Chapter 06


When I woke up, I found myself completely naked, with only a blanket covering my body. My cheeks turned crimson when I noticed this, so much so that I had a strong urge to cover my entire face with that blanket I had in my hands. But before that could even happen, my eyes landed on Caleb's body.

A body that seemed to have been crafted while bathed in the moonlight it was so pale, and his broad, marked back was covered by his black hair, which seemed to symbolize the night sky, also covering his muscular, toned arms.

Because those dark locks couldn't be real, there was no way those waves were so perfectly aligned without him even having to do anything, and that body? It seemed like it had been personally sculpted by the gods, it was so perfect and strong.

And this was just from his back view, and as much as I detested the fact that I had surrendered to my enemy the night before, something I could definitely not say about him was that he lacked beauty.

But those thoughts were soon interrupted when Caleb turned in my direction and began to speak with a malicious smile on his lips, his hands putting the black hair back.

I hated it when he opened his mouth.

"You really have no shame, do you? Seems like you're looking at me like a piece of meat," he mocked as he approached slowly, and I again remembered why I hated that man so much. "Did you make good use of me yesterday? While moaning my name and betraying your people?"

My eyes widened when he uttered those words, my mind still not processing if I had heard those words correctly.

"What's wrong? Didn't think about it while writhing in this bed? How quickly did you abandon your people to surrender yourself to me?" He continued to speak, and finally, my mind understood what was happening.

That son of a bitch was literally throwing everything I had in my mind before in my face, everything I tried so hard to listen to, so I wouldn't fall into the clutches of this bastard. But... did I have someone to blame? Did I have someone beyond myself to point the finger at and say that she was to blame for putting me in such a situation?

No. I didn't, because before anything else, it was me who couldn't hold back, and it was me who deliberately chose to betray my people like that.

And when I realized that... tears began to well up in my eyes, and despair tightened my chest, as if now, it was punishing me for the choices and actions I had taken.


The smile that was on my face vanished as soon as I saw that she was crying, and as much as I expected any other reaction from myself, all that was left in my chest was that heaviness.

And her tears didn't stop flowing from her eyes, they seemed like waterfalls because they were so abundant, and suddenly she decided to get out of bed, without modesty or shame, while wiping her own face with those delicate and slender hands, to just come up to me and stop right in front of me.

I was expecting her to start cursing me as she usually did, and maybe start threatening me again, letting all her anger show. After all, those tears were tears of anger, weren't they? Lianna would never be affected so much by something I said or didn't say, and she wouldn't feel hurt. But while I was trapped in my head trying to figure out what to think and what to do, I felt a rather "affectionate" touch from Lianna.

A well-placed slap on my face, one that I could feel throbbing and burning with the shape of the five fingers of that thin hand, which before didn't even seem capable of killing a fly. However, now there was genuine anger in her eyes, and she didn't even seem to hesitate to stand in front of me after such a strong slap, and regret? It seemed to be the last thing she would feel at that moment.

Well, of course she wouldn't, she felt offended by my words, and for some reason... she still cared about those filthy people she used to be a part of, even though they all preferred to give a sacrifice to live somewhat comfortably, rather than try to fight and prevent something like that from happening. After all, humans were always like that, completely selfish, and if something wasn't going to bring them any benefit, they wouldn't even bother lifting a finger to help anything that was asking for help.

But she? For some reason, she still wanted to help and protect these useless things that didn't even care if she was here or not.

She was really different, and unfortunately, in a way that wasn't doing her any good. 'Wait... so what? Why do I have to worry and think about this?' a part of me threw that in my face, and she was right. Lianna was just a human who was sent to serve me, and why did I have to think about everything behind her now? Is it because I got slapped? Thought I had offended her? I must be going crazy.

I wasn't like that.

"Never dare to speak about my people again, do you understand me?" She finally said something after a long pause, glaring at me with those newly polished emerald eyes, as if she was somehow going to open a hole in my head with them. "You have no right to say if I betrayed them or not, and even less reason to accuse me of anything! So if you open your damn mouth again to talk about anything related to them... I swear I'll rip your tongue out and throw it to the sharks to eat. Did you understand, commander?"

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