The five guys all looked at each other seemingly having a silent conversation with their eyes and they finally came to a decision.
"Okay we'll take it."Friend number one agreed.
"Perfect, it's right this way gentlemen."I replied stepping back.
They all got off their stools with their drinks in hand and followed me to the booth.
"What are the balloons for?"Friend number two asked.
A sad reminder of my miserable existence. I thought to myself but didn't say it out loud.
"Nothing important."I mumbled untying them from the table and letting them float to the ceiling.
The cake and cake pops were covered so other than that there was nothing else to show that it was a pitiful failed birthday celebration.
"Have a seat."I invited them.
They all sat down around the table facing each other.
"These are a lot of drinks for just one person."Friend number three commented.
"I know, that's what you guys are here for. If you don't like it, leave it at the table. You guys enjoy yourselves."I said taking my purse which had my wallet,some essentials, the sash and the crown inside it.
I didn't know any of them so I couldn't join them and besides I already wanted the night to be over.
"You're leaving?"Friend number one exclaimed.
"Yeah my night is done, but yours is just beginning."I replied reaching for the cake.
"Come on, you have to join us otherwise this will look like a prank and we'll think these are drugged."Friend number four insisted.
"They are all unopened so assuredly not drugged and even if you don't trust me, just take the booth and leave the drinks. Goodnight boys."I said picking up the cake as straightening up.
"Stay baby girl."Mchotty finally said addressing me directly for the first time.
His voice was deep and gruff, commanding even and I got the urge to drop at his feet and yell, yes sir. The dude was the alpha male type and I knew better than to stay. Besides they all looked older and richer than me, definitely not my type or circle.
"Sorry no can do. I gotta go."I excused myself stepping back.
"One drink and we'll let you go."He insisted standing up with me.
He was taller and buffer than me so he shadowed over me making me feel like a rabbit being hunted by a fox.
"I c-can't."I stuttered holding the cake to my chest like it was a shield.
"Yes you can, now sit, please."He added drawing out that last word.
He took the box from my hand and as if there was an invisible force pushing me, I found myself sitting down. He didn't look like the kind who was used to being told no and besides it was just one drink then I could leave.
"Good girl."He said with a smirk taking a seat next to me after setting the cake down.
There was something about him that called out to me and it was no secret that he was handsome so there was definitely attraction too. He was seated so close to me that I could smell his cologne and it gave me a heady euphoric feeling.
"Give it to you to subdue the tigress."Friend number two teased.
"How about we introduce ourselves first? You bought us drinks, it's only fair that we get to know each other better."Friend number one proposed.
I didn't have any other choice so I nodded in agreement.
"I'm Maxwell Muriithi."Friend number one introduced himself.
Max was the tallest of the group, standing at probably 6'2. Compared to my short frame of 5'3, he was a giraffe and I was an antelope. He was handsome with a long face, a bald head and a full beard. He looked like Tyrese Gibson from fast and furious just with a beard.
"Francis Mwaura, nice to meet you."Friend number three introduced.
Francis could be described as cute, with a baby face, curly hair, lighter skin tone than the rest and he was the shortest standing at 5'8. But he was still taller than me. He reminded me of a graceful Dorcas gazelle.
"Owen Juma."Friend number two mumbled as he struggled with opening a bottle of vodka.
Owen was the same height as mchotty at 6'0 with short hair and no facial hair except for side burns. He was handsome with a sharp jaw and a cute gap in his teeth.
"Brian Omolo, pleasure to meet you."Friend number four said tipping his glass at me.
Brian gave me the impression of a fuck boy with his playful eyes and wandering gaze. He stood at 6'1 with short hair, a neatly trimmed beard and pierced ears.
Finally I turned to mchotty seated next to me waiting for an introduction. He stared back challenging me.
"Wait, you don't recognize him?"Owen asked me looking shocked.
"No, should I?"I asked feeling strange.
"Do you live under a rock or something?"Brian asked looking at me expectantly.
"Yes but its more of a boulder actually."I replied sarcastically making Brian wince in pain and his friends laugh at him.
I didn't mean to be rude but what was the big deal with mchotty. Was he some celebrity or something? I wouldn't know since I wasn't very active on social media and didn't watch TV.
"Enough guys, I'm Hunter Makau Mutua. Nice to meet you princess and you are?"He asked holding his hand out for me.
Something about his name sounded familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. Oh well, it didn't matter anyway, it's not like we would interact long enough for us to be friends.
"I'm Candy."I replied shortly shaking his hand.
I tried to pull my hand back but he held firm refusing to let go.
"That's a hookers name. Your real name sweetheart?"He demanded in that same sexy commanding tone.
I had no idea how he guessed I'd given a false name but I didn't want to find out the consequences if I lied to him again so I decided to be honest.
"I'm Nala."I replied honestly.
"Nice to meet you Nala."Hunter replied lifting my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it while maintaining eye contact with me the whole time.
That one move had me dying and going to heaven for a sweet few seconds. I blushed and pulled my hand away resisting the urge to fan myself as that would be too dramatic.
Was it getting hotter or was it just me?
"Is Nala your full name?"Owen asked.
"Yeah I'm Nala Kawira Mugo."I replied giving them all three names on my ID.
