Read with BonusRead with Bonus

I wasn't falling in love with Aurora Hardy

Michael POV:

He pulled up in my driveway and watched me get out of the Car.

"Thanks for today buddy"

"You are welcome"

"I will have one of my drivers send your car over very early tomorrow morning"


He looked behind me and stared at the big mansion that stood behind me.

"Why do you keep living in that big ass house alone"

"No friend, no partner, not even a maid to help you maintain the house, just you and two cats"

"Cal, we are not having that conversation tonight"

This was the umpteenth time he had tried to talk me into selling my house and opting for a smaller one. And every time I turned him down, I loved the house and I wasn't interested in letting it go.

He sighed heavily in disappointment.

"Goodnight Mike"


I watched him drive off before heading back into the house.

I walked into the house, the living room was illuminated. I always left the living room lights on, I know sometimes I stay out late and I know how much my cats loathe the dark, so more often than not, I leave the lights on.

Alas! I wasn't surprised to meet a heap of mess in the house. Cat food was used to litter the floor.

I scanned for both of them, Yow was sleeping on the sofa while her partner in crime slept in the heap of the mess.

"You two did enjoy yourself in my absence"

Yow woke up at the sound of my voice, she raised her head to look at me and slept back. It was a sign she was angry at me, she would have jumped on me otherwise.

I sat beside her and stroked her head softly. "I'm sorry, you won't believe what happened. I was arrested by the cops and was locked in for over 24 hours. You know I love you both and will never leave you for a whole day"

I rubbed my hand against her hand and allowed it to drift to her face. It would turn out to be a terrible mistake.

She hissed loudly and bit my finger hard.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain.

She jumped off the chair and raced away.

"So, it is that way," I said

Mee woke up to the sound of my scream, she didn't spare me a second look. She simply walked gingerly away.

I was more worried about the silent treatment than the lash-out, but either way, I knew it was just a matter of time before both of them came around. I was just glad they were both okay.

I looked at the mess they had made, I knew it would take me at least an hour to take care of it. I don't have the energy or the time to do it. I would have to suspend it till tomorrow, I was yet to decide if I would do it myself or get someone to.

I headed directly into the bathroom to wash my stinking body and day-due teeth. I came out of the bathroom dripping wet, I felt clean and relaxed.

After a stressful last 48 hours, I jumped on the bed expecting to doze off immediately.

How wrong was I, as soon as I closed my eyes, running a course through my mind was Aurora, and leading the race was the thought of the kiss we shared.

I didn't trust myself enough to believe I wouldn't have taken off her clothes and had sex with her right there in her house. I was glad we knocked the plates and were knocked back to our senses, there would be no coming back from that had we gone any further.

Then I had invited her to my house, to watch my cats she said. I didn't doubt her claim to have wanted to see my cats, I knew how much she loved them. It was up to me to be in control of myself come Saturday.

I've never let anyone into my personal space before, other than Cal, the handyman who came to fix whatever was broken, and the maid who came occasionally. Not a single soul has been allowed to step foot in my house since I became the owner. It seems I would be making an exception for the first time.

What is going on with me? What Cal said was starting to seem true, but I refused to believe it. I wasn't falling in love with Aurora Hardy. I can't fall in love again.

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