Need blood

I stepped onto the street with all of the complete normal people of the world. Unsuspecting humans wandering about just going through the motions of their everyday lives. If any one of them stepped out of line, they could wind up next on my list.

There was a part of me that hoped they didn't.

I did the job I was born to do. But I didn't need to spend every day doing it.

After this job I was asking for an extended vacation...

The dark brick and red and white striped awning of the Cornelia street cafe came into view across the street and I put my sunglasses back on as I approached. It was just between lunch and high traffic resulting in the hardly occupied tables along the front of the building.

A man sat at the very last table by himself wearing a predominately white pinstripe suit. His tie and pocket square were crimson, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He always had to have the color of blood in his ensemble.

Blond hair curled out from under the brim of an equally ridiculous pinstripe fedora. As soon as I was close enough, I allowed myself to let an obvious chuckle escape. His grey eyes snapped up to look at whoever was approaching.

He didn't even hide it as he let his eyes skim over my maroon coat and black hose clad legs. As usual I wore a short blonde wig over my brown hair. Brown contacts helped to hide my eyes as well.

"Lucky, it's good to see you again," I purred at the man who looked like a would-be gangster. Funnily enough, dressing like what you were actually kept eyes off of you more often than not.

"Carol, my dear, it has been ages since you've contacted me," he tipped his fedora and I internally cringed. When I was in arms reach Lucky grabbed my hand and pulled it to his mouth for an overly eager kiss to the back of my hand.

I grimaced when I felt his fangs just underneath his lips pressing hard in the kiss. Filthy vampire.

Slipping into the set opposite the vampire I looked up at him from under my lashes. A look I know was hard for him to ignore. Despite how powerful he was in the underworld; Lucky wasn't able to resist the female charm.

"Oh Carol, what is you wish to know this time?" He sang out leaning back in his seat with his hands behind his head.

"Straight to the point, Lucky? I thought you missed me?" I cooed, leaning forward in the seat so my barely exposed cleavage was right in his line of sight. His brows rose and the corner of his lips twitched upwards for just a moment.

"Of course, I always miss you, darling. However, I can't help but remember the last time I gave you information... one of my colleagues disappeared." I stiffened but tried to keep him from noticing. I had to stay calm and collected. Any wrong move could make this meeting go south.

"I'm not in that line of work, Lucky. I'm sure that's just coincidence. You know I trade in secrets. Nothing more," I rolled my eyes dramatically and it seemed to have the desired effect. The vampire shook his head and relaxed.

"What secret could you want this time?" He connected his hands in front of his face as he leaned forward on the table, squinting his eyes at me.

"I'd like you to tell me about the new drug going around..." I stated just loud enough for him to hear me as a couple walked by with their French bulldog. His vampire hearing would pick up the question with ease.

"Information for information, dear." His upper lip quirked, and I saw just enough fang to pick up the slight threat. I wasn't afraid of him. Not here in public where I knew he'd be an absolute moron to attack me.

Regardless, I'd been trained to kill vampires if it came down to it.

"As usual, Lucky. You tell me what I want to know, and I'll return the favor," I caressed my foot up his calf under the table eliciting an excitable murmur from Lucky across the table. A hint of red was beginning to circle in his dark eyes. The more he wanted me the more he told. "So, this drug...?"

"Yes, well... ahem. You can think of it essentially as a magically enhanced form of acid. They're calling it Mist," Lucky scrunched his nose and looked around the streets.

"Hmm, what does it do?" I asked.

"Now that, I'm not totally sure of yet. Not to the full extent, but I have heard it's almost immediately addicting, mostly for humans. Also, quickly fatal. It'll be the most pleasurable high of a human's life but once they're addicted and seeking more... well, by that point they've already started to die." He shrugged showing just how little he cared if a few humans perished.

"Hmm, that's unsavory. Definitely sounds dangerous for those who are weak minded enough to partake-"

"Ah, for humans, yes. But it's said to also enhance the powers of any supernatural who gets their hands on it. Like ten times stronger. Only for very short periods of time, but... deadly for any who cross their path. Their rage amplifies as well." Lucky was leaning across the table and whispering in a tone that sent a shiver up my spine.

No wonder they wanted me to take out the one who might be responsible.

