Part 2
Part 2
Varcolac Group is a company engaged in 4 fields at once, namely hospitality, financial data, logistics and materials. Working closely with various consulting and independent research firms, Varcolac Group is the leading company in Indonesia with an annual income of around IDR 1.3 trillion according to a survey by Fortune magazine.
The former President Director was Daynen Cirillo, he served for 33 years and managed to bring the Varcolac Group to its extraordinary heyday. He is now 61 years old and has handed over the reins to his eldest son, who has only been in office for a month.
As an employee, Seline naturally inquired about the company's management and history, relying on information on the Internet and dipping into her savings to buy rather expensive business magazines that focused on the Cirillo family. He doesn't want to be someone who doesn't know anything about the leadership of the company he works for.
Daynen Cirillo is a very handsome man for a middle-aged man, 61 years old, brown-skinned, charcoal-black hair with a few gray hairs at the temples of his head, about 178 cm tall, with a straight frame with a broad chest under his jacket, only a few lines of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.
People probably won't believe the man is 61 years old when they see his body and face.
Daynen Cirillo deserves to be called a man of 40 heads with a breathtakingly beautiful wife.
Her skin is also brown, but not as brown as Pocahontas's, of course, her body is tall and slender, with long, straight black hair flowing down. Her name is Mulan, it is not explained where she comes from, it is written that she and Daynen were engaged since she was 15 years old, married at 20 and gave birth to 3 children. What caught Seline's attention were her blue irises, she liked Mulan's irises. She's only 58, but she still looks the same. Next is a picture of Daynen and Mulan's three children. Alcander, Mayla and Aldrid. Seline would not doubt Daynen and Mulan's three children, they were born with almost perfect physiques and faces. Alcander, who has the outline of his father's handsome face, only the color of his eyes is different, then Mayla, who has a slender body and natural beauty inherited from her mother. Then Aldrid, who is only 19 years old, with his mischievous smile. Whoever will be the life companion of the three descendants of Cirillo, they are lucky people and their lives are blessed.
The business magazine, the contents of which Seline had memorized, did not explain much, except that the three descendants of Cirillo criticized their education abroad, so there was not much news and gossip about the three. One thing is certain, Alcander Cirillo is the person who currently holds the baton for the leadership of the Vorcolac Group.
The Public Relations Department has been one of the busiest in recent weeks. They have to ensure the schedule and attendance of the event's MCs and entertainers, coordinate with security, arrange for the distribution of souvenirs and documentation, and be responsible for the situation and conditions during the event. Everything was well planned and carefully arranged, Seline and other public relations employees worked seriously and made sure that nothing was missing in the event preparations, even in the past few weeks, Seline was not treated unpleasantly by other employees.
The problem with the five folders was the last time he was made fun of by another employee. As if they had been hypnotized, they stopped making little plans for Seline to get into trouble in the company. Some of them didn't want to get into trouble directly from the new president, so young.
Daynen Cirillo is known as a president director who is firm but friendly to everyone, his demeanor so calm but deadly to his business enemies. But Alcander Cirillo was like the still waters of a terrible lake. Once you fall into the lake, you will not survive.
These were the rumors that had been spreading ever since Alcander had replaced Daynen. That's why the other employees, for the sake of their own peace and safety, were more focused on making the company's birthday party a success than on working on Seline.
"Seline, what about security?"
Rika, who was holding the event flyer, approached Seline, who had her hair in a high ponytail but had taken off her glasses and replaced them with gray lenses.
"I was in charge of the security in front of the hall, next to the hall, and in the back. It's just that I have a hard time Mba, going back and forth with heels and this dress is really annSeline appeared a little different than usual, she parted her blonde hair and gave him a bandana as a sweetener, her knee-length dress was maroon so that her brown skin did not look so conspicuous. A very simple knee-length dress with a strap around her waist that forms a bow at the back. The only dress she has is the most expensive one, and she bought it just 2 days ago for a company birthday. She's not very good at wearing makeup, so she only uses powder that matches her skin tone, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil and lipstick, Seline looks as cute as a young teenager. Unfortunately, this makes some of the other employees of the company envious, but the admiring glances of the invited guests make up for it.
"This..."Rika held a handy talkie in front of her.
"Loh..." Seline looked surprised.
"Miss, you already thought this would happen. Don't get carried away just because they stopped working on you for a few moments. The orders you get are more important than your orders. Security is number one and to make things difficult for you, they deliberately hide their walkie talkies, luckily you secured one," Rika said.
