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Chapter 003 Truly Troubled

James, Boston's richest man, led a life full of legends, and using the words "rises and falls" wouldn't be an exaggeration.

During his two years in Sydney Prison, Ethan took good care of him, and he was also closely related to Ethan's exoneration and return to society. The young Ethan was akin to a foster parent.

"Mr. Brown, you've truly gone out of your way. Coming to the airport to pick me up," Ethan said with a smile.

"Boss, you're too polite. It's the least I could do!" James laughed and said, "These are the gifts I prepared for you, two bottles of 50-year-old Lafite."

Ethan paused and asked, "Why did you prepare gifts for me?"

James smiled and said, "For Boss’ visit, shouldn't I bring some good wine? I've been cherishing these two bottles of 50-year-old Lafite for many years, and they're perfect for you!"

Ethan thought for a moment. It wouldn’t be appropriate for him to go empty-handed to meet the elders of the Smith family.

Robert Smith, an elder, had helped him when he was starting out. After Ethan and his father were both expelled from the McKellen family, the Smith family supported them for quite some time.

The woman his father wanted him to marry was Bernice, Robert's daughter.

Carrying his luggage and the two bottles of Lafite, Ethan walked into the Smith family’s courtyard. In the living room, Robert, whom he hadn’t seen for many years, was sitting high in the chief seat.

"Hahaha, wise nephew, I received your letter two weeks ago. I've been anxiously waiting for you, spending thousands of dollars, and finally, you're here!" Robert said loudly, full of vigor, as he reached out to shake hands with Ethan.

Upon seeing Robert, Ethan couldn't help but smile and say, "Uncle!"

Robert said, "You've come just in time. Take Bernice to the civil affairs bureau and get the marriage certificate!"

Off to the side, a cold snort came from a young girl, her face full of disdain and disgust. She wore a snow-white dress, with a delicate golden belt accentuating her slender waist. The exquisite makeup on her beautiful face could easily captivate anyone, and her long, slender legs under the skirt made it hard to look away.

Robert's wife, Jane, frowned in confusion, unable to understand why Robert would reject someone else's proposal and choose this unremarkable prison guard instead.

"Uncle, isn't this a bit rushed?" Ethan couldn't help scratching his head, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"This was already discussed a long time ago!" Robert laughed.

Bernice examined Ethan with a cold face, and coldly said, "I never expected you to actually become a prison guard. You have such awful luck!"

Ethan smiled and nodded at her, saying, "Bernice, it's been a while."

Bernice looked at this childhood playmate with whom she once had a good relationship and shook her head; time had taught her that he was not from a similar background as hers.

But her father's orders left her with no choice but to comply. However, forcing a union between two worlds that didn't belong, was it not bound to collide?

Jane pointed at Ethan and said, “Robert, what will the relatives think if you marry your daughter off to such a toad? What will our friends gossip about? Look at him, after all these years, he's still just a prison guard!

“On his first visit, he even brought two bottles of fake wine. Are you sure you want to marry your daughter off to him?!”

Ethan calmly said, "Aunt, this wine is a fifty-year-old Lafite..."

Instantly, Jane sneered, her face full of disdain, and said, "Lafite? There are still several cases of it in my house. Do you want me to show you the difference between yours and mine? And a fifty-year-old Lafite, do you know how much it costs? Can a person like you afford it?"

Faced with Jane’s questioning, Ethan just smiled and remained silent.

Robert shouted angrily, "Enough! Don’t start this debate now! Bernice, take Ethan to the civil affairs bureau and register immediately!"

Though Bernice was unwilling, she bit her lip and went to the civil affairs bureau with Ethan to obtain the documents.

"So, we're married now?" Looking at the certificate in his hand, Ethan had a helpless expression. In the photo, Bernice looked frosty, nothing like a wedding picture.

Bernice looked coldly at Ethan and indifferently said, "You know we have nothing in common."

"You are just a prison guard, while I am the CEO of the Smith Group! I hope you understand your place and don't harbor any unrealistic ideas just because we have the certificate. Once my father relents, we will divorce immediately!"

After saying these words, Bernice got into the car and slammed the door shut. As she stepped on the accelerator, she sped away.

Ethan looked at the taillights of the luxury car and shrugged helplessly. Was he just left behind like this? And do these women only have one line? Are they from a different world, or are they aliens?

Shaking his head, Ethan took out a key card from his pocket and murmured, "Forget it, let’s find a place to stay first. If King of the Terror dares to deceive me, I'll make sure he regrets it for three days and nights when I get back to Sydney..."

After Ethan informed "King of the Terror" about his arrival in Boston, he was directly given a key card, which was for his villa in Boston, and was told that his villa was the most impressive one in all of Boston.

Just as Ethan walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he saw Diana hopping out of a Jeep with a distinct air of importance.

"It seems like you're already married to Bernice and have successfully become a son-in-law of the Smith family. This is a good thing for you, at least you won't have to worry about food and clothing anymore," Diana said calmly.

"Mind your own business please," Ethan didn't like her attitude and responded with a sarcastic smile.

Diana's expression remained unchanged as she continued, "It's not easy for an ordinary prison guard like you to establish yourself in the mighty Smith family's household. I'll give you a chance to ask me for help because we had an engagement before, and I was the one who broke it first.

"Don't think being a son-in-law is embarrassing. Bernice is actually a pretty good woman, and there are many people who pursued her. The opportunity you've got is something dreams are made of for many. If you need help establishing yourself in the Smith family, you can contact me anytime."

Ethan's face turned cold as he glanced at Diana deeply and said, "I'm sure of one thing, you're sick! Even your Walsh family is no more than chickens and dogs in front of me. Please keep your superior attitude to yourself," having said that, Ethan walked away.

Diana's expression darkened. She felt somewhat guilty for breaking off the engagement and wanted to make it up to him. However, she didn't expect him to be so unappreciative.

"You talk big, but if you have such ambition, why become a son-in-law?" Diana said as she got into her car and revved the engine. The Jeep roared away, with even the exhaust seemingly filled with disdain for Ethan.

Ethan arrived alone at the mansion of "King of the Terror."

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