Chapter 11


Seeing Lianna so close and with her arms around whoever that damn human was, my blood boiled completely. It made me want to throw that bastard into a ditch with everything I had.

I didn't know why I was feeling this way, and even less why I wanted so badly to kill that bastard and put that woman anywhere where she couldn't have contact with anyone but me, but anyway, I didn't care anymore.

"CALEB!" She yelled, her hands pushing me out of the carriage that still had its door open. "Why aren't you keeping your part of the deal? You told me this wouldn't happen! You said I could..."

"FUCK IT, LIANNA!" My eyes turned dark with anger, my body pushing onto hers, which was practically sitting on the stairs of that damn carriage. "You disrespected me as your master!"

Yes, that's why I was mad, she threw herself into the arms of some random guy when she had me as her owner, it wasn't something she should do, and as my concubine, she should have respected me more.

"You really have no honor, Caleb! No one of your kind does!" She said that as if it were a curse—or better, as if she were cursing me. "You never fulfill any promise or commitment, and... you seem to not even care about any of it!”

"I don’t have commitment?" I asked her, only to hear laughter that resembled a pack of hyenas behind me.

"Commander... are you going to let her talk to you like that? Your little pet urgently needs to be tamed." One of those guards who were always around let out mockingly, making me glare at him.

I really wanted to ask him who had called him here and why everything related to Lianna seemed to be of interest to him—but I held back.

I held back because my anger was with that damn human and Lianna's inappropriate behavior.

"You know what? You're right," I said in an authoritative tone, a cynical smile appearing on my lips. "Lock up that human my pet threw herself on before... she needs to know who's in charge here."

Emerald eyes looked at me in complete disbelief, as if I were an abomination in her eyes, one that deserved to be killed with a dagger being stuck right in the middle of my throat.

"Caleb! Don't!" She said as if any of her words could make me change my mind, as if I were an obedient dog who would always obey her orders.

But this function... was unique and exclusively hers.

"You're really a bastard who never fulfills your promises and commitments! No wonder you keep cheating on your fiancée everywhere! You creep! You fucking bastard!" She seemed to be really trying to insult me, but none of her words mattered to me at that moment, and I didn't even want to know why she was putting my fiancée in the middle of that discussion.

My problem now was with her, and if she wanted to worry so much about my damn fiancée who wasn't even here... she should focus on much more important things, things that were right in front of her.

"Listen here, I kept my part," I said with a smile devoid of any happiness, and flames in my eyes. "If I hadn't fulfilled my part of the agreement, do you know what would have happened to all these humans? They would be chained and dead, Lianna! Do you see any chains on their bodies? Any dead humans on the ground?" I explained something I shouldn't even have to, my hatred only growing inside my body. "You should thank me, or rather... I demand that you thank me."

She looked at me with clear bloodlust in her newly cut emerald eyes, just for that miserable man to try to come toward us, seeming to want to protect Lianna while getting away from the grip of my soldiers.

"Get away from her!" He said with a body that was so thin that he probably wouldn't even hurt a damn cockroach. "Don't do anything to her!"

I couldn't stand seeing that thing in front of me anymore, and hearing his voice? Even less.

"Guards! HOW DO YOU LET THESE THINGS ESCAPE SO EASILY?" I couldn't even maintain my tone or my composure anymore. "Arrest him right now! Before it's your heads rolling on this sand!"

They did that as soon as I ordered, and when I looked at Lianna, she was looking at me as if she were a wounded animal, one that was about to attack me or run away at any moment.

But I wouldn't let her do that. I threw her into the carriage once and for all, closing the doors and covering them with the curtains they had in there, little light coming in through that thing.

"What's your problem? What did he do to you?" She said, again caring too much about anyone other than herself instead of seeing the situation she was in.

"I told you, Lianna... you should thank me." I said, my fangs becoming visible in my smile. "So you'd better do that soon."

"What if I don't? Are you going to kill me?" She practically growled, which only made me laugh even more.

"Alright, someday... I'll get you to do what I want, but for now..." I sat down, spreading my legs, a malicious arch appearing on my lips. "I think you'd better fulfill your duties as a concubine... because you've already stressed me out too much today."

"What?" Lianna asked me as if she hadn't understood, which made me smile even more. "You can't be serious, I didn't... understand correctly."

"You understood, dear... and I think you'd better do it soon."

"I won't do anything! You just did that to Lian! And another thing, what's your problem?" Her usual rebellious behavior showed itself, which excited me, and made me wonder when she would give in, just like last time. "And stop looking at me with those disgusting eyes! I won't do anything just because you want me to."

"Dear... you'll want to do it too..." I began to unbuckle my belt and pulled my cock out, my eyes still very fixed on her. "Come on, what are you waiting for?”

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