Part 3
Dillion pov
She laughs and puts Maxi down and tries to pick up Sage from my arms. Sage saw this and tried to climb more into my arms and body. We knew this would be her reaction. I looked at Macy, she was smiling and stood still with her arms crossed. “Still want nothing to do with me, huh” Macy asked Sage.
“You’re not the only one, Macy,” I said to her. We walked towards the lockers. “It is a struggle every morning to get her to go to Daine,” I said. When we got to the lockers, I put Sage down and Maxi came and sat down with her. “Okay you guys play with your toys that are in the bag and me and Aunty M are going to be on the training mat,” I said to the little ones after kissing both of their heads. “Ok Mommy” said Maxi and he started to play with Sage. Me and Macy went to the spar mat and started to spar. We spared for about an hour before we took a quick 10-minute break. We walked to the babies. “You have really gotten better at sparing and fighting,” said Macy when we walked to the babies. “Yeah, it is thanks to your help,” I said to her.
“Well, you were already good at fighting, so most of it was your own work” she replied. “Yeah, but you still helped me” I replied. We drank some water and went to spar again for about half an hour. When I went back to the babies, I looked at the time and saw it was about 6 o’clock. “Okay babies let’s pack up so that we can go home,” I said. Sage yawned and Maxi said okay. I got all the bags together and picked up Sage. “Let’s go, Maxi,” I said. “Wait Dill, let me just get my keys and my shoes then I will take you guys home,” said Macy. “It’s fine, Macy” I replied to her. “But” she started. “It really is not necessary; you also have to go home, and we live in the opposite direction of each other” I replied before she said anything further.
“Are you sure, Dex would be mad at me if I let you and the kids walk home this late, and something happened to you guys?” Macy asked. “Yeah, I am sure, Go home to Dex, and I will let you know when we are home,” I said to her. Dex was her mate. He is an omega. “Okay be safe Dill and call me when you are home or when you are in trouble,” she said to me in a stern voice. We walked outside and she locked up the gym. “Okay babies, say bye to Aunty M,” I said to Sage and Maxi. “Bye Aunty M,” said Maxi and Sage waved at her. She smiled. “Bye my babies,” she said while giving them each a kiss on the head. We walked to the bus stop in front of the mall center. Luckily the bus got there at the same time as we got there. We got on the bus and sat in the first row.
We got off at our stop and walked for a few minutes to our house. Our house is a one-story home. It has two bedrooms and one bathroom. There is and small hall when you enter the house. There is a kitchen that is connected to the living room. The babies still sleep with me in their cots, that is in my room. The second bedroom is their playroom for now. This was the most that I could afford at the time, but for now, it is enough. When we entered, I took off our shoes and put them with our bags in the entryway. I hung our jacks on the racks.
I took the babies to the bathroom to start their bath. While the water was filling the tub, I put a few burger patties in the oven to bake. While we waited for the burger patties to be done, I quickly bathed the babies before it got too cold. It is November so Winter is coming near. I bathed them, then got them out and wrapped them in towels. While I was letting the bath water, I saw Sage was starting to tremble from the cold. I picked them both up and walked to my room, where I quickly dressed them in warm onesies.
“Mommy,” said Maxi when I finished dressing them. “I hungry,” he said with a sad pout. I laughed a little. I know he is tired because he can talk well but when he is tired or when he wants love he starts to baby talk. But with his pout, he reminds me a lot of Nash. When Nash wanted something, and I was busy, or he couldn’t get what he wanted from me he would pout but never in front of anybody else. “Okay baby boy, the burgers should almost be ready,” I said to him while giving both my babies a little hug.
“Yay” he screams, startling his little sister. She started to cry, which got Maxi's attention. When he saw her crying, he got really sad and said, “Sorry Zee.” He was struggling to say Mackenzie, as it was too long for him, so he decided to give her the nickname Zee. He walked to her and gave her a hug which made her stop crying and hug him back. “Okay baby boy, take Sage to the living room and mommy will go to the kitchen and get the food ready and bring it to the living room,” I said to Maxi.
“Okay Mommy let’s go to the living room and wait for Mommy Zee,” he said. I carefully to his sister’s hand and walked with her to the living room. I quickly cleaned the bathroom and went to the kitchen to check the patties. It was almost ready, so I cut the bread rolls. I made two for me, one for Maxi and one for Sage. They might not eat the whole burger but what they don’t eat now they might want for breakfast, or I will eat it later if they completely don't want the hamburger anymore.