"You guys have been giving me nicknames all night, I think it's only fair if I return the favor."I commented when I realized none of them was calling me by my actual name.
"Feel free."They agreed.
I took a few minutes to think about it as Brian tipped the girl for the lap dance.
"Got it."I declared and started assigning names one by one."Max you are Giraffe, Francis you're gazelle, Owen is horse, Brian you're monkey and Hunter is Bear."I commented with a laugh.
"We call you sweet nicknames and you refer to us as animals."Max asked looking a little angry.
"Yeah an animal that each of you reminds me of."I replied.
"How do I remind you of a monkey?"Brian gritted out.
"You're a bonobos monkey, they are always very horny just like you."I said biting my cheek to hold in my laugh.
The rest of the guys laughed at him too and he just sulked like a little baby.
"I accept I'm tall but really a giraffe?" Francis complained.
"I chose the nicknames and they all fit."I declared and no one was going to change my mind.
"Why am I a bear?"Hunter asked quietly.
"Because you are big and cuddly but still ferocious and protective."I replied with a shrug.
"Francis reminds me of a Dorcas gazelle because of his adorable baby looks and Owen is graceful like a horse."I explained when the two looked looked at me waiting for explanations.
"Why do they get the good animals? I demand a change."Brian lamented.
"You can't change my mind."I asserted.
I realized that there was no stripper to protect Hunter from anymore so I moved to get off his lap but he held me down.
"Where are you going?"He asked me.
"Sitting down."I replied as if it was obvious.
"Are you uncomfortable?"He inquired looking at me worriedly.
"No."I mumbled.
"Then stop moving and settle down."He growled tightening his arms around my waist to keep me in place.
Looks like I was not going anywhere.
"Nala I have a question for you?"Owen asked refilling my wine.
"Shoot."I replied taking a sip.
"What's the one thing you want but are too scared to go for?"He expounded.
"A sugar daddy."I replied without having to think about it.
Everyone around the table laughed and so did I except for Hunter.
"I think we need a little bit more information. You don't look like the kind of girl who would want a sugar daddy."Owen requested.
"He doesn't necessarily need to be old but should be at least five years older than me. I would like baby girl treatment, someone who can fulfill my sexual desires, treat me like a princess, spoil me rotten with gifts and vacations. All I'd need to do is look pretty and have sex with him. Oh and he can't be married."I explained.
"Then why don't you find one? You're young and beautiful, I'm sure lots of guys would like to spoil you rotten."Max inquired.
"Because I'm the first born daughter of full blooded African parents and that comes with its own pride. My morals and up bringing wouldn't allow me either. Plus men don't exist because eventually he would want to get married and have kids and I'm not sure if I want to be a mom or have children."I explained.
"Wow, girls really are complicated."Max commented.
"No we're not, bottom line is I want a sugar daddy with no strings attached where I can leave when I want to."I insisted.
"Why don't you ask Hunter? He fits your criteria perfectly."Max suggested.
"Bear, will you be my sugar daddy?"I asked jokingly turning to face him.
"Sure as long as you're good baby girl."He replied seriously and I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.
Hunter would be the perfect sugar daddy. He was rich, handsome and sexy as hell. I just had to remember that the fantasy I was living in was only going to last for the night.
"I can be whatever you want."I purred kissing his cheek soundly.
"You're drunk, have some more water."He demanded replacing the wine glass in my hand with a bottle of water.
"Yes daddy."I moaned in his ear so only he heard me.
"Careful what you wish for doll."He threatened gripping my waist tightly.
His hard on grew larger under my ass and I felt myself get hornier. I did the mistake of moving to chase that high and he groaned holding me firmly in place.
"Baby stop moving."He demanded.
The thrill of that first orgasm was over and I found myself wanting another.
"Let's get out of here."I moaned in his ear.
He pulled back and looked at my face, the same wanton look he had mirroring mine. When he didn't see a hint of doubt on my face he smirked and kissed my forehead.
"We are leaving. Are you guys okay driving each other home?"Hunter asked his friends.
They looked ready to protest but something about the look on Hunters face had them swallowing their words.
"Yeah we'll be fine."Francis assured him.
"Okay good, we'll see you tomorrow at the wedding."Hunter declared and I remembered that I had agreed to go to the wedding with him.
I almost backed out off going away with him for the night but I couldn't bring myself to give up the amazing sex that was awaiting me. I would have to find a way to get up early and get away the next morning. I was not accompanying him to the wedding meaning I wouldn't be seeing the guys again. That made me sad but it was fun while it lasted.
