Chapter 6
The next morning Ayzel motivated herself and came out of the room. She was wondering why he have not fired her yet.
The last night she made an excuse that she could not cook tonight as she was not feeling well. But in reality, she did not want to face the monster. This accident was engraved in her mind forever. Sameer was the first male in his life to have the status of friend and then Burhan. But Zain, the thing he did was unimaginable for her.
Looking at the pale face of her, Asma also took pity. She asked her to take a rest.
And to her surprise, no one was there.
"Ayzel makes breakfast only for yourself. No one is at home." Asma informed her.
"Where is everybody?" she looked here and there.
"Well, Aliya Khanum and Zain are out of the country, for a business deal. They may come after one week. And Burahn and Zikria Sahab (mister) went to their mention."
"What! Their mansion. Is not this place their's as well?" Ayzel was shocked.
"Zain is the owner of this mansion, it's sole owner. Even Aliya Khanum has her own separate home. And Warda has kept a luxurious apartment for herself. Everyone has his own privacy. But for most of the time they all live and gather here for occasions." Asma patted her shoulder and went away.
"WoW...rich people." Ayzel pouted in astonishment. But she was happy that the monster has gone for a week and she can enjoy it as much as she want.
She spent her time cooking for the other servants. She even played with their kids. One day by taking permission from Asma, she also visited the orphanage.
Mukhtar also told her the stories of his village. And how her wife and mother did not get along. And Ayzel was laughing at the end of his gossip.
Though he was elder than her, he called her "Ayzel baji" (sister) in his village accent.
Time passed quickly. She was watering the plants, happily. She was enjoying so much this task. Suddenly she felt like someone is gazing at her. She felt caged under the influence of someone's strong and intense gaze. She looked behind, and the very next moment the pipe dropped from her hands.
And she forgot to breathe.
It was Zain, looking at her with a hawk-like gaze from the wide balcony of his room.
Ayzel immediately rushed to her room. She closed the door and started taking deep breaths. She was leaning on the door frame.
"Am I that scary?" a voice startled her. She shrieked and jumped very badly.
Zain was already in her room.
She tried to run out. But Zain put his hand on the door and shut it with one loud bang.
Finding no other escape route, she started to move back. Zain took one step towards her, and she took one step back.
Finally, the wall behind her, stopped this retreating of steps. A distance of less than one inch was present between them. Because of his tall height, he leaned down to level himself with her.
His hot minty breath was fanning her face.
"you owe some punishment. Don't you, little squirrel? He lifted her chin upward with his finger.
"I..am..sorry. Please let me....go..this time," she begged.
"Na, na, nah..sorry was never the option." his voice was getting huskier." Tit for tat. Do you remember where did you kick me?" his eyes roamed down there and lingered on her specific part.
His intentions were not good.
Her face was turning white.
"Don't be that heartless." she again pleaded.
He chuckled. "Oh, sweetheart I am beyond heartless."
"Look just give me any punishment but please just don't touch me." she joined hands in front of him.
He raised his hand. Ayzel thought he was going to slap her so she raised her to block his attack and closed her eyes.
But he only tucked her hair strand behind her ear.
She was flabbergasted.
He stepped away from her. " Condition accepted. But whatever I say next, you will do."
"Yes, Yes." she nodded profusely.
"Kiss me." now he was smirking.
"What?" she whispered.
"You said not touching you. But you can touch me. Now do it quickly, or I will change my mind." He challenged her.
Being too much afraid of him, Ayzel took slow steps. She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.
It was not even one-tenth of the pain he suffered. But looking at her miserable state he thought to enough on this. Because he knew many other punishments are already welcoming her.
She was rubbing her heart to steady her heartbeat.
"Enough for now, Sweet heart."
He was moving out, then he suddenly stopped. " Anyways I have deducted fifty percent from your salary." he exited putting his hands in his pockets.
As he closed the door, Ayzel threw her sandal on the door furiously.
"Don't even give me a penny. just fire me. " She said angrily looking at the door. "Ya Allah, where I have gotten myself into? Please protect me from this devil." She cried out.
Even sometimes simple dreams cost you very much.
And that's what happened with Ayzel.
Never in his wildest dream, he thought that a simple naive girl like Ayzel would influence him so much.
A call and any girl would be beneath him. But why he is sweating after this girl?
He got up from his bed and print out something.
He printed Ayzel's poster.
He was staring at it with unfathomable emotions.
A girl hit her and was still alive and breathing in his place. How was it possible? Even he did not have the answer to this question. Someone else in her place would have been under six feet now.
Then he took out the lighter and started burning the poster.
"You are just an infatuation. Soon I will burn you out of my system, very soon" he promised darkly.