Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 2

Evan walked down the long palace hall to his mother's room. Several maids and guards lowered their heads as Evan walked past them. Until finally Evan had arrived at the door of the gold ornate room.

"It's me mom, may I come in?"Evan asked flatly.

"Come in son,"said Crystal from inside. Evan opened the bedroom door and stepped inside to meet his mother. There Evan saw his mother sitting against the head of the bed, while his father sat on the sofa reading a book in his hand.

Crystal smiled when she saw her son's presence. Even though she had argued with her son before, no mother could bear to live with her child.

"What do you need here son?"Crystal asked smiling at Evan.

"I just wanted to say goodbye to you for attending Alpha Blackmoon Pack mom's coronation, maybe I'll be home a bit late,"he said.

"Okay, take care of yourself and say hello mommy to Luna Mischa,"said Crystal and was answered with a nod by Evan.

Evan glanced briefly at his father before exiting the room towards the palace grounds. There was already a parked car to take Evan to the Blackmoon Pack.

After Evan got into the car, Steve drove the car he was driving. During the trip, Evan closed his eyes to restore his slightly drained energy today.

"Are you very tired?"Steve asked without taking his eyes off the front.

"No, I just want to close my eyes,"Evan said with his eyes still closed.

"Have you seen Uncle Jack yet?"asked Evan who slowly began to open his eyes. Steve nodded his head.

"Tomorrow he will come to the palace. Maybe he will spend the night with his family."

Evan who heard that only nodded in understanding with a straight face. Steve, who saw Evan's answer from the mirror in the car, just shook his head in wonder. His friend was indeed very talkative.

Yes, Evan and Steve are friends. Steve is the son of one of the soldiers in the palace and Evan often plays with him. Finally Evan chose Steve to be his accomplice and asked the man to talk to him as usual when not carrying out royal duties.

Not long after, the car that Steve was driving had stopped at the gate of the blackmoon pack house pack.

Steve went down first then opened the door for Evan.

"Welcome, Your Majesty,"said the guards while bowing his head respectfully.

Evan nodded his head then stepped into the pack house with Steve behind him. Everyone lowered their heads when they saw Evan's arrival. Many women who gazed adored their king's good looks. But Evan only put on a cold face and walked over to the Alpha Blackmoon Pack, Alpha Christian.

"Congratulations on your coronation Alpha Christian,"Evan said holding out his hand.

"Thank you Your Majesty, it is an honor for me because you have fulfilled my invitation," Alpha Chris said.

"No need to be so formal, in fact you're older than me,"Evan said patting Chris on the shoulder and asked him to straighten up.

Chris smiled and nodded his head. They finally talked to each other making everyone who was there stare in awe at their good looks.

They seemed to be seeing the angels gathered before them.

The sun had set, and it was getting late, but Evan was still loyal to the place to hang out with the other clan leaders. Even though he is a king above kings, he is still friends with all of them because their ages are not far enough apart.

"Have you found someone to lead the Vampire Kingdom?"asked Hardwin who was the Alpha of the Bluemoon Pack.

"Of course, maybe the day after tomorrow I will make a meeting,"Evan said while drinking a glass of drink in his hand.

"Good, the sooner the better. I'm tired of taking care of those damn vampires,"said Alex, Alpha Redmoon Pack.

Evan smiled crookedly at the words of all of them. The wild vampires are getting more and more troubling since there is no leader in the kingdom who exterminates them all. Not infrequently the vampire also attacks the demon kingdom making his soldiers a little overwhelmed because their numbers are not small.

The next day, Evan stepped into the meeting room. Where all the palace officials and several clan leaders have gathered on the orders of King Demon.

The door to the room opened, everyone who was there stood and bowed respectfully to see the arrival of their king. Evan stepped into his oversized chair and looked coldly at everyone who was there.

"According to what I said a few days ago, if I will show you all who will be king in the vampire kingdom,"Evan said firmly.

Evan also asked the guard to order the person standing at the door of the room to enter the room. Everyone who was there stared at the door that was starting to open. At that moment everyone who was there widened their eyes when they saw who Evan meant.

"It was he who I appointed to be king in the vampire kingdom. Jackson Smith, a half vampire and wizard who has long helped the demon kingdom to oversee every development in the vampire kingdom,"he continued.

Everyone whispered to each other after hearing Evan's words. They still didn't expect that Evan would command a half vampire and a wizard to become king in the vampire empire.

"Your Majesty, forgive me if I am presumptuous. Why did you choose Mr. Smith who is not a pure-blood vampire to be King?"asked one of the officials.

"Can only a pure blooded person become a King?"Evan asked suddenly making everyone there bow their heads.

"Sorry for my impudence Your Majesty."

"I know your worries, being a King is not easy. Therefore I have gathered various information about him and I have decided if he deserves to be a king,"Evan explained trying to convince them all.

"My Majesty, sorry if I interrupt your speech. If indeed all the higher ups and leaders of other clans do not accept me to become king in the vampire kingdom, it is not a problem for me," Jack said making Evan sigh heavily.

"Okay.."Evan didn't finish speaking but someone cut him first.

