(Three years later)
"If one intentionally causes the death of another person, you will face a homicide charge, and if found guilty one will get the death penalty"
There are several different offences in the Tudor criminal code related to taking the life of another person including homicide, manslaughter and murder.
I knew I had no one that would stand in my favour, so I couldn't answer the questions the judge was asking me. I totally accepted that I was guilty and I needed to pay for my actions.
"You have been sentenced to death by hanging for the gruesome murder of Mrs Gilford."
That is all I needed to hear from the judge, the rest didn't mean anything to me. Today I am going to die. Yes! I deserve to die, I killed my Mom.
Walking out of the court room in handcuffs, with two officers behind me, directing me outside towards the spot I would be hung, tears roll down my eyes as I look into his face.
He had done the worst thing to ruin our lives but I ended up paying for his evil deeds just because of one terrible mistake I made. I wanted to defend my Mom, I was so tired of being a scaredy-cat, I had to help her for once but I ended up killing her.
There is a stone execution platform in the center, the block in the middle crusted over with the dried blood of countless men and women. I knelt down, placing my head on the block, closing my eyes and waiting for my throat to slite.
"You may carry out the execution." a voice bellowed. I couldn't pinpoint who had the voice and it didn't matter, today was my end.
Squeezing my eyes tight, I feel the blade of the guillotine fall down toward my neck. I don't whimper in fear, instead I start counting; 5, 4, 3, 2...
The sound of my final scream wakes me up. I jerk up from my sleep only to agonise reality.
"Shit! That was close."
I arrived in Italy last night and I got a bantam, yet comfortable, apartment I could afford with my savings. I was staying in Porta Nova, a busy city with modern architecture buildings. It has a mix of office blocks, well to do residential buildings, cafes, and restaurants. The area is nice and looks highly gentrified. This was the only place I knew because it was my dream town right from childhood.
It's been three years since I became a fugitive. Coming to Italy, I knew I had to keep a low profile. I had cut my hair short, dyed it dark brown from the blonde color it was before. I couldn't afford to be caught. It's not like the incident had escaped my memory; Every night's sleep or slumber came with a horrible nightmare. I have been living in fear for three years now but no one has come to look for me. Well, maybe they must have forgotten about my Mom's murder case by now because she was a drug addict. He will do anything to make sure that I'm caught. I see him in my dreams, his usual words ringing in my head.
"You are of no good, you are too ugly and useless."
He might have been right about that because at the moment there is nothing I can do with my life.
I don't have any friends.
Laura was my only friend, I had begged her to help me get my Visa and international passport through the assistance of her parents.
I lied to her; I told her that I had applied for a scholarship in NCA, an acting academy in Italy and getting my international passport and Visa was one of the requirements needed before the interview. Laura's Dad is an immigration officer, so getting a Visa and international passport was completely hands-down for him.
Acting has always been my dream career right from when I was five. I would create my own semi- theatre and I would act with my dolls, speaking and demonstrating with inanimate objects. I have been saving up for the academy, so it wasn't a total lie, but being a murderer, I had to let go of my dreams in order to survive.
"I have to look for a job, I barely have any cash left with me."
I had spent my entire life savings through the years, and now I have to do something, I couldn't just hide forever. Picking up a wide legged pair of pants from my closet, I wear it with a white plain top, and black kinsey studded velour to bring out the outfit. That was the best I got. Walking into the streets, I go in search of a job.
Having tried out four vacant spots in different bars with no good news, I decided to retire for the day. I knew I didn't have enough qualifications to get a better job because I didn't graduate from High school. I had zero years of experience in any kind of job, plus no one will want a novice in a long standing business. I just wanted anything good and legal that could give me a little money, but the remarks from the managers were not any help;
"She looks very young and inexperienced." the Manager of Aperto, the first bar I entered, whispered to the other workers.
"You're right Sir, and she is a woman, I don't think she'll make it far without having any level of experience."
I am aware of my petite physique but I didn't know it would be a criterion for selection. On my way to my little apartment, I decided to grab a drink in the nearby pub.
I'm too tired to notice anything or anyone around me, I head straight to where the bartender is standing.
"ciao Gilberto, come stai ?"
"cao bella' Io sto bene. You're looking worn out, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Gilberto. Just had a terrible day."
Gilberto is the only person I have ever held a real conversation with in Porta Nuova. We have been friends for quite sometime now. He is a very good listener and that's why I feel unconstrained when I talk with him. He once told me that he would love to take things to another level with me but I had been blunt with him; I told him that I had a lot of things to worry about and entering into a relationship with a "guy" was the least of my worries.
After the way He treated my Mom despite the fact that she was loving and caring, I doubt I can trust any other guy easily to treat me right. Gilberto didn't argue, he accepted that we could be just friends although sometimes I catch him regarding me lecherously.
"Do you mind telling me what is going on?"