Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Desperate for him

Saying that he was fucking me with his crystal blue eyes was nothing compared to the emotions which were swirling in his orbs. For a moment, I was scared that he would tear the dress apart and have his way with me. I could see his hunger for me. He was radiating passion mixed with dominance, and he had a hard time holding himself away from me. I was trembling under his lustful gaze, and he just stood there, a few steps away from me, igniting the fire in every cell of my body.

We were absolutely lost in each other’s eyes. I smelled sex in the air along with my expensive perfume and his cologne. The world around us didn’t exist. We were in some kind of trance, totally enchanted by this moment.

“Wait for me in the living room.” Bastian’s raspy voice burst our small bubble. He didn’t move, yet he pointed with his index finger to the door, and with an exasperated sigh, I obeyed, even when leaving him was the last thing I wanted to do.

He left me waiting for fifteen minutes. In that time, I drank some water and calmed my erratic heartbeat. But it was no use when he walked into the room, dressed in a black tuxedo with a black bow tie and white shirt, with a perfect stoic face, all cool and collected. I was back to my trembling, aroused state in a millisecond.

“Ready?” He asked, holding his hand out for me to take, helping me to stand up.

“Yes, sir,” I muttered, chewing my lower lip, imagining crazy sex positions. If I teased him a little, maybe he would at least finger me.

However, he didn’t pay attention to me when I tried to get his attention in the elevator. It wasn’t until we were in the back of his very expensive limousine that he turned to me with that evil look in his blue eyes, and I gigled. He put his hand on my knee, moving it up to my core, and he leaned closer, whispering into my ear.

“Someone is wet here,” he said, nibbling my earlobe, and I tilted my head to the side, giving him access to my neck. I noticed that he wasn’t touching my face, probably because of the make-up.

“I feel something hard,” I replied with a small smile, moving my hand to his groin, touching his erect cock. My desperation for him filling me only grew when I realised he was as aroused as I was.

“I really want to play this game with you, baby girl,” he muttered, gently pecking my jaw. “But I need to tell you something.”

I frowned, instantly withdrawing my hand from his crotch. He pulled away, taking a deep breath, and my stomach twisted with uneasiness. This sudden change of demeanour couldn’t be a good sign. And he never interrupted our play because of anything.

“Do you know Rose Adelaine?” He inquired, taking me completely by surprise.

“Yes,” I answered, narrowing my eyes at him. The reason why the hell he was asking me about her was beyond my comprehension.

“This conversation should have been held earlier, but I didn’t want to ruin your pampering day.” The words were leaving his splendid mouth, yet I didn’t understand the reason behind them. He had probably noticed my confusion, because he continued without me saying anything.

“I was in a relationship with Rose,” he said, looking into my eyes, and I gasped. “It was a very similar relationship like this, what is between us.”

I couldn’t believe my own ears. Did he really tell me that now? What the hell? My heart was hammering in my chest and anger found its way into my veins. I was glaring at him, while he didn’t express any emotion at all.

“Say something, princess,” he whispered softly, touching my chin with his thumb, but I abruptly moved away. I was breathing hard, and I felt blood rushing into my head. I didn’t know why I was so furious. Or, was it another feeling? Jealousy maybe?

“Why now?” I asked through gritted teeth, watching as his brows almost connected above his eyes. He wrinkled his forehead, clearly confused by my question. I almost rolled my eyes at him.

“What is so special about her that you’re telling me about it now!?” I raised my voice, my palms were sweaty and I felt sick in my stomach. For some unknown reason, I was ready to explode with rage. I was never so angry at him. Not even when he was threatening me to kick me out of his company. Shit! What happened to me?

“She is a bitch,” he stated matter of factly, and I smiled bitterly, remembering very well how highly unpleasant person Miss Adelaine was. “She will provoke you. I want you to be prepared.”

“Prepared?” I yelled, glaring at him, yet he looked like he expected me to act like a lunatic. He wasn’t disturbed by my behaviour.

“I’m sorry, princess. I should have told you earlier.” He took my hand in his, and when I wanted to yank it away, he squeezed it tighter.

“You have nothing to worry about. You know I’m yours.”

“Are you?” I spat, staring daggers at him. “She had you too.”

“Rose belongs to the past, sweetie,” he muttered in a calm, soothing voice, brushing his nose against my naked shoulder. “We didn’t have that awkward conversation about our previous relationships. It wasn’t my intention to ruin our night. She confirmed that she would come to the party two hours ago.”

“So you could have told me two hours ago!” I stated, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to avoid his touch.

“I’m sorry, princess,” he breathed into my ear again. He had never apologised twice for one thing, and in less than ten minutes. I saw in his eyes that he wasn’t lying to me, but I was hurt. This revelation was eating away at my self-esteem.

“I want permission,” I said suddenly, my mouth saying the words quicker than my brain was able to comprehend what I was asking. “If she touches you, I’ll make a horrible jealousy scene.”

“Princess,” he started, looking directly into my eyes, but I didn’t flinch. He was mine, and I would never share his attention with some other woman. Period.

“Permission or I’m going home,” I stated, holding his gaze. He must have seen that I was deadly serious, because after a few seconds, he nodded his head.

“Okay, Electra,” he said, his voice soaked with defeat. “You have my permission to do whatever you see fit, if she crosses the line.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, wanting to touch him, but he moved away, leaning into his seat, and my heart painfully clenched in my chest.

Did I just overstep his boundary?

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