Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 30

Wenner pov

“Dad, do you know why she has nightmares” I asked my father. He sighs. “Yes, I do, but it is not my story to tell, Jason told me about this when we talked about us all moving in together and still have 2 packs but live together, he warned me about her having nightmares and also told me the reason behind it” my father said.

“But again, it is not my story to tell, I will only tell when it is necessary and need to know” he said and looked at me sternly. “No dad I won’t ask you to tell me, and I won’t force it out of her, I just wanted to make sure that dad knows or that her family knows why she has nightmares, we will wait for the day when she wants to tell us” I said and at the end mine and Lucan voices mixed a little.

“Welcome back” I told Lucan sarcastically. “Well I am glad to here that, now go and do your homework or do you have more questions” my father asked me. “Dad do you maybe know why Lucan was quiet the whole day and refused to speak to me or is it just and Alpha wolf thing” I asked my dad. He started to laugh.

“No it is just and Alpha wolf thing, when our mate is stressed or overworked or sick or in pain, Alpha wolves try to think of ways to help their mate so they usually send some of their pheromones to your mate’s wolf to help and calm their mate” my father said. “O okay make sense; I am going to go and do my homework or talk to mom first which ever happens first” I replied to my father. “Good luck son” my dad said and went back to his desk. I may be the next alpha king but that will not happen until a few more years.

Wenner (pov)

Then next week was busy, but even though we didn’t talk much to Sky and everybody, they still sat with us in the mornings under the tree and when she hadn’t eaten breakfast, yet I went and bought her breakfast. It was a busy week and after the first day of school Sky and her friends were avoiding us and Sky hadn’t even talked to me since the first day and I've never asked out what happened or why it happened.

It was Friday now and me, Dash, River, Holden, Mia, Damian, Mike, Harper, Willow, Victoria, Hazel, Mekay, Lincoln, Asher, Ace, Melody, Theo, Shaun, and Kia were all sitting under the tree. “The first week is done” Holden said while laying or River’s legs. “I am so glad, but I would be happier if our mates didn’t ignore us or avoid us” Mike said softly while cuddling into Damien side. “I am sure they have their reasons” Hazel said. “We just need to give them time” I said. “How much time” Damien said looking sadly at Mike.

It was taking a toll on the omega’s. It was quiet for a moment. "So why is your sister so protective of herself" asked Ace to the brothers. Sky's brothers looked confused, so Dash asked, "What do you mean Ace." "I mean why is so how she is" he asked. “Why does she avoid being submissive in front of alpha’s” Asher said. "Oh, I understand," said Shaun. "Uhm I will not go into big details because it is her story and not ours," said Shaun.

"A few years ago, when she was about 15 years old, she fell in love with a guy," said Theo. I was losing control over my wolf fast. "The guy found out about it and started talking to her and took her out on dates and everything," said Kia. "She was so in love with him that she hadn't seen the harm he started doing to her. A few weeks later he asked her out and everything was fine that first few weeks, but a few weeks later it started to get worse. It lasted a few months, when she broke up with him about a month or two later,” he started but stop taking a deep breath and looking at his brothers.

They nodded their heads but with their jaws clenched. “Don’t tell me” Lucan growled. “Almost everybody knows this, but I won’t go into full detail, he kidnapped her, he kept her for almost 2 months before one of our pack warriors found her” Shaun said. “Nobody knows what he did to her in those 2 months, she doesn’t want to tell anybody” Dash said while holding Mia close to him. I could feel all the omega pheromones, I guess we all are angry and letting our pheromones out.

“It only lasted a few months but the after math lasted years to come and years for her to overcome and she still struggles some days to understand what is real and what is not, more so with feelings and guys," Theo continued. "She decides to shut off her feelings and not fall in love with anybody again, so she will fight the mate bond until you show her it is real and that she can trust you but that will take time," said Kia.

“I will find him and I will kill him or torture him, what ever comes first” Lucan growled. “Calm down, but yes I agree with you” I said to him. I stood up a paced up and down in front of the tree, trying to calm myself and my wolf. “What’s wrong Wenner” Mia asked me. “Is that the reason she eats almost nothing” I asked them. The brothers and Dash looked at each other. “It’s not your story to tell” I said to them.

“Look we really want to tell you but…” Dash started. “No, I want her to trust me enough to tell me herself what happened and everything else” I said. They all nodded their heads. “We are sorry, we shouldn’t have asked” Ace said. “No, it’s fine, we can tell you this much because almost everybody knows this and it is not a secret, we just can’t tell the whole story or everybody that has a story, story” Theo said.

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