Chapter 2
Luxurious doesn’t even begin to describe this. There are plush recliner-type seats that look more comfortable than any bed I’ve ever seen, a table for our meals that will easily fit the three of us, a bathroom with all the amenities you could possibly need, and there’s even a bedroom toward the back of the plane.
Once I’m done looking around, I drop the backpack I want to keep with me next to one of the plush seats and sit. Annette takes the seat across from me and Luc walks off to speak to the pilots, but when he comes back, he surprises me by sitting in the one right next to me. When he rests his arm on the side, I can’t help but immediately do the same. We’re not touching, but it’s close, and it makes me happier than it probably should.
I can’t help but notice the gorgeous flight attendant coming our way. She’s tall and blonde and all smiles and perfection. The look she gives Luc has my stomach twisting into knots. I can’t help but wonder if she’s always the flight attendant he uses. Did he specifically ask for her? Has he fucked her? All kinds of thoughts rush through my head, and I know it’s not my business and that obviously he’s been with other women, but I can’t help feeling the way that I do.
“Monsieur Benoit,” she says, and then rattles of who knows what in what sounds like perfect French.
He responds, making me squirm a bit in my seat. God, I love hearing him speak French. I don’t know what he’s saying, but it sounds pretty damn good to me.
Switching to English, he says, “Carmen, this is Natalie, our guest on the flight. Please make sure she has whatever she wants.”
Carmen turns to me, and her grin isn’t quite as big as it was when she was staring at Luc. “Of course. Would you like a drink before we take off?”
Annette and I both ask for a soda and when she comes back, Luc says, “Thank you, Carmen. We’ll let you know when we need anything else.”
She doesn’t look pleased by his remark, but she hides it with a smile and quickly walks back to the cockpit, disappearing behind the closed door.
“Oh my god, could she be any more obvious?” Annette groans. “She was totally trying to get your attention, Dad.”
“Well, as long as she doesn’t cross the line, she can try all she wants. I’m not interested, and I’ve made that perfectly clear.”
I take a drink to try and hide my huge grin, but I think he sees it, because when I look over, he’s giving me the sweetest look. The chocolate brown of his eyes looks almost amber under the overhead lights, and he has the longest lashes I’ve ever seen on a man.
Luckily, Annette seems to be oblivious to everything that’s going on. Of course, maybe nothing is going on. Maybe he looks at everyone this way. I have zero experience with boys, let alone grown men, so what the hell do I know?
When the pilot announces that we’re about to take off, we buckle up, and I stare past Luc and out the window excitedly. I didn’t choose the window seat on purpose because I was afraid it might make me too nervous, but now I want to see everything. It’s dark, so there’s not much to see, but I love how the airport is so lit up.
Luc laughs at my excitement and watches me as I watch the airport. Since I’m leaning over a bit, our faces are so close, and I have the sudden crazy urge to just turn my face and kiss him. I dismiss it as soon as it comes into my head. I mean, it would be crazy. Annette is right across from us. But even with all that, I can’t deny how much I want to do it.
When I feel the plane start to speed up, I sit back and grip the arm rest so hard my knuckles turn white. It’s exhilarating to feel us start to take off, but also scary as fuck. We keep rising, and I keep gripping. Finally, Luc places his hand over mine and gives me a gentle pat.
“It’s okay,” he says, and his deep, accented voice immediately starts to work its magic. I feel myself relaxing my grip. “You’re perfectly safe, I promise.”
And I believe him. I know he’d never let anything happen to me, so I relax fully into my seat and say, “Thanks. It’s my first time flying.” “You’re doing great,” he says, giving me a wink.
Once we’re in the air, Annette says, “Dad, can we get supper?”
“Sure, honey.” He pushes a call button and Carmen immediately opens the cockpit door and walks to us.
When she’s standing next to us, Luc says, “We’d like to go ahead and get supper, Carmen.” He turns to me and asks, “Natalie, are you okay with steak?”
I give a quick shake of my head, and even manage to give Carmen a smile. I like her a lot more now that I know Luc isn’t interested in her. She smiles back, even if it doesn’t reach her eyes, and leaves to go and prepare our meals.
We sit around the table, and I’m expecting cafeteria-style food, but Carmen sets down three plates that look absolutely mouthwatering. My steak is cooked to perfection, and I’ve also been given a baked potato and a mix of steamed vegetables. She tops off our sodas and sets a glass of red wine down in front of Luc.
“Wow,” I say after my first bite. “This is delicious.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Luc says, cutting into his own steak.
His manners are impeccable, and I can’t help staring a bit at how gracefully he cuts his steak and brings the fork to his mouth. He has full, kissable lips, and I want to lick the steak juice right off them. What the hell is the matter with me? I know I’m horny. Hell, I’m busting at the seams with lust, but this is getting downright absurd. I’m starting to fear for his safety. What if I reach the point where I just can’t control myself and I jump him? Most importantly, why in the fuck didn’t I take the time to get myself off before they arrived to pick me up? I’d been so busy packing, but cumming would have certainly taken the edge off things.
I focus all my energy on the food and end up eating every damn thing.
Luc eyes my empty plate with a grin on his face. “Dessert?”