"This drug is dangerous. My organization will not be getting involved with it. Vampires are already difficult enough to keep in line, I won't have any of mine taking this," he waved his hand and grimaced showing how unsavory he found Mist to be.

"I appreciate that thought, Lucky. Your leadership is one that I think will continue for a while," I smiled at him, flashing my teeth in a wide grin.

"Hmm, you say that as though you have a say." He quirked an eyebrow at me, not missing the underlying meaning in what I said. He didn't know about my organization. No one did, but it was good for him to understand he was making the right decisions to keep his head.

"Oh silly, I just think you're making the right decision. Who wants a power-hungry vampire who lets them loose while they're experiencing a drug induced rage? The news would have a field day with that discovery." I acted nonchalant by examining my nails although I knew they were perfectly manicured.

"Indeed," Lucky sat back in his chair, once again relaxed. He continued lightly nodding his head as he looked around the streets. Both of us were starting to become increasingly aware of the traffic picking up. "That's just about all I know for what it does. Of course, I'd let you know if I had more information."

"I'm sure, but I really need to know who is in charge of this operation. And if it's not you I'd be willing to take a guess it's someone else within the supernatural community."

Lucky looked around once more. I knew he had a few of his guards on standby if he needed them. I'd easily spotted them before walking up. Unlike him, I didn't need protection. He was smart to bring them while meeting with me, even if he didn't know that.

It was obvious he was getting uncomfortable having this conversation out in the open when the foot traffic around us was starting to pick up.

More people were leaving work and starting to head home or to whatever afternoon delights they had planned.

"I think it's the wolves." Lucky whispered just loud enough for me to hear. He wasn't looking directly at me while he said it, instead staring off into the distance as though this was just any other casual conversation between to old friends.

"The local pack?" I questioned under breath as a man walked by furiously typing away on his cell phone. He didn't look our way yet Lucky still waited for the man to pass before continuing.

"I don't think so. I don't believe the New York Alpha would do this in his own town. He's more of a family man and he doesn't get involved in the supernatural underworld," Lucky turned back to look at me. With the way his eyes roamed over me I had a feeling it wasn't just information he wanted from me in return for what he was telling me.

"There are visiting wolves in town for a, uh, party of sorts. Humans will be there. Perhaps a few other types, but many wolves. It's a cover up for a meeting between packs." His eyes were shifting around again as a new wave of noise washed over us from the hundreds of people leaving the buildings around us.

"You look like you don't want to continue this conversation. Not here at least." His eyes flashed to me, once more looking me up and down.

"I do have a bit more information if you'd like to join me in my limo," at his invitation I internally rolled my eyes. I had been expecting this. "That's if you really need to know. Otherwise, I should really be leaving," he began to stand from the table, straightening out his suit.

I knew what Lucky wanted from me, and it was easy enough to give up. I needed the information he possessed. If he could confirm my target, I could move on to the next stage of planning my kill.

My lips were set in a thin line, but I nodded to the vampire. His eyes sparked with a flash of red and his shoulders straightened. In his excitement he seemed taller as he jerked upright and turned in the direction of his car.

I already knew his limo was parked in the alley around the corner. As soon as his guard on the street corner saw our approach, he pressed his finger to his ear in order to communicate with the others and the driver. Of course, getting the car started so we weren't sitting in a cold limo.

Lucky had a little pep in his step as we rounded the corner and made our way to the black vehicle running and waiting there for us.

Bile rose to the back of my throat.

It would have been easier if Lucky had truly only wanted information in return. But I knew every other time I came to him he'd want this. He'd want my blood.

Willing blood tasted better than any secret he had told me.

Lucky opened the back door to the limo, and I slid inside. I moved to the longer set of seats on the side of the vehicle and watched with a lump in my throat as he slid in right next to me. All this space and we were shoulder to shoulder. It only confirmed what I thought.

"I know I said I wanted information, dear, however I'm just so hungry and I've missed lunch. You know how it is, always so busy. Sometimes it's easy to skip meals," he leaned in closer to me and his eyes that were now completely red were looking at me all over. Anywhere but my face.

"Of course, I understand. You get a taste, and you tell me who is in charge of pushing Mist," I replied quickly and began to push up my coat sleeve in an attempt to expose my wrist for him.

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