"I am very sure I will do my best Ma'am if I am given the opportunity. I am interested in the job and I very much like children as well. They teach you things too as you get to teach them. With my little experiences, I have found myself in a situation where I babysat a five year old child while his parents were away on a vacation. They insisted that I take care of the child till they return and I wasn't scared whether the child would like me or not, I just wanted to do my job. In the few days I stayed with the child, I noticed the child open up to me and tell me things he never even told his own parents before. My point is, if I am given the opportunity, I can provide them with the happy memories and great experiences of a proper childhood"
She lifts up her face with a broad grin, she is ablaze at my answer and she drops her pen down on her desk causing me to smile. "I think I am beginning to like you." She yelled before getting a glimpse of her son's eyes.
"Mama," I hear Leonardo curse under his breath in Italian. I can't hear his words clearly but the deep tone gives me butterflies and my stomach flutters.
His Mom doesn't pay attention to whatever he is saying, her full attention remains on me.
"Lily there is something important I would like to ask you."
"Okay Ma'am." Before she speaks again, Leonardo stands up and walks down to the grand desk where his Mom sits. Romero scurries behind him and drops a seat for him to sit down.
"I think I should face this lady that is quite amusing to my mother."
She brushes aside whatever he says with a wave of her hand, "Would you love to go to bed with my son?"
"Momma!" I notice Leonardo's dead stare at his mother but she returns it with a smile and turns back to me waiting for my response.
My mouth drops open as I move backwards. I subtly clean my eyes to be sure that I am the only one in the room being questioned.
"They must be playing games with me", I think.
"Excuse me Ma'am, is this part of the interview questions?" I blurt out in anger. She is still smiling at me but I am not interested in that anymore. Leonardo is shocked at my brashness and that is when our eyes meet. I gulp as I applaud his appearance inside my head.
This is the first time I actually take a good look at him today.He is not a male model but he should be. The lush, mother lode-gold hair he grooms so carefully has a rippling quality. His sea rover-blue eyes eyes lits with passion.
They are almond shaped. They shine with intelligence, dominance and authority.
The aquiline nose he sports complements his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders speaks of strength. He is perfect.
Oh my goodness!
His perfect body features are hidden under his black suit. He is gorgeous, I had to accept, but he is not my type. He reminded me of him; Controlling, abusive, rude and arrogant. I am angry because Leonardo could be this handsome with his bad-mannered attribute.
"Yes. It is part of the interview Ms Lily. Can you please answer the question?"
Maybe this was a test. What if Leonardo was faking annoyance? What if they had planned this all along? I straightened my shirt to gather confidence before I reply her.
"I am here strictly for business purposes. I have a dream and I have heights I want to attain in life and I need finances to survive or make that dream a reality. I don't see how sleeping with your son will help me achieve anything I want to do. Your son is very good looking and I can't deny that fact but he isn't what I want in my life right now."
Leonardo's eyes pierce into mine like he wants to pick up a fight with me for not being interested in him. I'm pretty sure that guys like him are used to getting what they want, especially from women, with their looks and wealth. Of course, every pretty girl would fall for a guy like him but not me; I am different.
A man would need to work very hard to get me and besides that, after what happened to my Mom, I doubt I could trust any man again.
"To answer your question properly Ma'am. I am not interested in your son, neither do I want to go to bed with him for any reason even if it was a criterion for getting this job, I will humbly decline the offer."
Rolling his eyes from mine to his mothers', he snorts. He thinks I say what I say to please his Mom or act like a good girl. His Mom is fascinated by the awkward atmosphere between us.
"Why would I ever be interested in such a person like you? If no one has never told you Miss, you're too ugly and you can never be a match for me."
He won. I give it to him. Those were the words He would say to me if I was still in Tudor. Another person who doesn't know my background was saying the same thing. I know I wasn't good or pretty enough but I shouldn't be treated trash because I desperately needed a job.
His Mom doesn't say anything which is unfair; How can she let her son say that in her presence?
"Ms Lily Anderson. Thank you for your quality time. I must confess, I enjoyed this interview session. My children will be eager to associate with someone like you. We will let you know our final judgement as soon as possible." Antonella says.
I nod my head and make an ill-defined attempt at curtsy as I turn around and head to the door. I burn in anger l, at the comments I ignored earlier, as I grab the door handle.
I respire.
I release my grip on the handle and march towards where Leonardo is seating angrily. I don't know where the courage emanates from; I scowl at him defiantly.
"I want to enlighten you Leonardo, just in case you were ignorant, no intelligent and well mannered woman would ever want to associate with a rude ass like you! You need proper home training to have a place in a society like this. Don't feel your wealth is everything. I'm sorry if I'm mistaken here but I think it's you who needs a nanny and not your siblings." I storm out of the room, satisfied at my victory. I no longer care if I get the job or not. There are still many places in Italy I could still apply for a job.
I didn't need this one to survive.