The Clash
But wasn't that the goal? To not die? She pushed the voice of reasoning out of her head; even dying was better than this
Hardening her heart and mind, she began to pull away from him, slowly and sneakily trying to make as little movement as possible. She was making progress, and soon, she was out of his elbow.
His hand still lay straight on her. She looked at his face and sighed. He wasn't disturbed. The alcohol must have knocked him down like a dummy.
She tried lifting his hands off her, but with each gentle push, she was more convinced that his body was made of iron. Solid iron
She glanced back. This time, his brows furrowed. She swallowed in anxiety and had a rethink. What if she got caught? He could kill her, which he had in mind before deciding torture was best.
But then... Fuck it. She picked up her bravery again.
She continued sneaking out of his hold until only his fingertips touched her. She blinked in relief, but then he stretched and wrapped his arms around her again so firmly that she couldn't even move.
She became frustrated and on the verge of tears. Even in his sleep, he still controlled her. But not anymore. She was going to fight to her last breath till she escaped him.
Picking a pillow, she raised his hands with all her strength and pushed the fluffy object under his arm, using the opportunity to snuggle away. She did it, and she was free. But it wouldn't last if she stayed around him.
She tiptoed, grabbing the white dress she had pulled off the night before and wearing it back on. She snatched her phone and snuck to the door.
Accidentally, she kicked a ceramic that had formerly been pushed to the floor by Damon; it made a little noise and was just enough to make him groan in his sleep. He nestled into the pillow more, probably thinking it was her.
She sighed, walking stealthily out of the room and closing the door.
She made her way past the corridor as she quickened her pace. She didn't know her way around this place, even though she had been there for two weeks.
Her heart beat faster when she saw two of Damon's men coming toward her. Quickly, she bowed her head in an effort to hide her face.
"Who is she?" She heard one of them ask.
The other chuckled and answered, "She's Capo's new whore. But he's obsessed with this one. Haven't seen the other bitch in a long time."
Maya's face reddened. This is what she was presently known for? Even though it was against her wish?
She was no threat to them, so they didn't try to stop her.
Soon, she was in the dining area and wasn't surprised to find out the place had been cleared.
She could see a door leading out of the dining room and figured out it was the kitchen, and kitchens always had back doors, right? She thought to herself. She was going to find out.
She was about to make her move when she heard footsteps approaching, her heart thudding. She quickly hid underneath the table, the tablecloth covering her perfectly.
She saw the legs but couldn't see the face, which was okay. The legs and shoes were feminine. They paced the room in worry. The person was muttering a lot of things she couldn't make sense of.
"Lina! Lina!" She called out. Maya knew that voice. It was Maria's voice.
A girl in the blue and white maid's uniform came running out of the kitchen. "Ma'am, you call me?"
"Yes, I called you. Can I get a glass of COLD WATER?"
Lina appeared, shuffling. "But, Madam Maria, you can't have water every time. Sir Damon, kill me if he knows."
"He won't know; just please, Maria. Twenty-five euros for just one glass."
Maya was certain they weren't talking about just water. Water was a code word for something else, and with Maria's desperation, she needed it.
"I bring glass to your room."
Guessed the cash changed Lina's mind.
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Lina; you're the best," she said as she left the dining room.
Lina sighed, and soon she was sauntering after the girl.
Maya sighed. This was her chance. Sneaking out of the table, satisfied that everywhere was empty, she made her way to the door that led to the kitchen.
Anxiety made her stomach churn and her head throb. She shook her head before she faded out, instead focusing on the mission at hand.
She was approaching the kitchen when a frame suddenly appeared in front of her, the feminine figure suddenly rigid, her face squeezing in a frown at the stranger in the kitchen.
"Please don't shout," Maya begged, on the verge of tears, although it was just the girl Maestro had sent her hours ago.
Lina looked at her battered face and weak body and felt pity for her. Since Maya came into the mansion, she knew something was wrong, but she was just an ordinary servant; she couldn't do anything about it.
"You not to be down here," she told Maya.
Maya nodded ."I know, I know, I need to leave this place, or he will kill me; I don't know my surroundings; please help me."
Lina sighed. She was always the one who put her job and life at risk. But she couldn't let this innocent girl stay here; the sight of her face was terrifying; she looked so weak she might not even make it to the doorstep.
"I not show you, but I direct you."
Maya nodded her head vigorously, sending sharp pain into her skull. "I'll appreciate anything."
"You do not follow the kitchen; it's bad, bad place; follow sitting room and downstairs. Go outside. No one stops you. They think you are Sir Damon put...." She stopped wondering if she said too much.
Maya, let it pass. She thanked her profusely, and she continued her journey. She went past the sitting room and found the stairs, climbing them. She couldn't believe her luck.
She had gone this far, and soon she'd be out. The freedom she yearned for was just a few steps away.
She flew down the remaining stairs with the phone tightened around her right hand. Her palms were sweaty and slick, and a wicked ache pounded in her head.
She rejoiced and spoke of her freedom too soon because before she could place her hand on the knob that led to freedom, the door swung open, and the familiar face of her Maestro came boldly into view.
She froze. "Maestro, please forgive me," she heard herself say. Not able to take it any longer, she felt her consciousness leave, and everything became dark.
The first peace she had in days.