1. The mating ceremony
  2. His return
  3. So beautiful and hot
  4. The heat
  5. Came to destroy
  6. Speak the truth
  7. She is my mate
  8. Virgin
  9. So cold
  10. So much anger
  11. Not allowed to work
  12. Use you like a whore
  13. Hate and desire
  14. Just a breeder
  15. Smell of fear
  16. Smell and guilt
  17. Investigating something
  18. Trafficking of people
  19. She knows the truth
  20. Ask Braelyn
  21. Meeting with the alphas
  22. So weird
  23. Trying to hide the pain
  24. Weird drink
  25. Her mind
  26. The secrets
  27. Found guilty
  28. Stay with me
  29. He is lying
  30. Don't leave me
  31. Lost the strength
  32. Hurt so badly
  33. You can't escape me
  34. Escape plans
  35. Killing fields
  36. So hurt and in pain
  37. Will still fuck you
  38. You my mate not a whore
  39. Time to have a baby
  40. They want me dead
  41. Unnatural time
  42. Rebelling him
  43. Wicked look
  44. Turned against her
  45. Wake up in his arms
  46. True soul mates
  47. Can't be your luna
  48. Escaping
  49. May the gods protect you
  50. Unprotected
  51. Passed through pain
  52. The hurting truth
  53. So hardworking
  54. Warning
  55. Taking her home
  56. No emotions