Read with BonusRead with Bonus



It has been weeks since that dinner with Chris, which I like to call an appointment, I must admit that never in my life would I have imagined myself trying Asian food, especially a!er declaring on several occasions that I hate it, but Chris made me see that my panorama was very small and that there were delights beyond what I imagined, as I was always surprised.

Chris is looking at his phone while we have breakfast so he doesn't look at me, which doesn't care about me because I'm busy fantasizing about him, when he leaves the device on the table, he smiles and looks at me.

-We will spend the parties in Paris.

what did he say? Do I mention Paris?

"You're joking," I exclaim excitedly.

God, I'm already excited about your emotion! -I don't do it.

And those simple words were enough for me to get out of the dining room as fast as I can to pack my bags.

Because Paris can't wait. .....

We were on the plane, everything was in total silence, Chris was working and I was just looking at the window until a doubt came to my mind.

-What were your parents like? -Chris looks up paying his full attention to me. -I couldn't know mine much, as you should know- I assumed that I knew it because let's go he knew things about me that I didn't even know.

His face tenses and his gaze changes to a hard one.

"I don't like to talk about my parents with anyone, much less..." he cuts the sentence before finishing it.

-much less what? -I try not to imagine the worst, but it's impossible for me, I was starting to get angry-Much less with someone like me, a stranger.

-That's not what I wanted to say.

-So what did you mean? - I'll settle into the leather seat to see it better. -I just don't understand anything else.

-I just don't like to talk about them, Gaby, it's so hard to understand.

-Yes-I clarify angry- Yes, it's hard to understand, Chris, because I can't help feeling that I don't know you and every time I think I know enough it turns out that I don't know anything and I can't live like this with my partner, I don't know how you handled your previous relationships, but the least I ask is

He is silent.

"And from what I see, I'll never get to do it," I get up from the couch and lock myself in the bathroom of the private jet.

What a shit, my first time flying and this tragedy happens to me, is that I have a lucky of a thousand demons.

Anyway, I'm not going to justify my actions by saying "I could have avoided the conflict if I hadn't opened my mouth" because I'm not sorry, it's something that had to be said and said.

When we arrived in Paris everything was great, the Ei"el Tower, the triumphal arch and the various buildings, the whole city le! me speechless.

I definitely preferred to cry here.

Because I may be angry, but no one takes away my little


  • it's a tradition to choose a di"erent country every year to spend the holidays and this year I play Paris- continues his calm story

  • Who chose it? -Grandma

  • then I must thank you - a!er several minutes on the way I talk again - where exactly are we going?

-to the Royal Empire... the hotel of a close friend. Closer than I'm sure it is


When we get to the hotel, it helps me get out of the car.

We were already fully installed, when I see the grandmother arrive, Phinn, Jordan, Maxwell, his fiancée, a lady like Sofia's age quite similar to Max and finally to the Carringtons.

  • I already feel Christmas- you could see Phinn's excitement from Kilometers.

"Don't even mention it," says Jordan.

-Oh, shut up Grinch, you ruin the moment- Jordan just rolls his eyes and goes to the reception.

trip to Paris.

  • Do you like it? - Chris asks as if nothing had happened. Don't I hear what I told you on the plane?

At this moment I want to strangle him for being so calm.

-yes, it's prettier than I imagined. - it's a tradition to choose a di"erent country every year to spend the holidays and this year I play Paris- continues his calm story

  • Who chose it? -Grandma

  • then I must thank you - a!er several minutes on the way I talk again - where exactly are we going?

-to the Royal Empire... the hotel of a close friend. Closer than I'm sure it is


When we get to the hotel, it helps me get out of the car.

We were already fully installed, when I see the grandmother arrive, Phinn, Jordan, Maxwell, his fiancée, a lady like Sofia's age quite similar to Max and finally to the Carringtons.

  • I already feel Christmas- you could see Phinn's excitement from Kilometers.

"Don't even mention it," says Jordan.

-Oh, shut up Grinch, you ruin the moment- Jordan just rolls his eyes and goes to the reception.

trip to Paris.

  • Do you like it? - Chris asks as if nothing had happened. Don't I hear what I told you on the plane?

At this moment I want to strangle him for being so calm.


-yes, it's prettier than I imagined.


Annotated fact: Jordan for some strange reason hates Christmas.



A!er greeting everyone, Danielle, Sofia, Maxwell's grandmother who was apparently the other old woman and Max's betrothed laundry accompanied me to tour the city, specifically the luxury stores.

What can you give to someone who has everything?

At first I thought, I'm not going to give him anything, but I didn't have to be spiteful, not if I wanted him to tell me everything one day, to open up to me, my grandmother used to say no one lets go of everything without you winning his favor and at this moment it's good advice to follow.

