Chapter Three.
17:55 '' Restaurant '' Boucherie Union Square '' USA '' New York.
Melissa Miller.
'' I already want to go to the ballad and dance until I can't take it anymore. '' Laura speaks all euphoric, while taking off her uniform.
I smiled at her enthusiasm.
'' I'm also in the mood to want to dance until I can't take it anymore. I also want to drink a lot, I haven't had a drink for a long time.
I put my dress back on and closed the closet door.
'' Yes, I want to look really sexy today. '' She closed her closet door. ''If I don't come home, remember that I'm getting laid.
It made me laugh.
'' Are you crazy to get all roasted, right naughty? '' He looked at me with a smirk.
'' You have no idea.
I shook my head.
She will definitely find someone quickly, Laura has a fucking body.
We left the staff room and waited for Fred.
'' Today had few customers.
I looked at her and agreed.
'' Yes, the idiot boss can blame us for that. '' I whispered to her.
'' I don't doubt anything.
In the beginning, the restaurant was always full of people, it ended us in a horrible way. I got home with my feet all sore, it was such a rush that I didn't even have time for lunch. We had to eat some things hidden from our asshole boss. ''I have a strong urge to report him for exploitation, but I might get shit. Like it or not, no one here would testify against him, so we just have to keep quiet.
I think I have to look for another job, I can't take it anymore. I left Brazil when I was twenty-two years old, because I wanted to come to the United States to work, today I am twenty-four years old and I have a shitty job. I only came to this country for the money, at first I wanted to be a nanny because it pays so well. But I didn't have any luck.
'' I arrived!! '' Fred says as he approaches us. '' Let's go?
'' Let's go! '' We talk together.
We always come by Uber, but we came back with Fred because he has a car. Veronica, as soon as the workday ended, went to change and left.
I wanted her to come with us to the club.
'' I'm going home to pick up some clothes, I'm going to get ready at your house.
'' No problem. '' Laura replied.
I always choose to be in the back of the backseat, while Laura is next to Fred.
'' Are you picking up anyone today, Mel? '' asked Fred.
'' I don't know. At the moment all I think about is wanting to drink and dance. But if I find someone interesting, I take it.
The two end up laughing.
'' It has to be like that babe.
Since Fred always brings us home, Laura connects the music to the car's bluetooth. I introduced them to some Brazilian songs, the two are addicted to the song Saliênciazinha, listening to this song so much, the two already know how to sing. They make some mistakes, but they manage to sing perfectly.
I just listen to them singing with their gringo accents. That's really funny.
18:20 '' Fred's House '' USA '' New York.
'' I'll be right back. '' He got out of the car and quickly went to his house.
'' You're going to wear that sexy red dress. '' Spoke out of nowhere.
'' That dress is a little short. My ass is too big, it's going to go up a lot.
'' I don't even want to know, you're going to use it and that's it. '' I rolled my eyes.
'' Yes ma'am. '' I reply indignantly.
'' You'll thank me later when you get attention from hot men.
I smiled slightly at that.
'' It saw? Did you like it. '' She laughed.
'' Idiot!
A few minutes passed and soon we saw Fred coming back with a bag in his hands.
'' I brought clothes to sleep there. '' He was already talking as soon as he got in the car.
'' Go sleep on the couch. '' I talk.
Because we don't have the third bedroom, the apartment is quite small and by sheer luck it has two bedrooms.
'' I know that, sweetheart. I slept there, did you forget?
'' Today you are a bag. '' The two laugh.
'' But you love us! '' Laura replies with a big smile.
'' Unfortunately, you have to love it.
And again the two start singing the song at a very loud volume.
'' If we get pulled over by the police, I say I was kidnapped by you two. '' I'll let you know.
'' Stay calm.
I lean my head against the glass and watch the street.
Will I meet someone interesting there? I hope so, I want to have a lot of fun today.
18:49 '' Building '' USA '' New York.
We got out of the car after Fred parked in the building's garage.
As Fred is always around, we rented a garage for him to park his car inside the building. He has been helping us a lot, so we did this.
'' Haven't they fixed the elevator yet?
'' Unfortunately not. '' I reply already getting irritated by remembering this problem.
'' Do they do what they want with the money they get?
Laura and I shrugged.
'' We do not know.
We went up the stairs quietly, some residents passed by us, greeting us and others passed by as if we didn't even exist. We're used to it and don't even care, especially me. If you want to talk to me, talk to me, but if you don't, you don't even have to look me in the face.
We arrived on the third floor and went to our apartment.
'' I'll be the first to shower. ''Fred runs to the bathroom as soon as he enters the apartment.
'' What an idiot! I'll be the first bitch!! '' Laura went after him.
I only have childish friends.
I close the apartment door and place my bag on the sofa.
'' That idiot went into the bathroom. '' Laura sits on the couch sulking.
'' Go take a shower in my room. '' She looks at me with her eyes shining with joy.
'' I really can?
'' Come on, I'll go get something to eat.
'' How awesome. '' She kisses my cheek. '' Thanks.
Laura's room doesn't have a bathroom, only mine. And a bathroom down the hall. I always wondered why she didn't choose my room to stay, since it has a bathroom. The reason is that the room I'm staying in is quite dark, she's afraid of the dark, since her room is well lit.
I don't have a problem sleeping in a room that's too dark, but she does. So as a gift I bought a lamp that has several colors and leaves the room well lit. To this day, she has it.
Well, let's eat something, going to the club hungry is a bad thing.