Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5 - From old hag to drugged girl

It takes several hours before I can leave my room. My chest aches, I’m sweating and shaking and my brain feels like mush from Argus’s howling. Finally it subsides a little. It’s still there but it’s manageable. It’s starting to get dark outside and I feel I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I have no desire to meet anyone in the packhouse and I certainly don’t want to run into Cathy. I get dressed and open the window. Many would not know how to jump from this height without breaking an ankle or both. But I do…

I stand up and brush grass off my clothes after my roll landing and start walking towards the mall, a big fat cheeseburger is exactly what I need right now.

The streets are pretty empty, I meet someone now and then and nod in recognition but I have no desire to stop and talk to anyone. Most people are probably watching the volleyball matches, probably having a barbecue afterwards, maybe a few beers...I’ve been there a few times, both as a player and a spectator, but this time I wasn’t asked. Probably because of my last fight at school. The mall is also empty which suits me perfectly, then I won’t have to wait long for the food.

I lick the last of the grease and salt off my fingers and enjoy the feeling of being full again. The owner glances at me as he wipes the tables, he probably wants me to leave so he can close, maybe take the opportunity to have an early evening at home with his mate now that there are no customers anyway. I empty my glass of Coke and leave the table. Since I have no desire to return home yet, I walk around and do some window shopping among the closed shops. There is not much of interest, at least not for me, but it is a quiet and pleasant way to pass the time. In the middle of the mall was a fountain. A beautiful statue of a woman, her dress melted in to a wolf lying behind her. Our moon Goddess, in a way our creator but still not. Aayla was our creator if the stories are to be believed, Aayla, the firstborn werewolf and her badass wolf Luna. I sit on the edge of the fountain and dip my hand in the cold water. I never thought about it before but above the statue is the roof of glass and the rays of the new moon are reflected in the water.

“Ah! The older Barrett boy!” I turn to see the hag coming towards me. The hag, the pack witch is in fact a stunning woman, so the name hag is not a fair description. She is a fierce but sweet woman from what I have seen, I haven’t really interact much with her, but Cathy has told us a lot. I stand up to meet her.

“Good evening Zandra, What are you doing here at this hour, I thought you were sitting by the fire telling stories to the rest of the pack.” She smiles mischievously at me before answering.

“I have a weakness for the chocolate chip ice cream at the ice cream bar, thought I’d give it a go when it’s about you? No volleyball?”

“Nope..not today.” I shove my hands in my pockets and try to avoid her gaze. I’ve heard that she can read your mind if you let her look into your eyes…I really don’t want her to read what I’m thinking about everything that happened tonight.

“Mhm...come, walk an old lady home will you.” She hooks her arm with mine and we leave the mall.

At first, we walk in silence, it’s peaceful and it doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve been sent to Zandra’s house by Alpha a couple of times so I know where she lives and it’s not far. You can actually smell it when you get close. Zandra’s garden has the most flowers and the night-blooming ones are strongly scented. We stop in front of her house and she looks me deep in the eyes..Oh crap!

“I can feel your wolf suffering boy...and I am terribly sorry. You haven’t had it easy and unfortunately, life will give you several hard trials will stand at many crossroads and wonder which way to take, only one is right each time...that doesn’t mean you can’t get back if you you choose wrong. You are an Alpha James, your goddess has a tendency to test you a little extra, I can only believe it is because she has plans for you. Keep that beautiful heart pure and honest and you will see that it will turn out well for you in the end.” She pats my chest before going into her house and closing the door. I stand there for a while, scratching my head.. Now I understand why they say the old hag babbles. But I still feel a little better after her company. I take a deep breath to take in some of the scents from her garden before slowly starting to walk back towards the packhouse. I took a slightly longer route to enjoy the evening air, the new moon and the peace. I really don’t feel like running into anyone else I know. I went by and said good night to Kevin and thanked Leo’s parents for letting him sleep over. I needed his goodnight hug tonight more than ever.

As I walk I think about the day..about Krissy and I feel myself twitch a little. That was insane, but so good..was I still a virgin or does this qualify as losing my virginity? Probably not, I should have fucked her against the tree, I don't think she would have minded, dripping wet as she was..maybe I get another chance.

“Noo..I don’t want to..stop it..” I hear voices from a forest grove I pass and Argus sharpens in my head. I’m trying to get him to ignore it, it’s not my problem.

“Come on honey, I know you like me..don’t you want to make me feel good? I can make you feel good..”

“No head is spinning..I want to go home.”

“You don’t think I’ve been babysitting for you for free, do you? Let me see those little tits you hide under there.” I hear fabric tearing and a girl crying...Argus is growling in my head..this time at me, he wants to make me understand..I recognize those voices.

“Shut the fuck up! Don't you want to be a big girl?”

“Mike..please stop..” I saw red as I flew in between the trees. Cathy’s top was torn and she tried to cover herself with one arm, the other arm was pinned against the tree by Mike while he was groping her. He didn’t have time to react to my arrival and looked almost surprised when I tore him away from Cathy and threw him against a tree. He was quickly back on his feet and looked around frantically. I didn’t give him time to recover but flew at him and started hitting, I was mad after what I saw. I screamed and Argus growled as we continued to pound.

“SHE IS A CHILD, YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?? A CHILD!!! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!” I felt his face break and my knuckles get wet with his blood, but I didn’t care, not until I heard her.

“James…James...” Her voice was slurred and mixed with sobs. I leave Mike in a bloody, whimpering heap on the ground and rush over to Cathy.

“Hey hey, you’re okay, he won’t do anything to you again.” She had slid down along the trunk and sat sobbing on the ground. I took off my hoodie and put it over her head to cover her naked body. She seemed under the influence but I couldn’t smell any alcohol on her breath. Did he drug her?

“Cathy..listen to me Cathy, did Mike give you anything? Pills? Mushrooms? A drink?” I try to hold her head but it tips from side to side while she cries.

“Okay, let’s go.” I pick her up in my arms and start walking home, Mike can stay and rot. After a few minutes, her sobbing stops and she falls asleep against my chest. I slow my steps a little to feel what I I feel the same after her rejection? I still feel very protective of her, I like having her close and Argus is the same time I still have a nagging pain in my it because her wolf is not mature so her rejection was not 100%? Or because I didn’t accept it? Yet…

When I entered through the front door, I was met by the Alpha couple who were on their way down the stairs. They looked at Cathy sleeping in my arms and then at me with a questioning expression on their faces. I now had a choice, tell them what happened or tell a lie. Was it my place to tell them? Wasn’t it better for Cathy to decide for herself if and when they would find out?

“She fell asleep by the know how she is, she sleeps like a bear so I thought I better carry her” I lied.

Both the Luna and the Alpha smiled and nodded.

“You are such a kind young man looking after her.” The Luna said and kissed me on the cheek as she walked past me on her way to the kitchen.

“Do you mind taking her to her room? I’ll check on her later.” The Alpha asked before whispering. “It’s date night” He chuckled and followed his mate like a lovesick pup. I rolled my eyes and started to climb the stairs.

I laid Cathy on the bed and took off her shoes before pulling the covers up over her. I thought about taking my hoodie back but quickly changed my mind when I thought about her ripped tank top. My cheeks heated up a little and I shook the image out of my head. She looked like she was sleeping peacefully like nothing wrong or bad had happened tonight. I brushed a strand of hair away from her face and let my fingers lightly touch her cheek.

“Sleep well princess” I whispered and turned to leave the room. On the way out I saw a notebook on her dresser. The front is scrawled with hearts and a name which once again made my mood darken. Mike…

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