3 - Poker Face
~Hannah’s Point of View~
I rub the sleep from my eyes and try to sit up but my entire being aches, stings and absolutely protests. I reach to my forehead and feel the throbbing there. I go to move my other arm and realize it’s in a contraption, preventing me from moving it. There are bandages on my face and arms.
Blinking fast several times, I take in a mostly plain room. Nothing on the walls, not much furniture other than my bed and a tray with a cup on my nightstand. Then a dresser on the far wall. I reach for the cup on instinct and greedily gulp down the cool water. I could literally be anywhere though I doubt I’m with my father. He wouldn’t have even bothered to try and fix me up.
“Challenges force us to show what we’re made of.”
My father’s voice is literally always in my mind, always pushing me. For better or for worse.
I take a quick minute to try and remember what happened. When I close my eyes, all I see is my brothers running away. My eyes pop open and I gasp, my body jerking in response to being away from them. It feels as if half my heart is missing.
For nearly ten minutes or so, I will my body to move, to cooperate. I manage to get my feet over the side of the bed. I’m in a large white shirt and it doesn’t appear like I have anything else on. There’s a mirror on the far wall and something tells me to look into it. I rarely get the chance to see mirrors, but the boys and I love them.
When I try to stand, my legs act like it's their first time holding weight and my butt immediately falls back to the bed. I huff out loud in annoyance since I’m not used to being handicapped. I’m constantly on the go and this isn’t acceptable!
Scrunching my face, I wince in pain. The tree. I ran into a damn tree straight on. Ohh Goddess my face probably looks like it got dragged across a cheese grater!
I hear the door behind me open, the floor slightly creaks with the weight of a step. Closing my eyes, I brace for the probable fact that I’ve been kidnapped.
“Happy to see you’re awake. Do you want some pain medicine,” a male voice says, cautiously.
He’s older, perhaps a healer. But I can’t let my guard down, not for a second. I don’t take anything to dull my senses.
My father’s voice and advice is forever in my thoughts.
I’m loyal to you, no one else is.
When an older male with white thinning hair appears in front of me, he has a worried look on his face.
“Sweetie, you need rest. Please don’t try to get up. I understand you were caught in the middle of a fight and got even more hurt trying to flee. I’m certain you have a concussion and maybe internal injuries. I need to perform some tests,” he says, turning toward the small dresser.
My mind races, trying to figure out how to flee. If my legs won’t work, I’m shit out of luck. I have to change my tactics to a fact finding mission.
“Where am I,” I ask, hating how weak and brittle my voice sounds.
No, that’s good. Let them think I’m a feeble and weak little female. Not someone who’s been fighting every day of her life.
“My goodness! Look at those violet eyes! That’s not something you see everyday. We’re at the Nightwind Pack, have you heard of us,” he says, turning around with some sort of device hanging from his ears.
I simply shake my head lightly. He lifts the end of his contraption and comes at me with it. My body moves on its own, trying to block his advance.
“This won’t hurt a bit. I need to check your lungs and your heart. You’ve been asleep for two days. Take a deep breath for me and hold it,” he says, and I determine it's probably best to know if I do have injuries.
Over the next half an hour or so he checks me over thoroughly, even my eyes and teeth. I ask a lot of questions and he’s extremely patient in answering which puts me at ease. I have to admit, it makes me feel better when he says I’ll heal. He doesn’t think I have any lasting issues. I literally don’t recall ever getting to see a doctor like this and it’s long past time.
“Now, my mate will send some soup and sandwiches. I’m sure you’re starving. I didn’t catch your name dear? I’m Jacob. My nephew is the Alpha around here,” he says, with a fond smile.
“Good, then you should be able to answer whether or not I’m a prisoner here? Once I have the function of my legs, I wish to leave without delay,” I state, matter of fact.
His face turns serious, then he laughs.
“You’re uhm, language and vocabulary seems far advanced for your age. You’re not a prisoner but the Alpha will definitely want answers on who you are and why you were marrying Harrison. Who you were to him and his family,” he says, turning to put away his tools.
Does he mean I’m advanced … for a girl or for a rogue?? Hmphh!
My mind races with what they were after Harrison for and why. Rogues don’t exactly have friends, they have alliances. Until it no longer suits them. Then suddenly, it’s like a light goes off in my head.
“Harrison? Is he… Did he…” I whisper.
If he’s alive, there’s absolutely not a doubt in my mind he’d search the land and seas to find me. He’d wage war.