"Goodbye guys, thank you for a wonderful birthday. It was awesome getting to meet all of you."I expressed getting up to kiss each of them on the cheek.
"Why does that feel like a goodbye? It can't be, we're seeing you tomorrow."Brian the ever intuitive one commented.
I didn't say anything in reply, just waved goodbye, grabbed my purse and followed Hunter out of the club.
"Where do you stay, maybe your place is closer than mine?"Hunter asked me when we got into the car.
Images of my single room with only a bed and a plastic chair came to mind and my body immediately rejected that idea. There's no way I was taking Hunter there, I would be too embarrassed.
"I'd prefer if we went somewhere neutral, I'll pay for the hotel room or the airbnb."I suggested as I put on my seatbelt.
"Okay neutral environment it is but I'm paying for it."Hunter asserted and I already knew enough about him not to fight him on it.
He quicky googled a place on his phone and linked it to his cars gps. Two minutes later he was driving towards our destination.
The closer we got, the more nervous I was. I hadn't ever done something so crazy before. I mean it had taken me a whole year before I had sex with my ex boyfriend and here I was about to have a one night stand with a complete stranger.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"Hunter asked placing his hand on my bare knee.
I looked at him and realized that there's no chance I was saying no.
"Without a doubt."I assured him looking into his eyes so that he could see how serious I was.
"Good because if you had said no I wouldn't know what I would have done with this."He replied taking my hand and placing it on his thigh where his hard dick was nestled.
I squeezed him hard and he groaned. Hunter was well endowed, there was no doubt about that and I was sure that I would be sore by the time he would be done with me. I just hoped he knew what to do with that weapon he was hiding under his pants otherwise it would be a huge waste of cock.
I squeezed him again rubbing him softly with the tips of my fingers making him moan.
"Stop, not here."He scolded pulling my hand off his lap and bringing it to his lips.
He kissed the back of it before linking my fingers with his and putting it on my lap.
Five minutes later Hunter pulled up at the gate lot of Hillpark Hotel, a prestigious establishment that I couldn't afford a single night in.
"We can't stay here."I rejected pulling my hand from his.
"Why?"He asked looking puzzled.
"Because I can't afford it."I replied as if it was obvious.
"That's okay, I'm paying."He answered.
"Yeah but I still can't afford it. What if you ditch me with the bills?"I cried.
"Baby girl I don't know what kind of boys you've dated before but I'm a man who keeps my word. I would never take you out on a date only to leave you with the bills."Hunter promised me looking into my eyes.
I opened my mouth to protest again but he shut me up with a kiss. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and I had no option but to kiss him back. Just as I was getting into the groove he pulled back and left me hanging. I looked at him dazed feeling as if he'd just cut off my orgasm. He winked at me and proceeded to drive forward into the hotel after the guard at the gate let us in.
He parked the car and got out to open my door for me. He was so chivalrous, I had to bite my cheek to hold in my smile. I had no idea men like him existed but since he was insisting I would let him treat me like a princess for the night. It felt good being taken care of. He took my hand and helped me out of the car, locking it behind me. We walked into the luxurious hotel hand in hand. I'd never been around such affluence before and it was making me feel out of place.
"Wait here while I get us a room."He requested me once we walked into the reception.
I nodded and took a seat on one of the sofas in there. Hunter walked up to the smartly dressed lady behind the reception desk and I sat calmly trying to get my mind to stop running wild. I couldn't believe that I was about to have sex with a man I barely knew in a very expensive hotel. Stuff like that only happened in books and movies not to normal village girls like myself. It was all so surreal but I reminded myself that I was living in the moment and to trust my gut. I always trusted my instincts and they were telling me that Hunter was a good guy so I decided to believe in myself.
"Let's go."Hunter declared walking back to me with a room key in hand and a smile on his face.
I took his hand and let him lead me away. He seemed very familiar with the surroundings which led to quite a few doubts. How often did he do this? Was I just another girl in a long line of one night stands?
"Get that look off your face baby girl. I've only been here for conferences and had to spend the night sometimes. You're also the first girl I've been with since my ex and I broke up."He assured me.
I had no idea how he had read my mind but it was nice to hear that this wasn't a regular occurrence to him. I looked away embarrassed enjoying the art on the walls as we passed by them. We took the stairs to the first floor and my heels echoed against the tiles like a warning of what was to come.
"Last chance to run."Hunter declared dangling the key infront of me.
I'd already given myself multiple pep talks and was ready for what he had to offer. I smirked at him, took the key from his hand and unlocked the door, swinging it open.
Game time.