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Chapter 009 News from the Fiancée

ée"""HSir, hello, Sir. Mmy name is Wendy. From now on, I will be responsible for all your daily needs,"needs." Wendy, who was dressed in a maid outfit, slightly bowed slightly to William. Her cute expression reminded him of a girl from an anime.

William felt that his future life would be wonderful Having with such a cute and beautiful maid serving him, William felt that his future life would be wonderful!

""Come in. I happen to be hungry. Please cook something for meme a mea.l first,"" William led her inside. He happened to be hungry, so he asked her to prepare a meal.

""Okay, Sir!"" PAfter Wendy put down her luggage, she hurried to the kitchen.

As William sat on bored on the sofa, feeling bored, he picked up his phone and absentmindedly opened Instagram, wanting to see how Sophia was doing.

‘""I wonder if she has released any new songs recently?’""

William easily found Sophia Withwith a casual search on Instagram, William easily found Sophia. He was slightly amazed when he saw her that she had over ten million followers. Although he knew she was famous, the sheer number of her fans surprised him.

"What will her fans think "iIf I marry her in the future, I wonder what her fans would think?""

Patiently, William patiently started scrolling through Sophia's past Instagram posts. Most of them showcased delicious food, selfies, and videos related to her singing career as the star of The Super Group. She exuded the aura of a pure, wealthy girl.

She relied on her looks and talent to establish herself in the entertainment industry and hadn’t been involved in any no scandals or blemishes, making which made her a breath of fresh air in the industry. She was a talented singer who excelled in both music and performance.

Although she could rely on her father to live a carefree life, she had chosechosen to become famous withthrough her looks and talent. William slowly started to like his fiancfiancéeée. She was not only beautiful but also talented.

William's lips curled slightly as he scrolled through a few more messages posts from her. Suddenly, the latest one post about her upcoming concert on Instagram caught his attention.

‘""Next monthS, she's going to have a concert in New York next month. This could be a good opportunity,"opportunity,’" William thought. He wanted to take this chance to meet her, even though his parents had told him about his engagement withto Sophia. Before getting they got married, he should at least have some contactmeet her and come to an understanding.

Asfter he finisheding browsing Instagram, Wendy had already prepared the his meal, so William closed the app and headed to the kitchen to taste the food theis lovely maid had cooked.

"Y"Sir, your meal is ready, Sir. Please enjoy,"" Wendy obediently served the food in front ofto William and looked at him expectantly.

After sitting down, William glanced at the table and saw three dishes and somea soup. They aEverythingll looked appetizing and made his mouth water.

""They lookIt looks good. Let me taste them,"I’ll taste it." William took a bite of the Wellington steak. The meat was tender and even better than the oneanything from a restaurant.

""These dishes are delicious. Why don't you sit and eat with me?"" William offered, satisfied with the taste of the food. He wanted Wendy to join him, but she shook her head, insisting that a maid should not eat at the same table as the master.

""Well then!"" William reluctantly accepted Wendy's refusal. It seemed like she had undergone professional maid training, so he didn't want to force her to do anything. Besides, he was also hungry, so he began eating greedily.

As she sawSeeing William eating so voraciously, Wendy covered her mouth and suppressed a smile, quickly returning to her adorable expression.

Halfway through his meal, William suddenly remembered to ask her something. ""By the way, Wendy, Thomas said you can do everything. Is that true?"" William suddenly remembered to ask, halfway through his meal.

""Yes, I’ have received professional training. I was chosen by Boss Mr. Jones chose me from a thousand professional maids and I made it to the final round. I can fulfill all your needs in life,"life," Wendy said seriously, confidence shining in her big eyes.

Upon hearing Wendy's words, William was slightly surprised when he heard Wendy’s words. He didn't hadn’t expected her to be have been chosen from a thousand professional maids. It seemed like Antony had taken very good care of him.

""What else can you do?"" William was genuinely curious about what this so-called all-around maid was capable of. AIt was not something an ordinary person could not easily enjoy, having such a one-in-a-thousand maid to serve them.

""In addition to cooking, I can also do household chores, take care of flowers, maintain valuable antiques, give massages, play the piano and violin, speak three foreign languages, and act in various roles,"" Wendy confidently replied confidently, her large eyes revealing her competence.

After hearing Wendy's response, William was slightly amazed. He didn't hadn’t expected this ""all-around"" maid to possess such skills. It seemed that Antony had taken great care of him by selecting such a unique maid.

Wendy listed a long string of skills she possessed, then paused and blushed, whispering, "whispering, "As long as you have a need, I can meet it! But I don't have much experience."experience."

William was astonished to hear all of Wendy's life skills. She truly was a rare maid.

""Well then, help me book a ticket for Sophia's concert in New York next month. No matter the cost, make sure to get one,"" William thought for a moment and entrusted her with this challenging ticket-grabbing task.

""No problem, Sir,"" Wendy replied seriously."

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