“I’m afraid he and his family didn't make it. Though, that was the goal of the raid. They’re all so rarely ever in the same place at once. It was far too great an opportunity for the pack to pass up. Since we were so far from there we even had to get some assistance from a sister pack that’s out that way,” he says, nodding as he crosses his arms.
My eyes grow wide with this revelation. While rogues don’t have kings or alphas, any of that nonsense, there is still often a pecking order. A small group that calls the shots if you find a tribe to stay loyal to. Harrison’s family was extremely powerful, wealthy and--
“You’re awake! Ooohh goodie,” I hear, and turn to see a young female, maybe a couple years younger than me. But she looks much more youthful. Surely doesn’t have the same amount of responsibility and stress that I carry.
“So it would seem,” I say, still trying to understand a world without Harrison. Mating him has literally been all my father has wanted for so long.
Is my father alive??
The very idea he isn’t suddenly makes me dizzy and I don’t know if I’m happy or mad about it.
“Oh wow! You are SO pretty! Goddess your eyes! I’ve heard tales of purple eyes but never seen them! I bet everyone compliments you all the time. Don’t you worry about the males here, they’ll behave or I’ll make ‘em,” she beams, setting down a tray of food. My stomach practically lunges for it.
Her smile would probably be infectious to most, but right now I’m not capable of enjoying it. I pride myself on knowing what to do in any given situation but right now I’m lost. I was lost the moment I saw those two shaggy haired boys running away.
When a hand touches my cheek I swat it away instinctively, and hear the female gasp. I realize I actually slapped her hand.
“What did you do rogue! Sweetie, are you okay,” Jacob asks, quickly grabbing her and jerking her away.
She nods and steps out of his embrace.
“She’s jumpy that’s all. I mean Seth nearly killed her! I could just strangle him for that and maybe I will,” she snaps, moving back to my side. Her thick dirty blonde curls bounce around with her movements and for once I find myself jealous of a female’s hair. I almost want to touch it to see if it's as soft as it looks.
I’m honestly a bit stunned that she’s being so nice to me, and I’m not sure what to think of it.
“Yes, I’m out of it, so sorry,” I quickly state, not wanting to have trouble.
“Nothing to be sorry for, anyhow. I’m Scarlett and you are…” she asks, her beautiful blue eyes full of hope.
I blow out a hard breath and realize she might be worth having around. I’m also highly intrigued by the brilliant shiny diamond earrings and gold bracelet she’s got. I reach for my neck and find it bare.
“Does someone have my pearls,” I gasp, knowing they belonged to Harrison’s mother.
I suddenly realize there isn’t anyone alive now to care. But I need to sell them, surely it would give me enough money for a year.
“I didn’t see any pearls when they brought you in. But I wouldn’t be surprised if any jewelry fell off in the scuffle. Now, we really need some answers hun. Who are you,” Jacob asks, as they both stare at me.
I close my eyes as a tear rolls down my cheek. The only two souls that care about me are out there in the big world, probably scared to death. Maybe even searching for me. What do I do?
“Give her some space, let her eat,” a male voice says, breaking my pity party.
I turn to get a look and my jaw falls open. He stares at me like he knows something. I can’t imagine what. I’m curious as to why he doesn’t quite repulse me the way Harrison did, especially with how he’s gawking at me. I more than know that look from a male, I’m very good at ignoring it.
When I can’t allow myself to look away, I realize my free hand is gripping my shirt so tight my fingers tense. He’s literally the most handsome male I’ve ever laid eyes on. But there’s no way I’d give him the satisfaction of showing I think that.
His rough and slightly curly brown hair certainly needs a cut and it only reminds me of my brothers. His bright green eyes are sharp and serious just like his face. He’s wearing long sleeves but he’s clearly bulky, clearly has lots of muscle. He has an air of authority, like he means business.
My father has more than trained me to read people, but a quick glance doesn’t tell me much. He clearly comes from money based on his expensive clothes, and cologne. It’s fruity but somehow it’s not weird on him, you’d think it’d be a strange male scent. He looks like he gets people to do whatever he wants. I wonder if I can get his wallet or anything else that’ll help me if my pearls are lost…
I let my gaze linger a bit too long and so does he. When Scarlett moves in front of him, she sticks her finger in his face. She’s clearly not afraid of him and I like that.
“Be nice to her! She’s been through a lot. Don’t let your mouth be stupid,” she snaps, and then shoves at his chest since that’s her eye level. I wait for his reaction but there’s only a small nod.
I wait as Jacob and Scarlett leave, only the male doesn’t move. Instead he leans into the door frame.
“Now, tell me who you really are,” he says, matter of fact.