Seline smiled sweetly and immediately hugged the woman who had been watching her.
"Thanks Mba, I might have more trouble if Mba Rika wasn't here," she said and took the walkie.
"How do you eat this?"
"Security is on channel number 1," she explained.
"Don't open another channel, there could be a sound clash. Press this button when you want to talk. Don't turn up the volume during an event for fear of noise. Ah, miss, it's on channel number 4, that's just in case, take care if you need help".
Seline nodded understandingly, "I'll test it, ma'am," she then changed the channel according to the instructions and pressed a button.
"A..a..a..test... Mba Rika, over."
Seline's voice was clearly audible on Rika's handy talkie, "Okay Seline, over," Rika replied.
"Hehehe... How come it's like a secret service team, huh?"The woman changed the channel back to number 1 and then called the person in charge of security for the part of the hall that had been divided. After confirming the function of the walkie talkie, Seline went to the second floor of the hall, she was right in the right wing, so she could see almost every corner of the hall. From the beginning of the observation, Seline had chosen this place to monitor the security situation of the event from above.
The second floor wasn't that wide, there were only two staircases leading to the left and right wing of the hall, these floors weren't meant for invited guests, but they wouldn't be prevented from going up if someone wanted to enjoy the party from the top floor, there was only one balcony leading directly into the company's large garden, and it was directly to the right of the hall. Because of this balcony, Seline prefers to watch from above, she likes to be in high places and at the same time she likes beautiful gardens decorated with golden yellow lampposts. More precisely, Seline liked the view of the night sky.
Seline looked at the small clock that was wrapped around her hand, the event would start in half an hour and Seline used the time to enjoy the view of the garden that was right in front of her. The crescent moon was visible above her, with only a small star accompanying it. The moon was beautiful and at the same time reminded Seline of her childhood memories, she didn't have many good memories, but one thing was for sure, a little dream of hers would come true one day.
At that time she was about to turn 6 years old, one night in a small, cramped room because she had to share a bed with 10 other orphanage children, little Seline had a dream... She dreamed that she met a four-legged animal with white fur right at the front door of her orphanage.
The animal sat upright on all fours and stuck out its long tongue. Seline didn't know why this animal could be in front of the orphanage. And instead of being afraid, she was thrilled by the animal's presence. Sitting right in front of it, Seline confidently stretched out her hand and rubbed the top of the animal's head.
"Hi!" Say hello Seline. "Why is it here?"
The beast just wagged its tail.
"Where do you live?"
There was no answer, Seline's hand stroked the animal's white fur more and more, she liked to stroke it because the fur felt smooth and soft in her tiny hands.
"What is your name?" Seline asked again, this time the animal shook its head. Seline knew that this animal had a name.
"I'll give you a name, okay?"
The beast approached him and immediately licked his little face. Seline chuckled with amusement, she knew that the beast wanted a name from her.
"Mmm..." Seline tapped her chin with her index finger, her face showing a thoughtful expression, while the animal in front of her tilted its head as if waiting for Seline's new name.
"I call you Oriel, huh?" Seline's eyes widened with enthusiasm.
"Earlier at school, the teacher said that Oriel is one of the names in English that means angel. You have white fur like an angel with white wings, so your name is Oriel, do you like it or not?"
And the little star jumped up, wagging his tail.
"Yes... Oriel. You are Seline's Oriel," Seline jumped for joy, clapping her hands loudly, and since that night, little Seline had often dreamed of Oriel. Oriel who had suddenly appeared at the door of the orphanage. Oriel who loved it when Seline stroked her fur, Oriel who licked every part of Seline's injured skin without even realizing it, and Oriel who listened to all of Seline's stories every night. Because of Oriel, Seline grew up to be a happy girl who didn't care how people treated her.
Unbeknownst to Seline, Oriel continued to appear in her dreams for a year. As her 7th birthday approached, Seline was surprised by a crowd of people carrying sharp objects while running after something. She had just come home from school, still wearing her red and white uniform and carrying her backpack. Then her eyes widened when she knew that the white-furred animal that had filled her dreams was the cause of the people's anger.
Seline recognized the beast at a glance. Oriel ran right in front of him, and when their eyes met, the beast immediately took cover behind his small body. Seline, who was still in a state of shock, didn't expect to see the beast outside of her dream, Oriel was in real life.
