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Chapter 8

Avalon's POV

As I approached the clearing where the omega lay unconscious. A sense of urgency filled me as I knelt beside the werewolf, the sight of her fidgeting formed a stirring mixture of concern and fear.

Taking a deep breath, I closed her eyes and focused her energies, allowing Myself to sink into a deep state of concentration. The air crackled with another worldly energy as I chanted ancient incantations under my breath.

As the incantations flowed from my lips, gentle waves of soothing energy flowed from my body, enveloping the werewolf's unconscious form. The fidgeting subsided, the tension in her muscles gradually easing under the influence of the calming enchantment. My eyes flicked open, now shining with a soft amber glow, reflecting the deep connection she shared with the natural forces around her.

Steadying myself, I shifted my focus to the wound that was on her side. The blade had inflicted devastating damage, its poison acting like a parasite eating her up, I could smell wolfsbane. The skin around the wound was inflamed, pepper red against her complexion.

As I reached out to touch the wound, a healing energy radiated from my fingertips. I close my eyes once more, murmuring an incantation to hasten the healing process. The enchantments sought to kill the poison, to cleanse and purify the tainted blood that coursed through her veins.

With each word uttered, the wound began to respond. The inflamed skin cooling, the edges of the wound knitting together, I focused my healing power, channeling the very essence of nature itself into her body.

As I reach the final phase of her healing spell, a surge of fatigue washes over me like a crashing wave. The intense drain of my energy was a testament to the severity of the werewolf's wounds and the intricate nature of treating a werewolf.

Beads of sweat knitted on my brows as I willed myself to push through the exhaustion. The wound had closed completely, leaving behind only a faint scar as a souvenir of the Omega's struggle. While the physical healing was complete, the toll on my own strength was evident.

Slumping back, I took a moment to catch my breath.

Closing my eyes.

After a few moments, I felt my strength returning. I rose with a renewed sense of purpose and approached the werewolf's now peaceful form. Gently running a hand through her hair, I whispered soothing words of reassurance, my voice carrying the weight of concern and genuine care.

"You're safe now. The worst has passed, and you will recover."

As I spoke, she began to stir, her eyelids fluttering open. Confusion mingled in her gaze as she took in her surroundings and felt the soothing effects of my healing magic.

I smiled warmly, relieved to see her awake and on her way to recovery. With a gentle hand, I helped her sit up and offered her water, encouraging her to take small sips to replenish her.

"You're going to be just fine," I assured her. "Rest now and allow your body to continue healing. I will be here if you need anything."

She nods, with confusion and fear written all over her face but she did not say a word

I could feel a strong connection with her, as if our paths were intricately woven together by fate. I could not help but ask, "what is your name?"

Her eyes met mine, and for a brief moment, a flicker of surprise passed through her gaze before she answered, "My name is Cassia, thank you for saving my life"

A warm smile and softness reflecting in my eyes, as she responded, "I am Avalon the head of this coven, It's my pleasure, Cassia. I'm glad to have been able to help you, moreover the spirits were in your favor."

Cassia's gaze then shifted, concern emerging in her expression. "Please, what happened to the lycan who brought me here? Is he safe?"

Her eyes reflected a mixture of gratitude and worry as she was still trying to process everything. "Thank you for providing me with shelter and healing,"

I place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I can sense the bond between you two, cassia. "

I took a deep breath, choosing my words with utmost care. "The witches took him captive, cassia. He has been held captive In account for his past sins, He has done nothing but cause harm to both werewolves and witches alike."

Her brows furrowed, her mind grappling with the conflicting emotions. "But... He has been kind to me. He risked his own safety to bring me to you."

I nodded in agreement, "I understand your confusion, Cassia. It's possible that he had his reasons, or perhaps there are factors we do not understand. That's why there will be a trial, to allow him a chance to prove his innocence and explain the circumstances surrounding his previous actions. Rest assured, I will keep an eye out for him."

A glimmer of relief danced in her eyes as she offered a sincere smile . "Thank you, Avalon. I trust in your abilities and your kind heart. You have already done so much for me."

With a compassionate smile, I reassured her, "Rest well, Cassia, and trust that you are in safe hands."

Cassia fell into unconsciousness again. The wolfsbane in her blood which took a week to get it all out completely. During this week there was a trial and the lycan begged for forgiveness and we decided to let him and his pack go on condition that they owed us a favor and we would come to collect soon.

As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room, Cassia stirred from her deep slumber. Her mind slowly emerged from the haze of dreams, and she blinked her eyes open to see a tall, rugged figure standing by her bedside.

It was him, the lycan who had saved her. A mix of relief and anticipation washed over her as she took in his striking features and intense gaze. He possessed an aura of unwavering strength and protection, which drew her in like a magnet.

"Good morning, Cassia," he greeted, his deep voice resonating through the room. "I'm glad to see you awake and well, ."

Cassia's heartbeat quickened with a mixture of curiosity and eagerness. She sat up, her eyes never leaving," I can't thank you enough for saving me.

"Cassia, fate has brought us together for a reason. I've discovered that we are mates, destined to be with one another. It is my duty to ensure your safety and bring you back to our pack."

Her voice trembled as she responded, "Mates? I... I don't understand. ?"

He knelt beside the bed, his reassuring hand resting on Cassia. "Werewolf mates are rare, cassia, but when it happens, it's an undeniable bond. I can feel the connection between us, and I promise to protect you with everything I have. My pack is your home, filled with love, acceptance, and safety."

Cassia's gaze softened as she looked into his eyes, feeling a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. A flicker of hope ignited within her, washing away the remnants of her past pain.

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