Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3


"Arghh…" I groaned, emptying myself into the condom as I came down from the height of pleasure. I sighed, thinking, No matter whom I spend my night with, it is always the exact same feeling that has been haunting me since I couldn't find my mate after I turned 18.

After spending 4 years searching for her, I gave up on finding my mate. I don't think the moon goddess paired me with one.

I don't find peace no matter whom I spend my time with. Evelyn is the one who I always call if I need to blow off my steam. I know she thinks that I will make her my mate and I only know the feeling. Every time we spend the night together, I always feel empty inside of my chest like there is a hole and only my fated mate can heal that.

I sighed and rolled down on my back and away from Evelyn. I got up from bed and made my way towards the bathroom as I disposed of the used condom.

" Where are you going?" Evelyn asked, as she looked at me and supported herself on her elbows.

" You know exactly where I am going!" I said before leaving her in the bedroom as I walked inside the bathroom.

" Don't be rude to me, Luke," she shouted from the bedroom.

She is acting like a leech these days. We have had a deal and now she wants to be my luna and my chosen mate. Hunter growled inside of my head at my thoughts. I like Evelyn but I am not going to make her my mate or my luna. I shouldn't have come here tonight, I thought as I stood in the shower letting the water calm my nerves.

" That is exactly what I have told you many times now," Hunter growled at me. I know he doesn't like anyone near us.

After I was done with my shower, I got out and dried myself. Before going out of the bedroom, I wrapped another towel around my hips.

I stepped into the room and walked towards the closet. I grabbed my suite and wore it. All the while, Evelyn was watching me without uttering a word.

I felt she got out of bed and walked towards me naked. She stood behind my back as she stared at my back. I turned to walk away from her and out of the place when she grabbed my wrist, making me stop in my tracks. I looked at her and waited for her to say something.

" You can't treat me like this, luke. You know we shared a special feeling," she said, making me raise my eyebrows.

" I am not going to tolerate your behaviour towards me anymore. You have to choose me as your mate," she growled out. The last threat I was holding onto broke as soon as she began to order me.

" Or what?" I growled at her, jerking away my hand from her hold. I tried to control my rage but the hunter made it next to impossible to do so.

I tried not to use my alpha tone on her. I knew and remembered perfectly what she had done for my pack when I was away in the city, but I also know how she behaves with my pack members. My rage was too strong at the moment and, taking this as a chance, the hunter came to the surface.

" Don't forget that I am your alpha. And not you," he growled loudly at her face. Evelyne bared her neck at his alpha tone as she stood there stiffening her head. She knew well not to mess with hunters. He isn't the one who can tolerate disrespect.

" But you didn't find your mate and- her words were cut off by the hunter's loud growl. He knew what she was going to say. He knows that people call us a mateless king. Many believed that, because of our brutal nature, the moon goddess cursed us.

" Don't fucking make me rip your head off," he said before a loud bang came on the door.

Evelyn hurriedly walked towards the bed and picked up the cover as she wrapped it around herself.

" Alpha," Alex said through the link.

" What?" My wolf replied, as he glared at Evelyn.

" Frank knew our secret. He recorded one of our men transforming," he said through the link.

I was already dealing with so much and now this has to happen when I am solving the matters with the council.

" Where is he?" I asked, gaining back control. I groaned as the veins in my temples started to throb painfully.

" He is on his way," Alex replied.

I walked out of the room without waiting for him to say anything further. Alex followed me behind. If he handed that video to anyone, I couldn't imagine what could happen to my pack. I increased my pace after getting out of the lift. There was a Bentley waiting for me in the garage.

I got inside of the car and Alex followed me shortly. I waited for him to finish the report.

"The rest are on their way," he said, and I nodded my head at him.

" Now tell me who Frank is?" I asked as I fetched my cell phone from my pocket.

" He was one of our employees," Alex said, making me confused.

" Was?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.

" Yes. He resigned one year ago," he said.

" If he wasn't our employee, how on earth was he able to record our men when he was transforming?" I asked. This doesn't make any sense.

" He was hired by Antonio to spy on you," he said, making me growl under my breath.

He is my uncle and knows exactly where to hit. He has been on the run for many years after my father found out about his motives. My father, Edward corner wanted to banish him and make him a rogue, but we could not do that because of some stupid rules. But that won't happen if he ever comes in front of me.

" Is there anyone else in his family?" I asked him. I may be a ruthless king, but I do consider a lot of things before deciding anything.

" I don't know that," Alex said and shrugged. I looked at him and saw his eyes glaze for a moment.

" Alpha," he said, looking at me.

" They are on their way to the airport," he said. And taking this as a cue, the driver turned the car towards the airport and we hit the road at a full speed. Many cars joined us after.

The cars blocked his way to the airport. Because of my heightened senses, I knew there was another person inside of the car, but I was not interested in that person. I leaned back in my seat.

" Whom did he see transforming?" I asked Alex, closing my eyes.

" Robin!" He said.

" Send Robin and let him deal with the situation," I said.

" Ok," he said.

We all waited for him inside of our cars as Robin went to deal with that traitor.

" Alpha, there was a girl inside his car," Alex said, making my wolf's ears perk up. I ignored him and lowered the tinted glass window of the Bentley.

I felt the air shift suddenly making me and my wolf relax. The feeling I had been having all these years was now somewhat relieved.

I looked at the man Robin was now talking to. He looked back with a smile and I knew that look. Whoever was inside of that car suddenly turned and tried to escape.

" Now," I said to Alex and he got out of the car with our warriors.

