The saying was look good, feel good but that was a stupid lie. I looked good, like a gourmet meal in a five star restaurant but instead I felt like absolute shit. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and was in awe of the girl staring back at me. She was gorgeous in a black tube tob, high waisted maxi skirt with thigh high slits on both sides and black satin pointed toe lace up heels. Her hair was expensively done in a curly Brazilian weave and for the first time she had her make up expertly done. I felt sorry for the girl because she had done everything right but it had all amounted to nothing.

"Are you okay?"A feminine voice asked behind me.

I drew my gaze away from the mirror to look at her. She was a beautiful young woman about my age with a cute afro, simple make up, a very short white body con dress and silver heels. She had a kind face and looked genuinely worried about me. Oh how I wished I had more people like her in my life.

"No but I will be."I replied feeling like I was assuring me and not her.

"Good because you look too pretty to be sad."She said smiling at me.

"Thank you."I answered smiling back.

She washed her hands and left me alone in the bathroom once again. Even a stranger had admitted to me that I looked good so I decided to suck it up and go back to my little pity party. I took a few cute mirror selfies to boost my confidence and posted them on my social media pages. After one more long look in the mirror and confirming that I looked perfect I left the bathroom and back to the loud night club. I had to fight through a few drunk and grabby patrons but I succeeded.

I found my way back to the private booth I'd rented for the night and sat down. Everything looked wonderful, from the beautiful red velvet cake, the bouquet of assorted cake pops for those who didn't like red velvet and the many bottles of alcohol on the table. I had balloons, a crown, the sash, literally everything to make my twenty second birthday a blast but no one to share it with.

My phone pinged with a text and I reached for it only to be disappointed for the umpteenth and final time that night. It was another cancelation and it was the last one meaning literally no one was showing up for my birthday. What a waste? I was on the verge of tears but my make up was too expensive for me to waste it on people who didn't deserve it. I knew that I didn't have any close friends but I at least expected them to show up for the free alcohol.

There was no fun in celebrating alone so I had to call it a night and go back home to feel sorry for myself in private. The only problem I had was that I had no idea what to do with all the drinks I had ordered. They were already paid for so maybe the bartender could take them back. I didn't even want a refund, I just wanted to get rid of the evidence on how pathetic my life was. I got up and walked up to the long bar crossing my fingers that they would take the drinks back. There were a lot of patrons being served so I forced myself to be patient.

"Hey beautiful."A drunk smelly breath whispered in my ear.

I cringed, moved back and turned to look at him with a disgusted look on my face. He was a mouth breathing idiot who thought of all days tonight was the night to mess with me.

"Don't talk to me if I'm wearing heels longer than your dick."I gritted out.

He looked at my shoes, then back to the glare on my face and turned the other way. I heard someone whistle behind me, probably impressed by my diss but I didn't turn to see who it was. I was not in a good mood and definitely didn't want to be nagged by a drunk fool who just wanted a quick fuck against the wall. The reason I had chosen such a high class club was to escape perverts like him but it looks like his kind were everywhere.

"What can I get you gorgeous?"The bartender asked when he finally noticed me.

"Hi umh, I was wondering if it's possible to return drinks?"I asked hopefully.

"Is there something wrong with them or did we get your order wrong?"He inquired.

"No I just want to return them."I explained.

"Then I'm sorry miss we don't accept drinks back unless there's an issue with them or a mix up with the order."He apologized.

"I don't want a refund, I just want to give them back."I insisted.

"I'm sorry miss."He replied killing all hope I had.

"Okay thank you."I sighed feeling defeated.

I sagged against the counter wondering what to do and not really in the mood to go back to my depressing table. Maybe I could order an uber and take all the drinks home. But that would still be a waste since I wouldn't drink any of them.

As I was wallowing in my own self pity a group of five guys walked up to the counter dressed in full suits and sharp, neat haircuts. Were it not for the fact that they were all laughing together, I would have thought that four were bodyguards to one of them. They were all beautiful black men of varying heights but only of them caught my eye. He was tall, but not the tallest of the group standing at approximately 6'0 with a neat hair cut styled to a drop fade. He had a short trimmed beard with a sharp jaw and white perfectly arranged teeth. He was handsome to say the least but like the rest of his friends they looked older than me.

They stood a couple of meters away and even if I had no business at the bar anymore I found myself staying. The music at the bar wasn't so loud so I could hear what they were saying.

"Excuse me, can we get a booth?"One of them requested.

"I'm sorry, we're booked full for the night."The same bartender who had served me informed them.

They all all groaned in defeat disappointed that there weren't any free booths. That wasn't strange, I had to book mine two weeks in advance and with a down payment just to ensure that it would be available for the night, not that it had done me any good anyway. The club was so high end that needed to be a certain level of sophisticated to get in. The only reason I had gotten a booth was because I had been recommended by one of my customers to the owner.

"Guys this is the fifth club we've been to. Let's just give up and call it a night."My mr mchotty lamented looking defeated.

"No dude, we have to try. Tonight is a big night and we're going all out. Let's just grab a drink first and try the next bar."The friend closest to him insisted.

"I really don't want to."Mchotty complained.

"We know but as your best friends it's our responsibility to get you drunk tonight so one drink and we're leaving."Another one added.

Mchotty looked about ready to run from there but it was four against one so there's was no hope for him to win.

"Fine, one drink and one more club then I'm done."He declared.

"That's what I'm talking about."Friend number four cheered clapping in excitement as he moved forward to order drinks for them.

They all sat at a couple of free stools at the bar looking around the club. After eavesdropping on their conversation an idea popped into my head. There was a group of people who wanted a booth but couldn't get one and I was a girl with a booth and drinks that she wanted to get rid off. They could be my saving grace but the issue was that I needed to talk to them first. I wasn't usually the kind of girl who had the courage to approach five guys and offer them a booth and free drinks but I needed to put on my big girl pants for this one. I definitely could have used some liquid courage at the moment but since I didn't drink I decided to just go for it. I had nothing more to lose anyway.

I took a deep calming breath, calling out to lady luck and crossed my fingers hoping for the best. I pushed myself off the counter and approached them, hoping I looked more courageous than I felt.

They were all engaged in an exciting conversation when I stood behind them and cleared my throat. All conversation ceased and then five pairs of eyes turned to look at me. It felt unnerving being the center of attention to five undeniably attractive men but it was necessary. None of them were saying anything, just staring at me and I realized that I was the intruder so I had to state my business quick.

"Hi guys, I'm sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help overhearing that you guys were looking for a booth and couldn't get one."I started glad that I hadn't stuttered.

I tried my best not to look at mchotty especially since he was staring at me from head to toe scrutinizing me. It was making me feel all hot and bothered and it was the wrong time to be having such feelings.

"Yeah what about it?"Friend number two asked me.

He came off as rude but I understood since I was a random girl interrupting their conversation.

"I was wondering if I can buy you guys drinks and offer you a free booth. I know that's not how it usually works but I have a table and drinks if you guys want it."I offered them feeling very vulnerable in that moment.

"You're offering us a booth? What's the catch? "Friend number one asked.

"No catch, they are all free unopened drinks and the booth is paid for all night."I assured him.

"This feels like a prank. Is it a prank?"Friend number three asked.

"I can assure you, I am not in the mood for games. Look I don't have all night, do you guys want the booth and drinks or not?"I asked my patience already wearing thin.

They all looked like genuinely nice, responsible guys that's why I was approaching them and not the other perverts in the club. But if they kept being rude about it, I would find another option.

Next Chapter