Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 7

Sky pov

“Beep, beep” was the sound that woke me up. It took me a moment to realize that it was my alarm that was going off, telling me that I should wake up and that it was the day of the ball. I groaned while turning on my back. We really should’ve gone to bed at midnight, but no, we had better ideas and we wanted to continue to watch movies. We continued to watch movies until 3 o’clock in the morning, 3 hours before we had to wake up. Great, me and my big ideas, I thought.

“Yeah, you and your big, stupid ideas, now we both are tired” my wolf, Luna said in my mind. “Whatever, mis grumpy pants” I replied to her. So, of us went to bed earlier, but most decided to stay up until later. Maybe if I turn off my alarm, and pretend to still be asleep, they won’t bother me. “Yeah, turn off the alarm, it is annoying, and I need my sleep,” Luna said with a yawn.

Luna made herself comfortable in my mind. With that in mind, and Luna’s consent, I shut my alarm off, turned on my side and was ready to go back to be… “Skyla Delgado, you better be awake young lady, get up now because we need to start getting ready and pack the last things in the house” my mother yelled through the door. I sighed. “Yes Mom” I replied. I don’t want to ignore her and try to go back to sleep, just to make her come into my room and throw me with things she gets her hands on, to wake me up. Been there, done that.

And let me just tell you, I regretted the day I did that. I lay in my bed for a few more seconds before I stood up. I stood up out of my warm and comfy bed. That was the last time that I was able to sleep in that bed, I will miss it. I then walked towards my bathroom to quickly go to the toilet and to brush my teeth. After I was done in the bathroom, I then walked back into my room, where I quickly packed the last of the items that were left.

I placed them in the boxes and my clothes into suitcases and then I placed the two boxes that were in my room and the three suitcases in the hall outside my room. I then walked out of my room and downstairs to the almost empty kitchen where the boys were sitting around the kitchen aisle and having breakfast. I walked to one of the cupboards that I knew was not empty and took a granola bar out.

I ignored the looks that I got from the guys about my breakfast choice and sat down in one of the chairs that was still open. “Morning everyone,” I said to them when I was seated. “Morning” everyone replied. “Are you finished packing?” my father asked me. “Yes Dad, the boxes and suitcases are in the hall outside my room” I replied to my father. I then ate my granola bar while listening to the guys speaking about the move and everything. After I finished eating my granola bar I asked, “Where are the girls?”

“They are getting ready, since they already packed everything, they needed to pack” Sebastian replied while holding Bella on his lap and feeding her, her breakfast. I nodded my head. “Wait, they are getting ready at 7 o’clock in the morning and the ball only starts at 5 pm tonight,” I asked in shock. “We still need to drive there,” Shaun said. “Yeah, I know, but we live about two hours away from the royal pack, and we only need to leave at about half past 2 and that is still 7 hours away, before we really need to leave” I replied.

Everyone nodded their heads while laughing. “But you know how mum is,” said Kia. “Yeah, you know that mum would rather be earlier rather than be late” Theo also said. “Yeah, I know how mum is but still, this is really early” I replied while lying on my arms on the counter. We then hear footsteps coming down the steps. I then look at the door of the kitchen to see who is coming. “Sky your mum told me to tell you that she wants you to go upstairs to your room to finish getting ready for the ball tonight,” Rei said while coming into the kitchen. I look at him.

“Your joking,” I asked him. “No, I am not, it was really scary just now, I just wanted to go to the bathroom, when your mother saw me and cornered me, to tell you that you have to go upstairs to your room,” he said with a scared look on his face. I feel bad for him because my mum can be really scary if she wants to. I then looked at him with a serious face and asked him again. “Please tell me you are kidding me,” I asked him seriously. “Nope, oh and she also told me that if you’re not upstairs in 2 minutes that she will cut up and burn all your comfortable clothes and buy you dresses to wear,” he said. I was horrified when I heard that.

And I know my mother will do it because the thing about my mother is that she doesn’t make threat, she makes promises. I guess he could see the horrified look on my face because he started laughing and said, “That was about a minute go when she said that.” “Rei,” I said while staring at him for a few seconds before I jumped and all but ran out of the kitchen yelling “See you guys later.”

I heard laughing coming from the kitchen as I ran up the stairs. I don’t care if they laugh at me because I will sacrifice anything to keep my comfy clothes and if that means that I must wear a dress, make up and do my hair, then I will do it, but don’t touch my comfy clothes.

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