chapter 003 Settling the Score
"Everyone present was stunned to see The sight of Secretary Brady bow greetingto Eric, most especially left everyone present in a state of shock, particularly Wendy and Mr. Smith. Their mouthsjaws dropped open in astonishment.
What was going on? , unable to comprehend the scene unfolding before them. Why didwas Secretary Brady bowshowing such deference to Eric? And why did he calladdress him Young Master?
as 'sir'?Secretary Brady turned and said with ato the crowd, his stern expression, demanding attention. “Manager Smith, this is the new chairman. WhatWhy are you all just standing there for? Hurry up and pay your respects!”
? Show some respect!” he commanded.The revelation hit General Manager Alex like a punch to the gut. “What? He... he's the new chairman?” General Manager Alex'sHis face turned gray in an instant.
drained of color at the unexpected news.The employees present echoed his disbelief. “Is he really the cChairman?!” The employees present were all dumbfounded.
Mr. Their voices filled the room, a chorus of shock and confusion.Mr. Smith's eyes widened in disbelief, as if a, the news hitting him like a lightning bolt out of the blue had struck him.
. Wendy had the most unpleasant, however, wore an expression on her face.
of pure distaste. “No! This can't be! He's just a poor boy! , I know his family well! THe definitely can'there's no way be he's the new cChairman!” Wendy's toneHer voice was sharp.
, filled with disbelief.General Manager Alex said, “turned to Secretary Brady, have you made “Secretary Brady, could there be a mistake? He...he doesn't look like a cChairman.”
“General Manager, here are the documents, see. See for yourself. If you still don't believe it, you can call Mr. Williams for confirmation.”
Secretary Brady handed over the appointment documents to Alex.
After carefully examining itUpon careful examination, Alex sawfound the identity information and photo inside, and it. It was indeed Eric.
Secretary Brady continued, “Furthermore, let me be honestclear with you all, Master Eric is Chairman Sean'Sean's grandson.”
The room fell silent. “What? Mr. Williams' grandson?!”
This The news was like a heavy bomb that exploded in everyone'stheir hearts.
What does it mean to be like a bomb. The implications of being Chairman Sean'Sean's grandson?
were not lost on them. “God...Mr. Williams' grandson? Oh my!”
Mr. Smith was even moreso frightened andthat he fell weakly to the ground, his face turning pale.
Mr. Smith couldn't imagine how severethe severity of the consequences he would be for him, as he hadface, having stolen Mr. Williams' grandson's girlfriend.
“Impossible... Tthis can't be!”
Wendy stared directly at Eric, wearing an expressionher face a mask of disbelief. She refused to believe it!
accept the truth.At this point, General Manager Alex hurriedly approached Eric with a flattering expression, saying,, his face a picture of obsequiousness. “Mr. Phillips! I didn't recognize you earlier. I hope you won't blamehold it against me, Mr. Phillips!”
Alex knew that Brady, the secretary, was well-regarded by Chairman Williams and would never lie about something likeas significant as a grandson.
Eric didn't pay anypaid no attention to Alex and turned directly to face the employees.
The more than one hundred employees present all lowered their heads, silent and afraid. When They had mocked Eric had previously when he claimed to be the new cChairman, they had all mocked him. Naturally. Now, they were terrified now!
!Not only was he the new cChairman, but he was also Mr. Williams' grandson!
Feeling everyone’s awe and fear, Eric couldn't help but be moved. Had anyone ever respected him in this way before? Definitely not!
After scanning the crowd, Eric's gaze finally settled on Mr. Smith.
Seeing Eric walking towards him, Mr. Smith's heart thumpedpounded in fear, and a cold sweat broke out on his back. He knew Eric had come to find him.
“Settlesettle the score!”
.“Mr. Phillips!”
As Eric approached, Mr. Smith, he suddenly grabbed onto Eric's thigh and begged, begging for mercy.
“Mr. Phillips! I was wrong! I shouldn't have stolen your girlfriend. I apologize! I'll give Wendy back to you... Please spare me!”
With the astonishing revelation of Eric being Mr. Williams’ being grandson, Mr. Smith could non't think of anything other than begging for mercy.
Seeing Mr. Smith groveling in front of him, Eric couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Money and influence were truly powerful. Mr. Smith, a rich second-generation,who was arrogant and domineering in front of him just yesterday, but today he was voluntarilynow begging for forgiveness on his knees.
This was something Eric had never dared to dream of!
“Give her back to me? Sorry, I don't need that such a kind of despicable woman! Besides, do you really think I would spare you?” Eric squinted his eyes.
With that, Eric kicked Mr. Smith away without hesitation.
After being kicked down, Mr. Smith, thinking about Eric's identity, could only suppress his resentment forcefully.
“Chairman! M-my son is just a child who doesn't know any better. If he offended you in any way, please forgive... forgive him.” Alex stepped forward to plead for his son.
Eric coldly looked at Alex. “You have the audacity to plead for him. Like father, like son. Your son's arrogance and domineeringt attitude hasve a lot to do with your indulgence.”
Then, Eric announced in a loud voice:
“I, as the new chairman, declare that both of you, father and son, are hereby fired from the Power Group Corporation and will never be rehired!”“What? Fired... fired!” The room echoed with shock and disbelief.
The pallor of Fired... fired!”
Alex's face turned pale, resembling took on an unhealthy hue, akin to the color of pig liver.