"Never heard than one before, definitely unique like you."Max commented.
"Thank you and please let me ask, how old are you guys?"I inquired because I knew they were all older than me.
"I am the oldest at thirty One, Max and Owen are thirty, Hunter is twenty eight and the baby of the group is Brian at twenty seven."Francis introduced.
"Definitely better looking than you."Brain scoffed not liking the idea of being called a baby.
So Hunter was only seven years older than me? Not bad actually.
"What about you sweetheart?"Francis asked me.
"Twenty two as of today."I replied sadly.
"Shouldn't you be out celebrating with your friends then?"Max asked me.
"Yes I definitely should but apparently I don't have any friends because they all bailed on me."I explained.
The table went silent after my declaration because that's when the pieces started fitting together and they understood the reason for the booth and the alcohol with no people to drink it.
"They don't deserve you, happy birthday baby girl."Hunter whispered right next to my ear.
I turned to look at him and came face face with his beautiful full, plump pink lips. Why did men have to be blessed with such beautiful lips? I found myself resisting the urge to lean in closer and kiss him.
"Thank you."I mumbled struggling to look away.
"At least you and Hunter have one thing in common."Brian commented.
"What?"I asked confused.
"Bad luck, today was supposed to be his bachelor party."Owen announced and my face fell.
I should have known he was taken. There's no way such a beautiful man would be single. There was always a catch.
"Congratulations."I muttered glancing at him.
"I would accept that but unfortunately there's no wedding. You missed the "was supposed to be" part."Hunter replied with a shrug.
"A bachelor party without a wedding? I'm confused."I asked.
"It's simple actually. Hunter was to get married tomorrow but his ex decided that she'd rather marry Aaron, his younger brother instead. There is a wedding, it's just not Hunters."Max explained and something clicked in my brain.
"You're Hunter Mutua."I commented with a gasp pointing at him when it all started making sense.
Hunter was the vice president's son and if what he was saying was true, he was to marry the president's daughter. It was the most anticipated wedding of the decade. Definitely wouldn't be a royal wedding without drama but the media was not talking about Hunter and Veronica. The whole story circulating was about Aaron, the vice presidents second born and Veronica, the president's first born daughter.
"I didn't know you and Veronica used to date."I commented with a gasp.
"The media doesn't know everything. We dated for six years but broke up six months ago when I caught her in bed with my baby brother. Now the two are getting married."Hunter replied with a bitter laugh.
He looked more angry than sad which was understandable. He really had received the short end of the stick from his brother and ex fiance.
"I'm sorry."I apologized even if it had nothing to do with me.
"Don't be. All water under the bridge." He assured me and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he really meant that.
"I propose we drink tonight, to Nala's shitty friends and Hunter's terrible family."Brian declared opening a bottle of whiskey.
"I would love to but I don't drink."I apologized.
"What?!"They all exclaimed shocked.
"Not even a little?"Max asked and I shook my head.
"Well tonight you do. Take it as if you're turning twenty one in the US, their legal age for drinking. We'll start you up with some wine."Brian suggested reaching for a bottle of wine.
I really had gone all out making sure to buy a bottle of everything in the club.
"I can't."I expressed.
"Yes you can, just taste a little and if you don't like it, we won't push you."Owen suggested handing Brian a glass.
Brian poured me a little wine in the glass and handed it to me. It felt like peer pressure but they were all older than me so that didn't apply. I'd promised myself a night of fun and rule breaking so I decided to do just that even if they weren't the people I thought I would be celebrating with.
"You promise not to take advantage of me if I get drunk?"I asked taking the glass from him.
"We promise, scouts honor."Francis assured me.
I looked at Hunter who was looking at me encouragingly and when he nodded at me as if giving me permission, I took a sip. It wasn't so bad so I took another and another until the glass was empty.
"Do you like it?"Hunter asked and I nodded.
I had never had alcohol before but I found myself liking the wine.
"Great, just remember to pace yourself. It is your first time after all."Hunter demanded.
"I will."I assured him feeling like I wouldn't want to do anything against his wishes.
The rest of the guys nodded at me approvingly and Brian filled my glass once more. Everyone reached for their poison from the assortment on the table and filled their glasses.
"To terrible friends and family and to new acquaintances."Brian toasted raising his glass.
We all raised our glasses clinking them together while cheering.
"To new friends indeed."Hunter commented with a smirk as he clinked his glass against mine and took a sip of his Scotch while looking into my eyes the whole time.
I was unable to break eye contact as I took a sip of my own wine.
I had thought of my night going a whole lot different but it wasn't turning out to be so bad either. I mean I was drinking with a couple of friends who were very nice and shared my misery. I could definitely make something out of it instead of letting the whole night go to waste.
"So Nala, tell me more about yourself?"Hunter rasped out looking at me.
Hunter was very intimidating, not to mention he was older than me and had a domineering aura around him. I had had enough disappointment for one night so I decided to embrace what was coming my way. I knew it would be over by morning but for the night I decided to have fun and let loose. Maybe I might even get some birthday sex out of it if I played my cards right.
"What do you wanna know?"I replied with a smile the wine already getting to me and boosting my confidence.
Time for the birthday girl to actually enjoy her birthday.