Earning her place
Charlotte began the day with a piece of toast and a glass of juice. Her excitement for the first day would not allow her to eat much more. She decided on a light grey sweatshirt and pastel yellow silky shorts with ruffles around the bottoms. There was a pocket on the sweatshirt that had a little yellow chickadee peeking out of the pocket. She then took a bronze hair barrette lined with yellow orchids painted in and gathered the top and sides of her hair clipping them back below the crown of her head. Her remaining wild curls flowed down draping down her back in long trindles. She took her tote bag of books, placed her wallet inside, and put light pink lip gloss on her lips then dropped that too in the bag. She was now ready for the day and headed out. She was leaving early enough that she should be able to get a coffee at the coffee shop on the way. What a happy day!
Walking out of her apartment she met Bull whom is the stong silent type. He stood taller than all the rest. At a height of 6' 8" tall and 370 lbs. He had been hired at the college to be the security officer. There really wasn't another job that he could take due to his silence, size, and overbearing aura. Charlotte walked beside him at a bit of a distance at first then ran up beside him quickly jumped with both feet making a loud stomp with her feet like a child. She then quickly said, "I will pick you up something special at the coffee shop". She then trotted ahead of him without looking back.
At the coffee shop Alan stood behind the counter. Seeing Charlotte arrive he lit up and stepped forward. He made the iced coffee he knew she liked, then she told him she needed two cookies and an espresso. Alan smiled and looked up at her. "Ordering for Bull are we?", he said.
"Yep!", Charlotte stated, very happy with herself.
She and her security team had been together for many years. They loved her deeply and she and Bull had a special bond. She is the only person to ever make him laugh. He had a soft spot for her and never declined a tea party with her growing up. His large frame squatting on the teeny tiny chair. Taking the direction from the small girl making sure his pinky was up at all times. The miniature sandwiches being held by two of his enormous fingers as delicately as he could. Many teacups did not survive his grip however Charlotte had always been understanding and simply gave him another.
Once Charlotte had her order she headed to the campus, first stopping by the security office and handing Bull the espresso and cookie. She then smiled at him waving goodbye as she took her own coffee and cookie heading to class.
Professor Park is a colleague of her Fathers. He is a very detailed professor whoms excitement for the subject would become contagious as he spoke. He had a slender athletic build. His hair a sandy brown, grown longer allowing for a man bun. He wore gold rimmed circular glasses that highlighted the grey in his eyes. He always had on a white tshirt with khaki pants and hiking boots. He appeared like he could leave for an assignment out in the field at any moment.
He started the class introducing his teaching assistant Grayson. Grayson being another member of the security team, he did not quite blend in but he did his best. He wore faded blue jeans that were rolled at the bottom, a tight black tshirt, and black boots. He really looked like a security officer for a high profile client. He naturally wears glasses as well however his are wide rimmed black frame glasses. His hair is styled short and parted on the side, then slicked back. Resembling a 1950 style era.
The Archaeology Class he teaches is a multi-disciplinary program featuring a set of courses in anthropology, the sciences, and languages. Charlotte knew so much already from growing up with her Father. She could already speak and read many languages including hieroglyphic. To be in a class where she could speak with others her own age about all the facts and knowledge made her overjoyed. The teacher began the class with the breakdown of what his course would look like, what would be expected, and the papers that would be expected to be turned in quarterly, not counting the final paper that will be required at the end of the year.
Once class was over Charlotte gave a quick smile to Grayson then proceeded to her next class.
Walking to the Advanced Mathmatics Class taught by Professor Kim, Charlotte thought back to Evan and how he was in the building before. That is where she had first met him. She scanned the other students around her as she entered the building but did not see him.
Walking into this class, there would be no teachers assistant. No one on the security team felt they could pull it off and dared not to blow their cover.
Professor Kim was tall with broad shoulders. His hair blond and cut short. His skin light, his eyes black, double eyelids, with a flatter nose than the rest. His jaw line sharp framing his unique features to resemble art. He is highly intelligent and all business. His IQ in the top 5% of the nation. He wore a button up white dress shirt with charcoal grey suit pants. His top two buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up his forearms.
His class would teach both Advanced Calculus as well as Statistics. As the class began Charlotte had found herself in the seat she liked most, close to the top near the window. The natural light would help her see the questions more clearly as well as add warmth.
The work for this class began straight away. Workbooks handed out and pages assigned to finish during the class. Charlotte pulled her legs into the seat so that she was cross legged and scooted forward leaning over the book. She was concentrating so deeply that she did not notice that the person sitting behind her was in fact Evan. After watching her positioning herself to be most comfortable, he then looked away to begin working on his workbook. After some time She and He both finished at about the same time. The Professor instructed the students to leave their notebooks on the tables and he would come around and collect them.
Charlotte then grabbed her tote bag placing her pencil case inside as to not lose it. She then began to rummage around in the bottom looking for her lip gloss. Smiling upon finding her treasure, she then opened the lip gloss and softly ran the wand across her lips. Turned toward the window during the application, Evan could see her lips glistening in the reflection. The dream came into his mind and he felt the heat rising. He could not look away.
Charlotte then placed her lip gloss back inside her bag. She looked at the clock finding that class was about to come to an end. She uncrossed her legs placing her feet back on the floor. Right at that very moment, her barrette popped open sailing through the air and landing on Evan's Desk. He calmly reached out taking the item fully in his hand and placing it in his pocket. He then carefully reached under his desk to adjust himself so that the unexplainable attraction he felt could be hidden when he stood.
It has only been two days but the pressure for him kept building within, the heat rising, the desire burning. He wanted her, all of her. More than that, he wanted to belong to her.
The time for the class came to an end. Evan exited the room prior to Charlotte noticing. He stood in the hall waiting for her to pass by, his intention to taste her lip gloss.