Danielle and Sofía helped me choose the gi!, a watch with our initials engraved.

Pretty cheesy, I know, but in a way it's a sweet gesture, like the one he gave me weeks ago with dinner.


"I'm always hungry going shopping," says grandma a!er ordering the food.

  • Since I've known you, you've never stopped being hungry, not a single minute- We all laugh at her sarcastic comment from Antonella, Maxwell's grandmother and best friend of the oldest Hubermans.

  • How did you and Chris meet? - Sofia's eldest and best friend continues, drinking from her glass.

  • Well, it was five years ago, I was studying at the university and we met there.

"It's not the romantic story I was expecting, but it helps me," he smiled at his comment.

I know it's not romantic, but it's definitely better than saying that we met on a contract.


The boys and I were having lunch at the hotel club, a!er Phinn's thousands of failed attempts to win in Tennis, it's terrible, I don't even know why he's trying.

Archie went to who knows where and it's not really like I'm worried that he was going to get lost, it's my sister's partner, not mine.

"So you're committed?" Jordan asks Max.

  • yes, it was sudden.

"I mean, didn't you expect it?" Phinn asked.

"Don't tell me I'm deceived with a baby," says Jordan again, drinking his whiskey

-No, Maddie is not pregnant, it only happened from one day to the next.

  • I find it interesting, you, a man who knows how to put a stop to everything, is he going to get married overnight? - Maxwell laughs at my words and looks at me.

-Well, at least I told you that I was engaged before I got married, who knows who she is?

I can't believe I called him my best friend before. -At least I don't run away from my responsibilities.

-I didn't run away, if I le! it was for his good-he speaks this time looking at Jordan

  • Say what you want Max- I approach him- I will only warn you once, you and I are no longer friends so stay away from my sister, she doesn't love you anymore so don't beg for a little of her a"ection, don't humiliate yourself like that.

  • I had forgotten that you think you are the owner of half the world - a false smile fills his face.








"I don't think I'm the owner of the world, I know I am," I say with some arrogance, "I just hope that your marriage doesn't fail like all the relationships you usually have and make sure no one gets hurt.

Without further ado, he le! me.



I already bought him a gi! that he doesn't ask for more. 4 a

-I see that you are still upset about what happened in the jet.

-No, I don't really care, you want to keep your things in front of you, do it, I'm not interested- I try to leave the room, however, his hand on my arm stops me.

-Don't be upset with me, what I said on the plane was not intentional, it's that I'm not used to sharing my things- I look at him waiting for him to say more- I know that I must change that, especially, because you are not "nobody" you are my wife and you deserve to know me better- his words so!en my resentment

I sigh and as if the jet hadn't happened, I decided to forgive him.

-I'm sorry for pressuring you-I take his hands-I just want to know you as you know me and I know that it shouldn't be easy for you to open up so I'll have patience.

He smiles and kisses the knuckles of my hands, and then kisses my forehead.

At least this was a start, so I can't complain. ...

We were in the living room a!er dinner, everyone had already gone to rest and Chris and I started exchanging the gi!s.

-This is for my beautiful wife- she gives me a box wrapped in paper, I open it and a bag is the first thing I see, I take it in my hands and admire it.

I was getting ready for Christmas dinner, it's been a few days since I went to buy the gi!s, I've noticed some distance between Maxwell and Christopher, but how always doesn't want to tell me why, although it's not that since I met him and Chris they have been the best friends, so I guess there's no gossip there.

"You look radiant," says Chris, hugging me in the back.

I try to free myself from his grip, because the truth is that, although I know I said I wouldn't behave like that, I'm a little spiteful and that not even my grandmother's advice can take away from me.Its color is black with gold details, but what surprises me the most are my initials engraved on the button where it closes, I keep looking in the box and I find some Jimmy Choo knit heels with our initials engraved on the sole and a phrase on it.


"I'm not the best for you, but you are for me" -Do you like it?

-It's beautiful- I hug him- Thank you.

This makes my little gi! look insignificant next to him. Even with insecurity, I take it out and I'll put it to him to take it.

  • What will it be? - he asks by opening it, take the box and take out the watch.

-Do you like it?

  • It's very cute, and considering the torture you should have su"ered to find a gi! for me, it makes it perfect. - he says seeing the engravings smiling - Thank you, I really appreciate it.

My eyes travel to his lips, it's been a long time since I kissed him and I really miss him.

In an impulse next to our lips, waiting for the kiss to correspond, which it doesn't take long to do by taking me from the back of the neck to go deeper.

In the end, Paris does magic in love.

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