"Sorry for interrupting you Your Majesty. But I really agree if Mr. Jack will become king in the vampire kingdom,"said Alpha Demian.

"Yes, we also very much agree Your Majesty," said another Alpha and immediately agreed by everyone in the room

"Very well, I decide that Mr. Jackson Smith will be king of the vampire kingdom. You can set a coronation date for him,"Evan said as he got up from his seat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty,"said Jack bowing respectfully.

Everyone got up from their seats and walked over to Jack to congratulate him on his appointment as king of the vampire kingdom.

"Congratulations uncle, you will be a king,"Alpha Chris said as he held out his hand to Jack. Jack smiled and took a helping hand from Chris.

"Thanks Alpha Chris."

"Don't call me too formally uncle, you are much older than me,"said Alpha Chris making them laugh together.

Jack is one of Xavier's most trusted friends.

Evan decided to make Jack king as well because of a request from his father. Evan could only obey his father's orders, after all he was also very close to Jack so he already knew how the man's character was.

Alissya walked through the forest while humming happily. In the girl's hand was a piece of apple pie that had been given by Anne. During the trip, the girl never stopped smiling. Of course because he had brought some money to give to his mother.

"Mommy, I'm home,"shouted the girl as she stepped into the house.

"Finally you came too Alissya, Mommy was very worried because you were taking longer to town than usual,"said Charlotte to her daughter. Alissya smiled seeing her mother's concern. She also took off the robe she was wearing and gave the apple pie package in her hand.

"Anty Anne made this mom, try it it's very delicious,"Alissa said.

"Is it true?"Charlotte asked and Alissya nodded.

Charlotte also took a piece of apple pie from the package and started eating it.

"Hhmm this is very delicious dear, she is very good at cooking. Mommy must learn from her,"Charlotte said making Alissya chuckle softly.

"Then I clean myself first mom, after that I will help you prepare dinner."

"No need honey, you better get some rest. Mommy will call you later."

Alissya who heard that could only nod her head following her mother's words. At that time Alissya walked to her room to clean herself.

A few minutes later, Alissya finished her bathing ritual and walked towards the dressing table in her room. Alissya looked at herself in the mirror while combing her long mane.

Knock Knock....

A knock on the door interrupted Alice's thoughts. The girl put her comb on the table and stared at the door of her room.

"Alissya, are you done honey?"asked Charlotte who was outside the door of her daughter's room.

"Soon mom,"said Alissya from within.

Alissya quickly finished her activities before finally deciding to join her mother who was waiting for her to have dinner together.

"Mommy made all this herself?"Asked Alissya with her eyes widened when she saw a lot of food that was served on the table.

"Of course, who else is cooking besides mommy. Aren't we the only two in this house?"she replied.

"That is true,"Alissa said chuckling softly.

Finally they began to enjoy dinner together in complete silence. Not long after, Alissya had finished her meal and took a glass filled with red liquid. Especially if it's not blood. However, Alissya and her mother only consume animal blood, and even then they don't consume it every day.

"Alissya, can mommy ask one thing?"Charlotte asked with some hesitation.

Alissya frowned when she heard her mother's words. It was unusual for her to see her mother who was a little hesitant to ask her.

"Ask what mom?"ask Alissa.

"When are you going to find your mate dear?"Charlotte's words suddenly made Alissya silent and put down the glass in her hand.

Alissya stared into her mother's beady eyes with a face that was hard to define. Charlotte, who saw Alissya silent, immediately pulled her daughter's hand into hers.

"It's time for you to find your soul mate dear,"Charlotte said making Alissya sigh heavily.

"No mom, I don't want to leave mommy alone in this place. Not for now,"said Alissya in a low tone.

Charlotte smiled at the answer from her daughter. Of course she knew that all this time her daughter had always held back from finding her mate because she had to take care of herself.

But this time she couldn't just leave her daughter alone in this little hut with her. Alissya deserves to be happy with her mate.

"Don't think about mommy dear. Can't you visit mommy whenever you want?"

"I know mom. But let the Moon Goddess make plans for our meeting,"said Alissya making Charlotte smile happily.

"Okay, hope you meet your mate soon dear,"said Charlotte and was answered with a nod by Alissya.

After clearing all the dirty dishes that were on the table. Alissya decided to return to her room. The girl walked to her bedroom window and looked around. At that moment Alissya jumped out the window and shot towards a lake near where she lived.

Alissya looked at the moon which was now shining brightly. The scattered stars add to the beauty of the night sky. But the girl's mind returned to her mother's words.

"Mate?"Alissa muttered.

The meaning of that word really made his heart feel extremely uneasy. Anxious because thinking about what she will receive when she meets her mate later. She was afraid, very afraid that her heart would hurt because her mate would not accept her. Of course that would make her mother also feel very sad.

"Why do we have to have a Moon Goddess mate? Can't we live alone without a mate?" Muttered Alissya in a sad tone.

Slowly tears began to fall from the corners of the girl's eyes. Thinking about this was really draining her.

Alissya wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks and decided to return to her home. She didn't want her mother to worry about not finding her in the room.

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