Chapter 5

Two weeks passed very smoothly for Ayzel. Only Warda gave her a tough time. She always managed to pick out errors and mistakes from meals. She ordered fresh juices from time to time.

But most of the days she was out. And whenever she was out, the day was no less than a blessing for Ayzel. And about Zain, he did not misbehave with her again. She served him coffee regularly at the same time. And now working with great precaution.

She also developed good bonding with other staff members.

She came to know that Asma had a very old and stronger bond with Skinders. All chores of Aliya Khanum are done by  Asma or under her supervision. Somehow she came to conclude that Zain's strict behavior was inherited from Aliya.

Aliya Khanum indeed was a woman of principles. And she is still actively involved in the business. She is the iron fist of the house. For her grandchildren, she is the epitome of affection and for outsiders, she has a hard demeanor.

And they all do not trust someone so soon.

But She always wondered about Zikria's behavior. He was a silent yet kind person. A wave of gloominess was always present on his face. He rarely smiled. And the smile itself was so dim. What was the reason behind his sadness and gloominess?

One day she was cutting vegetables with Asma, and a sudden curiosity urged her to ask her questions.

"Asma Khala, can I ask something?"

"Sure dear, do ask," she said while peeling potatoes.

"Where are Warda's parents and Burhan's mother? " she finally asked. She was afraid that her question brings any sad memory.

And it happened.

Asma immediately stopped.

"Dear, make sure you will never ask this again from anyone. Warda's parents and Burhan's mother are dead. It was a very tragic accident. They all suffered a lot. I can't tell you more and you don't need to know more."Asma quietened her curiosities.

Ayzel vigorously nodded.

As usual, everyone was doing dinner. But Burhan had not started yet. Like an excited kid, he was waiting for something.

"Zikria did you observe your son has started eating home food?" commented Aliya.

"Well, I think the credit goes to Ayzel," said Zikria.

"Indeed, Dad. And today she has made a special thing for me." Burhan was grinning.

And Ayzel arrived with his order.

Hot Alloo parathas.

"You are a gem, Ayzel." he rubbed his hands and started eating them.

Others' mouth was also watered. They always follow a strict diet. But today they all wanted to break the routine.

And when Buran moaned. Their Patience ended.

Zain snatched his second Partha, while he was just ending the first one.

"Heyyyy, it's mine. You thief." Burah yelled.

"Ask your gem to make more." Zain cocked his eyebrow. And whitewashed the paratha. Ayzel was not there. But he did not praise her.

After many years he tasted such a thing. It was the quality of Ayzel's cooking other than the taste, the homely warmth that can be felt in it.

"Dear, do we have to make a special request too?" Aliya Khanum called out to her from the kitchen. And asked.

"No Ma'am. Burhan Sir specially requested me. I thought you don't like oily food." she did not let the obedience go from her. Though Burhan and she were quite good friends now.

"Well, today I wanna try," Aliya ordered politely.

"Make one for me too, beti," asked Zikria too.

Tears welled up in Ayzel's eyes when he called her Beti. She nodded her head and rushed to the kitchen. They all enjoyed the parathas.

Some parthas were left, and Ayzel thought she would eat them later. But a thief had already stolen them. Only one was left, the thief showed some mercy.

And now he was enjoying them in the room.

And our thief was only Zain Skinder.

He was surprised when he found himself licking his fingers.

The next morning, she was making breakfast when Asma Khala told her to take Zain's Breakfast to his room.

She was sweating very badly.

"It's okay Ayzel. He won't eat up you. You just put the tray on the table and rush out of the room. Yeah, that's the plan." she was self-talking and coaxing herself.

She has only seen Warda's room so far.

She knocked on the door, but no reply came. After waiting for a good few minutes she entered because she was worried that breakfast could get cold.

The room was bigger than an apartment. Her eyes were wide open. She thought such rooms only exist in t.v. But today now seeing in reality she was beyond astonished. The room was equipped with all luxuries. Its shining marble floor, and Ayzel was worried that she would dirty it. She took very careful steps.

She placed the tray on the table and released her hold breath.

Suddenly Zain emerged out of the washroom, wrapped in a towel. His torso was in full display and leftover water from the shower was glorifying his skin more.

He also stopped seeing her. At first, her mind stopped working. Then she screamed and rushed toward the exit.

She was about to pull the door, but it got locked.

"How did it get locked?" she was fidgeting with the door knob.

"It won't open without my will." Zain's deep voice stopped her. Slowly she turned back, leaning on the door.

Zain was waving a remote control at her.

Oh, now she understood, the door has an automatic control system. She felt trapped. She was breathing hard. Her chest was visibly heaving up and down. This was the first time she got herself entangled in such a situation.

Zain moved toward him with predatory steps, a devilish smirk dancing on his face.

And then he was very close to her, very close. He put his both arms on her sides, caging her completely.

" go. I promise.... I will...never...come into your room." she pleaded. She was trembling now.

"Ssshhh...lady. Did I say anything about it? Maybe I want to keep you in this room forever. Hmm?" he whispered.

And his these words snatch the earth below Ayzel's feet.

Her shivering intensified.

She was sobbing now.

In one hand, he was holding the remote. With his other free hand, he started to trace his finger on Ayzel's face.

"Are you really sacred or this is some new tactic for seducing men? Hun Miss Chef?" he asked in seducing voice while charging her with seduction. He was surprised at her stubbornness. Any other girl in her place would have submitted to him now. As his personality holds the charms and traits of a perfect man. Girls ready to die at her feet. It was only Ayzel who blocks her and this was irking him.

She looked blankly at him. And the next moments were unbelievable for both of them. Ayzel snatched the remote from his hand and kicked him where the sun does not shine.

She opened the door and rushed out. She ran very fast without looking back.

She collided with a maid, and due to this collision, all the laundry dropped from her hands. But this did not stop Ayzel.

"Gosh...this girl. Like she has seen a ghost." maid shook her head and start picking clothes.

Ayzel only stopped when she reached her room. She was panting and sweating now. She locked the door and double check it. And to add more security she put the chair against the door. So, no one could get in.

"Ya Allah,  what have I done? This man will kill me now for sure."

She went to bed and covered herself with a blanket. Like this blanket would provide her with a shield against the devil.

Dreadful thoughts were hitting her brain. Now she was purely at the mercy of man, which is infamous for his mercilessness.

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