied. "But" she started. "It's fine as long as it is you" I replied. I tapped her leg, and she got up. I stood up and took her hand and pulled her in the right direction. "Where are we going" she asked. "To the class because we have the same class" I replied to her.

While we walked to class, I looked at her, she looks a little bit better. We walked to class and about halfway I let go of her hand. In every class we had together, I made sure that she sat next to me and not next to anyone. But if her friends were in the class, I let her sit next to them instead. I saw that she was grateful, but I think it kept both of us calm and this is a new school for them so I think if we make them feel welcome it will be alright.

After we were done with our classes Sky and her friends made a run towards their cars. We walked as fast as we could and when I saw what my baby girl was driving, she was driving a red mustang, I fell more in love with her, but they sped off before we got to them.

We all laughed at them and climbed into our cars and went home. As we walked into the packhouse I said," We're home." As soon as I said that our moms started running towards us. We laughed as their antics. "So how did it go today." We didn't say anything, and we could see them waiting for the answers. "Come on start telling" my mother asked as she was jumping around like a small child waiting for candy. "Start talking" Charmaine, Holden mum said.

We laughed. "They can tell you guys first, I need to find my father" I said to our mums. "Is everything okay sweetie" asked my mum. "Yes mum, everything is fine" I replied. "Okay, he is in his office" replied my mum. "Thanks" I said and kissed her cheek when I walked towards my father office. I walked to my father's office and knocked. "Come in" he said. "I walked in and sat on the couch in his office. "Hey son, how was university" he asked.

"Good" I replied. He stood up from his chair behind his desk and came and sat next to me. "What is wrong" he asked. "I have a question" I replied. He gave me the look that said keep going. "My mate was really moody this morning, she didn’t look good, and her brothers said she probable had nightmares” I said. "Well, what I have seen and heard is not a new thing" he replied. "Yeah, but it was off from what I have seen and heard also, and she was angry about everything and went off on everyone around her but as soon as I put her on my lap she calmed down and laid her head on my shoulder and she was much calmer the whole day" I said.

"Oh" he replied. "Well, she is a submissive omega, Wenner" he said. “If submissive omegas get to stressed it makes them moody, because then every sell in their body goes haywire to try and cope with the stress and I guess the ball, the move from their old house and pack house, her family and meeting her mate and the nightmares had a toll on her body” my father said.

“If a submissive omega is to stressed the best way to calm them is that if they found their mate so have body contact or just to have something that smells of their mate close to them for a few minutes or if they haven’t found their mate, then it takes longer for them to calm down but you use the same method, they must be in close contact or to something that smell of an Alpha that they are close to and that their wolf trusts” my father explained. “O okay that makes a lot of sense” I replied.

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