Read with BonusRead with Bonus

My Lucy

Michael POV:

I was as sombre as the melancholic weather. I could see the sign of agitation on my workers face, probably worried about the hell that comes with my dark mood. They could already envision an hell of a day. It was quite the opposite, I didn't flinch over a mundane situation nor a critical one. I was quiet the whole day, I could imagine bewilderment on the faces of my worker at the end of the when I gave none a bad time, which was quite the contrast to my promise to Aurora.

My telephone rang, I picked up at once.

"You have a call from Mr. Aiyelero" Libby said

'That damn bastard' I muttered under breath, I've been trying to reach him for quite a while. His secretary always gave the excuse he was out of town anytime I called his workplace and his personal number was always unreachable. It was one of the reason I always got fed up with divorce cases, it can't be finalize till both party signs it. Most often than not, one of them is always unwilling to sign, which was the case for Mr. Aiyelero'

"Put me through" I replied

"Mr. Aiyelero, how are you. I've been trying to reach for a while"

"I apologize I've been out of town"

"I presume you are back"

"Yes, obviously"

"Then I hope you are ready to sign the final papers" I demanded

"I would be in town only for today, I will be flying to Helsingør tommorrow" He said

"Then we ought to finalize it this evening, can you create some moments of your time this evening" I replied

"I'm afraid not"

I was starting to get irked.

"What did you mean?" I asked biting back an harsh reply. "You clearly said you are traveling out of the country, how should I get you to sign."

"That is none of my business Mr. Michael Angelo" he replied coldly "But..."

"But what?" I replied rancidly

"I will be at Calhoun Ballenge party today, you can catch up with me there" He replied

That was the worse possible condition he could ever give me, having to attend a party again.

I suffered the heaviest loss in my life because of a party. I lost my high school sweetheart and the love of my life. I may never love another like her.

It was a night like any other, it was the Prom night of 08/09 set. Lucy was ecstatic about it, quite the opposite was I, I have always hated being around a lot of people.

I knew how much it meant to her and agreed to go too. It was supposed to be one of the happiest day of our life and it started so, for some reason I was enjoying the atmosphere too and was close to making up my mind about future parties. It turned sour in an heartbeat when the love of my life started gasping for air.

I thought she was getting claustrophobic at first and helped her outside to breathe fresh air, she continue to gasp despite being in an open space. I was confused oblivious to what was happening to her, not until her mouth started foaming did I realize she has been poisoned. I was shocked out of my senses and froze at first before recovering myself, I shouted for help but my voice was drowned by the loud music. I had a decision to make, watching her helplessly or leaving her alone to go get help, I chose the latter and it turned out to be the worst descision of my life. The teachers and students I went to call came back to meet the lifeless body of Lucy. The sight of her undead eyes staring at me haunted me for years.

No one understood what happened or how she came about ingesting poison, none of the other students showed any sign or symptoms of being poisoned, which meant she was intentionally poisoned. All effort to solve it proved abortive, she had no blood feud with anyone and nobody overtly loathed her, afterall she was the sweet innocent girl I fell in love with.

It hurts more no one was found guilty, I had no one to blame but myself. Whoever killed my Lucy was out there enjoying his or her life happily like he never took one.

I remember crying so hard when I was called in for questioning, I cried so hard they had to suspend it temporarily. That was how much she meant to me and someone took her from me.

I felt a tear tickled down my cheek . I didn't realize I was crying again, I quickly wiped the tears with the back of my hand.

The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine

"I find quite uncomfortable to be around that large number of people at once" I said

"That is none of my business Mr. Angelo, you either have tonight or we won't be in touch for quite a long time."

I was bemused by his audacity to think he could order me around. An evil idea suddenly popped in my head, I've contemplating it for a while but this was the perfect opportunity to execute it.

Mr. Aiyelero has been accused of physically abusing her wife severely in their 32 yrs of marriage and he has unashamedly confirmed it behind closed door. I had persuaded Mrs. Aiyelero to charge him with assault but she had strongly refuted for some reason she refused to tell. It would be my chance to show him what it feels like to be abused. But first I have to get over get over my Post Trasumatic Stress Disorder, it would be worth it if I could do it tonight, I hope Lucy would proud wherever she is if I pulled it off.

"Mr. Angelo" he said jolting me back to reality "are you still there?" He asked

"Yes, yes I am"

"Are you coming or not, do not waste my time i have a lot to do"

"Oh' I will be there, I will surely be there" I grinned sinisterly

"And Mr. Angelo"


"Do me a favor and come with a pen"

"I'd be sure to do that "

He hung up.

'Oh' I will take so much pleasure in this' I muttered

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