Dark Realm 8
Joy stared at her. “It’s a female demon that preys on men during sex.”
Brinley smiled. “But the victims were all women.”
“Same deal.”
“Awesome. Tell me more.” Brinley said. Absently Brinley rubbed her right palm.
Joy beamed with excitement.
Brinley wandered among the many stacks.
“Do you even know what you’re looking for?” Joy popped in front of her friend.
“Jesus,” Brinley clenched her chest.
“Jumpy?” Joy raised her eyebrows.
“You’re strangely happy about all this, Joy. Why are you so happy?”
“I have my interests, Brinley. Besides, what’s the worst thing that could happen?”
“A succubus could eat us.”
“True, but don’t be a real sour puss. It won’t hurt to look, maybe we can find something for your term paper. Two birds, one stone.”
Reluctantly, Brinley agreed. “Okay, you’re right. What’s the worst thing that could happen,” she repeated Joy’s words. The two girls split to cover more ground, and moments later, with a pile of books, they sat down at the table.
“There is one thing that bothers me about this whole thing,” Brinley looked up from a dusty tome.
“What’s that?” Joy kept her nose in the book.
“Well, if Maggie is a succubus, why would there be so much blood?”
Joy rubbed her chin in thought. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen one in the flesh before. Maybe there is something about the blood of the living that helps the spirit to manifest. How did you feel when Maggie was close to you?”
Brinley swallowed the anxiety building in her throat. “At first, it felt okay, especially when we were outside, but once inside, the feeling of not being able to breathe settled in my chest. Even recalling this moment, I can still feel like I’m suffocating.”
“I’m sorry this happened to you, Brin. I wish you would have waited for me.”
“How many times are you going to bring that up?”
Joy cleared her throat. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
Brinley exhaled. “It’s not you, Joy. I didn’t mean to bite your head off.”
Joy smiled weakly. “I think I found something.” Joy changed the subject. “What if Maggie isn’t a succubus at all, but a Moroi?”
“A what?” Brinley leaned close to read the words in the book.
“A moroi. It’s a type of vampire from Romanian folklore.”
“What else does it say?”
“Nothing, that makes any sense to us.” Joy closed the book. “Why are you staring at me like that?” Joy fidgeted in the hard plastic seat.
“I never knew you knew so much about all this. Every time I brought up the paranormal, you acted afraid, but now…”
“I am afraid. Look, I was only trying to help you. If you don’t want my help,” Joy rose to her feet.
“No, no, wait. Please don’t go. I’m sorry. Tell me more about this moroi?”
Joy stared at Brinley for several moments before retaking her seat. “The only thing this book says is they were once human.”
“So, like a regular vampire, they have a grave to hide in while they rest, right?”
“I would assume so. Maybe that’s William’s chore. He has to protect Maggie while she sleeps, and then he brings her souls to feed on.”
“That makes sense. They both must be tied to the property because if not, this town would be dead.” Joy scratched her head. “What the hell, you must be right. Perhaps, William didn’t kill his wife after all.”
Brinley placed her forehead against the cool wood table. “This is all insane.” She shook her head back and forth.
“No shit,” Joy agreed. “Do you think we should go up there?”
Brinley lifted her head. “You want to go up there?”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Joy giggled.
“Together then,” Joy held out her hand.
“Together.” Brinley shook her friend’s hand.
Brinley stared at her friend. “I can’t believe you would do this with me.”
Joy winked. “That’s what friends do, but…” she pointed at Brinley, “If I get turned into a zombie or some shit, I’m going to kill you.” Joy tried to keep a straight face. “Here,” she threw a book about demons in Brinley’s lap. “We’d better read.” The women left the library right before dusk.
“We can take my car. It’s more reliable.” Joy dug her keys out of her purse.
“I don’t think it matters about the car. It is all about energy. Maybe we should park further down the street in case we have to make a fast getaway.”
“Right,” Joy shot a glance at Brinley. “They won’t be able to suck the car dry. Good idea.” Swiftly, the two women walked to Joy’s car. Within a minute, they were headed toward their destination. Joy parked on the side of the road, far out of the way of coming traffic. “This is a bit scary, huh?” Joy stared at Brinley.
“We don’t have to go anywhere. We can just go home.”
“No,” Joy shook her head. “I want to see for myself.”
“Okay,” Brinley agreed. “Let’s go.” Brinley opened her car door, then stepped out into the cool night air. Brinley crossed the street and then headed up the driveway toward the house.
“He’s not gross, right?”
“Brinley giggled. “No,”
“Here we are.” Joy stared at the big house.
“Let’s take a closer look around.” Brinley pushed open the iron gates.
“Are these the flowers?” Joy bent to sniff the flourishing bud.
“Yeah. I’m surprised they're still blooming.”
“Maybe she took more of your essence than you realize.”
“That might be possible, but look, the house is dull while these roses remain fresh.”
“Greetings, sweet Brinley. I see you have brought a guest.” William’s voice came from behind Joy.
Joy screamed. “You scared the shit outta me.” She clamped her chest.
“Forgive me.” William glided in front of the women. “I’m surprised to see you again.”
“Why because you tried to kill her?” Joy mumbled.
“Joy,” Brinley hissed.
“Your friend is correct. I allowed Maggie to steal your essence.” William dropped his head.
“But you saved me as well, William.” Brinley stepped in.
“Yeah, why did you save her?” Joy stepped next to Brinley.
“I didn’t save her. She saved herself. What brings the two of you here?” William ignored Joy.
“I needed to see you again.”
“Oh, is that certain?” William circled the women. “Why?”
“I wanted to see if you were real.” Brinley smiled.
William floated behind Brinley. “What is your conclusion?”
Brinley cast her gaze over her shoulder to glance at him. “I’m not crazy.”
William chuckled. “No, my sweet Brinley, you are not crazy. I’m rather amused to see you again, and who is your friend.” William stared at Joy. “Do I know you?”
“No, you don’t.” Joy scoffed.
Brinley elbowed her friend.
“Okay, okay,” Joy raised her hands. “Forgive me, it’s not every day a girl sees a ghost.” Joy rubbed the tip of her nose.
William leaned toward Joy. “Are you sure we haven’t met?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
“Would you prefer if I were all mangled and gross?”
“No, this is fine, thank you.” Joy raised her hand to touch William but instantly withdrew her hand. “You’re so cold.” Joy rubbed her hands together to warm them.
William cleared his throat. “Spirits create cold spots.” William circled Joy. “What is your name?”