What happened next made Seline sick for 14 days. Oriel was violently dragged from behind his body, then the beast's body was burned alive right in front of him. Seline screamed hysterically, begging with tears in her eyes to spare the life of her beloved pet. Just as Oriel's body was being incinerated, he felt as if something was entering his body, draining his strength and weakening his little body.
The only thing he remembered before the darkness swallowed his consciousness was the soft whisper of thanks.
"Master Dynen is entering the hall, Miss Seline, over..."
The voice snapped him out of his reverie, he blinked quickly, then immediately grabbed his handy walkie-talkie. "Accepted. Tighten the security, don't let them distract you! Replace," Seline replied.
"Okay Miss."
Seline combed her blonde mane with her wind-blown fingers, smoothed her dress a bit and then walked away from the balcony. From the second floor he could see Dynen and Mulan Cirillo entering the event hall, their attention drawing the attention of every invited guest. Seline chuckled in awe as she watched them from above, such a perfect couple, plus their two children who walked right behind Dynen and Mulan. The elegant Mayla in her white dress, and Aldrid, looking naughty but handsome in his black tuxedo.
Everything went perfectly, the cutting of the birthday cake by the Cirillo couple, jazz music that filled the entire hall, a short speech by Dynen and several company officials, and not to forget the appearance of famous guest stars who entertained all the invited guests. Until it was time for the highlight of the evening, the introduction and inauguration of the new management of the Varcolac Group.
Seline was probably so absorbed and enjoying the event that she didn't notice that the new president had entered the hall earlier. He stepped onto the stage with the sound of his loafers tapping, causing all the invited guests to stare at him in silence. The aura of a leader who is firm and strong dominates the man, wrapped in a black tuxedo that fits snugly on his well-built body, the beard that he has not yet had time to clean gives a masculine impression to his face, coupled with a slightly intimidating gaze that makes women seem willing to bend their knees before him. Just as when she had stared at the picture of the man in the magazine, Seline swallowed her saliva without realizing it when she could see Alcan directly. The hall suddenly became silent as he stood in front of it, for a few moments he was silent while he looked around, in his hand was a microphone that made his voice heard all the way to the corner of the hall.
"Good evening," he began.
"I am Alcander Cirillo, the first son of Dynen and Mulan Cirillo. This introduction may not be too important for those of you who have been working for the Varcolac Group for a long time. Some of you already know me, who joined the company a month ago. But I am officially introducing myself as the new President Director of the Varcolar Group, who will take the baton from now on. I hope..." The man stopped speaking as if something was choking him, preventing him from speaking. His chest suddenly moved up and down, then his eyes began to search, scanning every pair of eyes that stared at him in confusion.
Dynen, who felt strange and was not far from him, immediately stood up to his son, "What's wrong?" he asked.
Alcan ignored him, his eyes searching sharply, his mouth closed tightly to let out a growl.
"Alcan?" Dynen called, this time tapping his son on the shoulder.
The man still ignored his father, breaths that felt rough could be heard. Mulan, sensing something was wrong with her son, also came closer.
"What is it, son?" Mulan asked softly.
Seline, who had been resting her chin on the edge of the railing, straightened up immediately, her forehead furrowed as she realized something was happening down there.
"Everything is safe, right? Change..." He said to the Handy Talkie.
And suddenly Alcan's eyes went up, directly to Seline. The girl's small voice on the handy talkie in her hand caught Alcan's attention. Seline jumped when their eyes met, she could see a strange glint in the man's irises. It took them a few seconds to look at each other, then Alcan looked away and continued his sentence.
"I hope that with the skillful baton in my hands, the Varcolac Group will continue to grow rapidly, go global, and triumph to the end. That's all."
Then a thunderous applause echoed through the room. Seline wasn't even sure if Alcan had looked at her earlier, so why had she held her breath since earlier if that look wasn't for her?
"Stupid," Seline muttered to herself. He seemed to be hallucinating.
"Concentrate Seline! The security of this event is your responsibility. Don't get distracted and you'll get a period..."
Seline screamed loudly, her walkie talkie was released, the sound of her scream caught all eyes in the hall. In an instant, people were also stunned to know that the man quickly walked up the stairs to the 2nd floor, right on the right wing of the building, and then stood in front of Seline, so the girl was very surprised by his presence.
The girl was busy muttering and was not aware of her presence. So it wasn't her fault that Seline was so shocked that she dropped her walkie-talkie. Yes, it was. It wasn't Alcander's fault, she wasn't wrong when she approached the girl, which affected the smell, the heart, the mind and Dhan, who had been shouting about the ownership of this blonde girl.
Dhan in there.