Chapter 4
I walked as fast as my legs would go without running from his office. My body was burning inside. He ignited a fire in me like I had never felt before. He called me "sweet Iris" and I could swear he almost called me baby. I wasn't imagining it, this gorgeous older man, wanted me. He made me nervous. I wasn't uncomfortable or afraid in that closed office with him. Even when he touched me, I was excited but calm. I had never experienced what he made me feel in there, it was intense. Suddenly my phone was ringing, reminding me of the club event. I looked down to see a missed message from Adam as well. This is who I should have an interest in. The nice goofy guy who is my age, not the mysterious older man who is my teacher and notorius for being a hard ass attorny with plenty of trouble in his pocket. I walked towards the area where the club event was beginning to start. As soon as I got there, I found a bench to sit down. Still trying to wrap my head around what had happened. I am an average-looking woman, with blonde hair and green eyes. What about me would he want? Those other girls in that class were like fucking models. I just can't figure it out. I pulled out my phone again to answer Adam. He asked if I was still planning to come to the study group thing. I told him I would, but I found myself not as interested in going as before. I didn't even want to look at the clubs anymore, but I made myself check out a few. A photography club, and a book club both piqued my interest so I signed up. Right after, I headed to the dining hall to try to eat something before the group. I had no other classes today so I had time to kill. I would have to ask Adam about Criminology because I am sure he was in that class as well. I sat down with a ham sandwich paired with another Red Bull. I sat there picking at the sandwich but practically drowning myself in Red Bull. I tended to run on caffeine and little else. I looked around at the other students in the room. I could tell a lot of them had come from some Long Beach area straight to the local college. I came from across the country. Just a small-town girl with a big-time dream. I worked to get here, I worked hard. Was I going to let some man risk all of that?
"Hello, Iris" The assistant sat down beside me again, making me feel like she was watching me. I smiled at her. "How are you feeling dear?" She asked sweetly. I think she was truly showing concern. "I feel fine. I don't want to call you the assistant, What's your name?" I asked her quietly a little embarrassed I hadn't already learned it. "Oh sorry, I should have introduced myself better. I tend to get excited easily. We have been working on that. My name is Kate." She grinned at me, and all I could do was wonder who she meant when she said we. "What did you mean by he would teach me?" I asked her quietly not wanting surrounding ears to pick up on the conversation. Her mouth made an OH shape but she covered it quickly with her hand. "You will figure it all out Iris. I didn't think so at first, but I have been paying attention. I think this is exactly what you and Mr. Lorcane need." She said almost blushing. I felt myself beginning to blush as well. I just didn't know why. "Enjoy your sandwich sweetheart, I hope we can be fast friends." She grinned at me before leaving the dining area. I looked at my phone, I had about 25 minutes to meet Adam in front of the Walter building. I slowly got up and threw away my trash, downing my Red Bull before throwing it away. I felt the hair on the back of my neck begin to stand up and spun around quickly to see Lorcane staring at me. Why does that happen? How does my body know he is there before I do? I smiled at him before walking out the door and heading to meet Adam. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I was almost certain it was Adam letting me know he was waiting for me. I pulled it out of my pocket to let him know I was almost there. It wasn't him.
Red Bull is bad for you Iris. Looking foward to our next meeting. Do you enjoy Italian?
Ryker Lorcane. I added his name to my contacts before responding. I read over the message multiple times. He did mention the Red Bull like Kate had said he would, weird. I was looking forward to out meeting as well, but I dont really know why. I dont know what I am doing? Accepting a dinner offer from a professor. I dont know if this is a good idea, but I find my ability to ignore my reaction to this older man, impossible. I decide on a simple response.
I love Italain. Red Bull gives me wings. haha.
I answered with some sarcasm, it was much easier through a phone. I walked up to Adam instantly watching his face form a very happy smile. I smiled back. "Hey, Iris!" He yelled towards me walking to me before I could get to him. "I'm so glad you decided to come. We are heading to a party on the beach after we study, You should come to that too." He was talking very fast. Nervous I assume. I smiled and told him I would come for a while. I wasn't much of a drinker but I could sit and enjoy some company. Clear my mind some. We went to the library and rented a study room. This is not something I had done before but apparently, it was a way to study with friends without getting shushed every five minutes by the librarian. That's what Adam said anyway. A few other people from our class had joined us. They were all talking about the quote they had chosen. Surprisingly no one had chosen the one that I was given. I smiled knowing I would be the one that stuck out, it being his favorite one. I think that was his idea though. To single me out. To keep my attention on him. Adam kept looking up from his tablet smiling at me. I would try to smile back as much as possible. I wanted to be friendly. One of the girls, Lynn, asked me out loud why I thought the professor had it out for me. "He was riding you hardcore Iris, I am sure you weren't the first person to ever be late to his class." She said with a voice you would hear from the mean girl cheerleader on an after-school special. The one about bullies. I smiled at her attempting not to blush at her question. "I think he was trying to start the semester off making an example out of me," I said shrugging my shoulders. She smiled rolling her eyes. I was irritated at her but I couldn't figure out why. We sat there for about an hour, everyone reading and taking notes. Then it was time to head to the party.
I hadn't pulled my phone out since we came into the library. When I pulled it out on the way to the beach I had 3 messages. They couldn't all be from him. I slowed my pace to fall behind the group and opened my messages.
Sounds Good.
-Ryker Lorcane
Meet the car at 6 tomorrow on the road outside of your dorm.
-Ryker Lorcane
Iris let me know if you are okay. This campus can be dangerous at night.
-Ryker Lorcane
I swallowed hard, he had sent the last message at 445, and it was now going on 6 pm. I started to type quickly as we walked down the concrete stairs to the fire built on the beach. Before I could get the message out I heard his voice. "Hello guys, better be careful out here on this beach tonight. A ton of drunk college punks out here." He said sharply walking past us to go up the stairs. Did he come looking for me? Why would he do that? He barely knows me. I glanced back over my shoulder to see him still watching me. I smiled awkwardly before turning back towards the beach. I sat down on a chair beside the fire. "You want a beer Iris?" I heard Adam ask before walking to get his own. I shook my head no. I told him I wasn't much of a drinker. He smiled at me saying, "Cool", before heading towards the coolers. He came back with a beer for him and a coke for me. "Thanks," I said practically having to yell over the bass of the music. He smiled. I watched as he inhaled his beer. This frat boy persona was not something that ever impressed me. I left that type of partying behind with the rest of my life in Ohio. He reached his hand out asking me if I wanted to dance with him. I shook my head no but he grabbed my arm and pulled me up to him anyway. "C'mon Iris. Come have some fun with me." He said laughing while practically dragging me to the group of other people dancing. I closed my eyes and began to move. Why not enjoy myself? I felt his hands land on my hips while I moved. Suddenly he was behind me with his mouth by my neck dancing against me. It was nice to let go a little bit. After the song ended we went to sit back down. He leaned in to kiss me, and I turned my head. "I'm so sorry Iris, I don't know what took over me," he said quickly after my rejection. I smiled at him telling him it was okay. I told him we could be friends for now. I'm not easy. I wasn't changing that at some stupid college party. I told him I was going to go. He asked me if I wanted him to walk me back. I shook my head no. "Have fun, Adam. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled grabbing my bag and heading back towards the stairs.
When I got to the top I stopped to catch my breath. I heard a car door open. Professor Lorcane was walking towards me.