Alex He had worked hard for manydedicated years to achieve his positionof his life to the job, pouring his heart and soul into his role as the general manager. If he was fired now, The thought of losing his position, after all his years of effort would go up in smoke!
Alex wantedtoil evaporating into thin air, was a bitter pill to refuteswallow. He yearned to protest, to plead his case based on his seniority, but years of service, but when he realized the realization dawned on him that Eric was the grandson of Mr. Williams' grandson, Williams, the words died on the tip of his tongue could only be forcefullylips, forcibly swallowed.
back down.Mr. Smith had, on the other hand, wore an even more desperate expression. of sheer desperation. He had always relied on his fatherfather's influence to smoothly navigatecoast through life. If his father was also fired, he would lose effortlessly. The prospect of his father's dismissal threatened his status as a richprivileged second-generation. How would he live in the future? He heir. The sudden shift in his circumstances felt as though he had imstantly fallenlike a precipitous fall from heaven to hell.
“"Security! Escort the Smith family out!”!" Eric wavedcommanded, his hand.
cutting through the air. The security guards nearby glanced at each other, hesitating slightly. After all,exchanged uncertain glances. Alex had always been the topa respected figure inwithin the subsidiary companybranch.
Eric Their hesitation was palpable, but Eric's brow furrowed his brow. “in annoyance. "What? Don't you understand what I'm saying? Or do you think I'm not influential enough?”
?" He challenged.The security guards immediately responded;snapped to attention, their concernsdoubts dispelled with Eric beingby the knowledge of Eric's lineage. With the backing of Mr. Williams' grandson.
The, they felt emboldened. A dozen or so security guards realized with Eric backing of them up, it wouldn't be a problem and immediately liftedpromptly hoisted Alex and Mr. Smith up.
“off their feet."You bastards! Let go of me! I am Mr. Smith! How dare you security guards lay your hands on me! You want to die?!”?!" Mr. Smith shouted furiously.
bellowed in fury.One of the security guardguards sneered, “ in response, "Mr. Smith, you and your father have already been dismissed. What are you now?!”
The other two security guards holding Mr. Smith also spoke up, “?!"His colleagues chimed in, their voices dripping with disdain, "That's right! Who do you think you are? Mr. Smith? You're nothing now! If you cause trouble, I'll slap you, got it!”
?!"With that, they directlyunceremoniously escorted Mr. Smith outside.
“"You... you...”..." Mr. Smith's lips trembled with anger. He couldn't believe he impotent rage. The humiliation of being manhandled by mere security guards was being humiliated by a few security guards. Unfortunately, a bitter pill to swallow, but there was nothing he could do!
Alex, on the other hand, remained relatively calm. He wore an unpleasant.Alex, however, managed to maintain a semblance of composure. His expression was grim, but didn't yell out.he refrained from shouting. As an experienced businessman, he clearly understood the gravity of the situation and didn't have the qualification to fight against. He was no match for Mr. Williams' grandson.
The fatherFather and son were thrown to unceremoniously dumped on the side of the street.
ManyThe employees who had witnessed this scenethe spectacle felt secretly delighted.a secret thrill of delight. Mr. Smith, who would often abuse had frequently abused his power inwithin the company, had earnedearning the animosity of many employees. They despisedhad loathed him, but had never dared notto voice their discontent.
Now that, with the fall of the Smith family had been toppled, they naturally felt happy.
could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction.Eric approachedturned his attention to Wendy; it. It was time to put an end tosettle their grudges and grievances.
Herscores.Wendy's face paled; shedrained of color. She had only been with Mr. Smith because offor his wealth and status. And now, Mr. Smith Now that he had fallen from grace?
Meanwhile, where did that leave her? To add insult to injury, her ex-boyfriend Eric, whom she had just broken up withrecently dumped, had suddenly becomeascended to the position of chairman and was now the wealthiest heir in Chicago!
“"Eric, you... your family was clearly poor! How could you be Mr. Williams' grandson?!”?!" Wendy's face was filled witha mask of confusion. She believedthought she knewhad known Eric's background very well!
At the same time, Wendy deeply regrettedRegret gnawed at her actions. If only she had known earlier that Eric was the wealthy Sean'Sean's grandson, she would never have broken up with him, no matter what!
“"Yeah, the world works in mysterious ways! I never imagined I would be Sean'Sean's grandson,”," Eric said withreplied, a smile.
playing on his lips.Wendy bit her lip. “, "Eric, I... I was deceived by Mr. Smith's sweet talk. Yesterday, I was momentarily confused. But actually... actually, I truly love you. Please, let's give our relationship another chance! Please!”
!"As Wendyshe spoke, she huggedclung to Eric's arm, her face fulla picture of pleading.
“desperation."Sorry, we're long past that nowyou can't reach such a high level!”
Expressionless, Eric !" Eric's voice was devoid of emotion as he pushed Wendy away directly.
As ruthless.Just as Wendy washad been ruthless to Eric yesterdaythe previous day, Eriche was just asequally ruthless to her today!
now.After pushing Wendy away, Eric turned on his heel and left.
walked away.Watching Eric's heartless departure, Wendy's heart sankplummeted into despair.
She realized in herwith a sinking heart that she wouldn't be able to climb up to thisthat the man she once looked down upon was far beyond her now in her lifetime...