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27. Ridiculous debate

"Why are you so mad at me? I should be the one mad at you."

"Because you really embarrassed me." Angel snorted loudly, then sauntered away past Erick.

"Hey, where are you going?!"

Angel ignored the man's exclamation, continued to walk out of the room still limping a little, because he had not managed to heal the wound on one of his legs.

"Angels stop!"

Angel still hobbled, ignoring Erick who walked behind him.

"I'm just jealous!"

Instantly Angel's feet stopped moving with his back to the man. In an instant Erick was standing in front of him, making him put on an annoyed face again. "And your jealousy is so embarrassing."

"I really don't like it when other men touch you," Erick hissed with a sharp gaze.

"What touched me was your own doctor, Erick!"

"But what hurts your arm, then why is he touching your face at a very close distance of you two!"

"Gosh... I think this debate will continue," Angel grumbled while ruffling her own hair, feeling so surprised when a vampire can also act so childish.

"You have to understand why I'm angry, Angel," Erick said as he took the girl's hand.

"Yes, but do you need to discuss the bed problem too!" Angel jerked Erick's hand roughly.

"Because I'm so pissed off!"

"And you're going to keep yelling at me like this!" Angel protested in a rising voice.

For a moment Erick was silent, trying to regulate his breath to control his anger.

"Just now I thought that you were able to be gentle with me, but in fact you are still the same, a cold and rough vampire," said Angel while turning around, preparing to take a step when she felt her body being lifted by Erick.

Angel's eyes narrowed at that handsome face. "Put me down! I can walk on my own!"

"No, we have to properly resolve this debate," said Erick, who immediately teleported Angel's body.

"Where are you taking me?" Angel asked with blinking eyes, staring at the large swimming pool in front of her.

"You still haven't memorized my house in Forks?" Erick looked relaxed on the sofa near the pool.

Angel glanced around, realizing that they were in the backyard of Erick's luxurious house. He looked back at the man sarcastically. "What did you bring me here for?"

"Don't you want to go home?"

"I really have to go home, then why did you even bring me here?"

"Because we have to finish our debate before you go home," Erick replied, patting the side of the sofa beside him.

"I'm so tired of arguing with you, and I want to go home now."

"I'm not taking you home before we make up."

Angel gave a crooked smile by folding her arms across her chest. "I can go home myself with my ability."

"Just try it if you can," challenged Erick with an amused smile.

Angel began to close her eyes, concentrating on her own home. He kept mentioning his house silently, wishing he could teleport like he had done several times. However, nothing happened, and Angel didn't feel anything in her body right now.

"Are you home yet, honey?" mocked Erick with an amused smile.

Angek opened his eyes with deep furrowed brow. "Why can not?"

"Because I've already blocked your power."

Angel's eyes widened perfectly. "How could that be?!"

"For now your strength is still below mine, honey... although I can't read your mind, but I can withstand your strength directly."

"Unfair!" Angel pursed her lips playfully.

"Now come here, or do you want to stand there all day?"

Angel stomped her foot that didn't hurt, forced to sit beside the man.

"I'm sorry," Erick said in a gentle voice. He took Angel's hand and kissed it gently. "I'm just so jealous."

"And because of your ridiculous jealousy, my bandages haven't been changed yet," Angel replied while showing the bandages that were still wrapped around the scratches on his arms.

"I'll replace it."

"But tools-" Angel paused her sentence when in the twinkling of an eye there was a first aid kit in front of them.

"Just tell me if you feel pain," Erick said as he pulled Angel's open left hand. With great care, he began to peel off the plaster that held the gauze together.

"Ow!" Angel screamed when he felt Erick's pull too hard when he opened the gauze attached to his wound.

"I'm sorry, was I too harsh?" Erick asked with a worried face.

Angel nodded slowly, looking at the cut on his arm which was still very wet. "Yeah, it still hurts a lot."

"Okay, I'll do it more gently."

Angel's lips started to cover a smile, looking at Erick who seemed very concentrated just to clean his wound. As a result, his mischievous brain began to emerge suddenly, eager to play a trick on the man.

"Aarrkhhh... it hurts!" Angel screamed suddenly when Erick applied antibiotic ointment to the surface of the wound, even though he wasn't actually in too much pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Erick's face looked panicked, especially when he saw Angel who winced.

"Heem, you're too rough," whined Angel with a face pretending to be in great pain. "But I've been very gentle."

"But it still hurts."

"How can it still hurt if I don't even actually touch it."

"Then stop it!" Angel pretended to pull his arm, but he knew that Erick would hold him back.

"No, I don't want your wound to become infected," Erick said with a worried face. "I promise I'll be even gentler."

Angel pursed her lips tightly, holding back the amused smile that was about to break out. He looked back at Erick who seemed to be smoothing the ointment while blowing on his wound, the man really looked afraid of causing him pain.

"I'll cover it again with gauze," said Erick who started to put the gauze to cover the scratch, but suddenly Angel screamed again.

"Ow! It hurts!"

Erick narrowed his eyes sharply at the girl. "Are you trying to trick me, Angel?"

"I'm in pain!" Angel denied with a grimace again.

"You're in pain even when I'm not touching your wound?" Erick protested with a sharp gaze.

"Hah?" Angel gaped, like her moment screamed out of place this time, and now made her look stupid.

"So, you've just been teasing me since earlier, hm?" Erick raised an eyebrow.

"I don't-"

"It seems you really want to be really in pain," interrupted Erick with a crooked smile.

"You want to bite me?!" screamed Angel while getting up from the sofa, moving away with a panicked face,

"Yes," Erick stood up with a sly look, "I will bite all parts of your body."

Angel gasped in surprise when suddenly all of her clothes fell off her body, leaving nothing to cover her beautiful skin. He reflexively crossed his arms to cover his chest and core. "Erick, are you crazy?!"

"Yes, and I'll be so mad when I punish you later."

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