" Follow that car closely and don't let her escape," I growled through the mind link.

" Follow her!" Hunter growled at me.

" Why?" I asked. He had been behaving strangely from the moment he heard that there was a girl in the car.

" Follow her," he repeated to himself.

I got out of the car and looked at the man whose eyes were watching Alex and my warriors with fear before his eyes fixed on me. His eyes went wide immediately as if he knew who I was. I smirked at the traitor before ripping my clothes off from my body and shifting into my wolf.

It is strange for a hunter to say something like this or even concern a human. I ran towards the road where the car was heading.

" Hunter," I called, but he didn't respond.

When I reached the scene, I saw an empty car and the warriors who were sent to capture her were now searching for her.

Hunter growled at them, making them shiver in fear.

" Where is she?" Hunter asked through the mind link.

" We are looking for her," one of them said.

He growled at them before running towards the forest. But it didn't take long to find her.

It looked like she was running for her life. When I got closer to her, she tripped and fell down on the ground. I slowed my pace and she heard the hunter coming as she stiffened visibly under the moonlight.

She turned around hesitantly, making my breath catch in my throat. Her tear-stained face looked absolutely the most beautiful thing I saw in my life. I looked at her and she looked fragile but determined to live.

Hunter growled slowly when she tried to back off from him. And in a second he lunged towards her, hovering over her.

He took a sniff of the air around her and growled loudly at the girl in front of us when he caught the scent of something unusual.

" I should mark her," Hunter said, his voice dark and grave.

" What? No. You can't. I mean we can't mark her as a human and, from her scent, she isn't 18 yet. How can we mark her? No,``I said, baffled and confused at his decision.

I was pulled away from my chain of thoughts when I heard an ear-piercing scream. I was too stunned at my wolf to speak anything at the moment.

" Hunter!" I growled at him when I saw she was sleeping. No human can withstand the pain of marking unless she accepts to be one of us. Hunter seems to feel something as he steps back from her body and she falls on the ground with a thud. He looked stunned as well, looking at her pale face. Then my eyes fell on her wound on her shoulder where Hunter just bit down. It was now bleeding terribly.

" Alpha…." Alex trailed off, coming behind me as his eyes fell on the limp body lying on the ground.

" What happened to her?" He questioned me.

" Hunter tried to mark her," I said solemnly.

" What? She is a human," he said, and couldn't believe his ears.

" You can't just mark a human when she is not 18," Alex tried to reason with the fact.

" Tell me what I don't know," Hunter growled at Alex, as he shifted into human form.

" Sorry Alpha," Alex said and bowed his head.

" Link Maria and tell her everything and meet us in my room," he ordered. Maria is a doctor at our park hospital.

" Yes, Alpha," Alex replied, and did what he was told.

" Here," Alex handed him a pair of pants and he quickly wore them. His eyes never left the body that was lying on the ground, nor did mine. There was something strange about her. She is making me do things I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams that I want to do for a human.

" Give me the control hunter," I said , clenching my teeth.

" No," he said, and tried to push me back but couldn't. I wanted to see her. Then something clicked in his thoughts and I knew it as we shared the same mind.

" That man, who is he to her?" He asked Alex, making him gulp in fear. Everyone in my pack knew not to mess with my wolf, even if it was my beta.

" He is her father," Alex said, carefully.

" Hmmm," he hummed in response.

Hunter turned around to face my warriors and his eyes scanned everyone. Then he turned around to look at the girl. He walked towards her and bent down as he picked her up in his arms in a bridal style.

Everyone on the scene gasped, including me. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was the most ruthless alpha known to everyone, even far worse than my father was. He killed the alpha of the stone pack because he used to force girls. And now he is looking and acting like a teenager who is in love.


I started to walk away from them with her in my arms. I am confused too as to why I am so drawn to her. She is no one to me, yet I wanted to protect her and to make her happy. The moment I saw her tear-stained face, my whole world just crashed down on me.

She looked weak and fragile and yet stubborn and determined. The only thing that was swirling in my mind from the moment I saw her was that I wanted her and I wanted her to be mine even if she was not ready yet.

" Alpha," all of my men bowed their heads at me when I reached the road where the cars were waiting for us.

" Scarlett!" The traitor screamed, looking at his daughter's body. Two of my warriors held him down.

" What did you do to her? You monsters," he shouted at the top of his lungs, as his eyes were fixed on the injury on her shoulder.

" I am sorry, baby," he said, as tears ran down freely from his eyes. He looked somehow guilty. Finally, he gave up struggling and fell down on his knees, sobbing.

" Lock him up in prison. I will interrogate him myself," I said, and walked to the Bentley. The driver opened the door for me and I got in.

" Give me towels," I said coldly as I looked at her in my arms. My heart felt warm seeing her perfectly fit in my arms like she was made for me.

" Here," Alex handed me a bunch of towels. I took them from him and pressed one on her shoulder. She hissed and her face contorted in pain. My heart clenched because of what I did to her. I know I can't mark a human if she is not my mate and accepts me.

" Who are you?" I mumbled to myself, but Alex heard me anyway. I stared at her pale face.

Then I took another towel and covered her shoulder as it was soaked with her blood. She unconsciously placed her hand on my hand and it was as cold as ice.

She snuggled close to my body to get herself warm.

" You shouldn't have done that," Luke said.

" I know," I replied.

" Stay away from her," he said again, making me angry.

" I can't," I said, growling at him.

" She is mine," I added.

" No she is not," he said. But this time I decided to ignore him. I looked out of the window as we passed through the parkline and towards the park house.

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