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Chapter one

"Ahhhh!!" Estella heard a loud scream of agony mixed with pain and immediately, she worriedly dashed away from the bed.

"Mother!" She yelled as she ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Her heart beat rapidly as she heard a continuous cry of pain.

An hour earlier, She had retired to bed and as she ran down the stairs, she saw that everything in her home had been destroyed.

Traces of blood lined the tiled ground and an overwhelming sense of doom washed over her .

"Father..." She called out as she got to the foot of the stairs. Her eyes widened in horror, looking at the scene before her .

"Where is she?" A man dressed entirely in black roared angrily as he stabbed deep into Estella's mother's thighs.

"No!" She yelled and immediately ran forward. But she was met with an invisible thick glass wall as She banged against it.

"What is this?!" She cried out as she banged against the wall. Her eyes turned teary as she watched several men surround her parents with different dangerous objects. They were bloodied and badly beaten up and she had never seen them in such a weak state.

"Ohh, your pretty little daughter is here." The man in black who seems to be the leader said as he looked up at Estella . His eyes were filled with killing intent which made her shudder and she took a few steps back.

"Don't touch her, you swine! You will never get what you want." Her father said, through gritted teeth as he spat against the man in black.

Without thinking twice, the man slapped her father's face and blood whipped out, forming a whirlpool.

"Father!" She cried out and at this point, She realized her parents were going to die if She didn't do anything.

"Let them go!" She yelled with tears , banging against the glass wall.

"Let them go! Right this instant!" She tried to sound brave but her voice shook, depicting just how scared she was.

"Awww, what are you going to do? Kill me?" The man in black asked, in a mocking tone as he stood up to his feet. Stepping on her mother's bleeding thighs, he walked toward her .

She could hear her mother's cries of pain and for each sound, her heart bled. She could the sorrows and pain in those cries

"What do you want?" She yelled as She scratched against the glass wall. If only she could just get hold of the man before her and tear him into pieces.

"They wouldn't let me get whom I want. So, tell me why I shouldn't kill them?" The man asked, with a serious expression on his face and her eyes narrowed in confusion.

What was he talking about?

Who did he want?

As she continued to mull over his words, her eyes widened in realization. Her parents had taken in a stranger and she wondered if she was right.

"You want the stranger, right? You can take her! Just let my parents go! They did nothing wrong and you are just going to get punished later." She declared, through gritted teeth as she pointed a shaky finger at him.

"You think your parents can punish me? Huh?" He asked, with a mocking smile and she frowned.

"My father is the Beta of the Blue Rays Pack, you won't get away with this." She said, with so much resolution in her voice.

Immediately, the man in black raised his hand and immediately, her father was shot in the head.

His blood spurted out and it continued to gush out, like a flood.

"What...?" she let out, in a shaky tone and felt her world crumbling down.

She watched her father, her hero convulse and in the next second, he lay still on the ground, dead!

"No!!! Father!!" She yelled as she slipped to the ground, in shock.

"What did you just do?" She whispered, in disbelief as tears rolled down her eyes uncontrollably.

She caught a glimpse of her mother's weak body beside her father's lifeless body and realized she might lose her too.

"Please, let my mother go. Take whomever you want and let us go. I need my parents please bring back my father!" She begged as she was thrown into waves of shock after shock. She couldn’t afford to loose her mother

"Too late, kitty." The man in black said, with a smile on his face.

Swiftly, he turned around and ordered, "Finish her off!"

"No!!!!" She shouted.

"Don't touch her! Don't you dare!" She yelled. No! She couldn't imagine the scene of her mother being shot. She couldn't even accept that her father was dead. Not her mother!

"Do you want to see worse?" The man asked tauntingly as he turned slightly to look at her.

She couldn't comprehend what he was saying not until she saw her mother being stripped naked.

Her body was used for a show for the men scattered around.

"No, please..." She cried, continuously as she banged against the glass wall with all her strength. She wanted to save them but she was powerless and helpless.

She couldn't even get past the glass wall which had been put up for protection.

For several minutes, her mother's naked body was defiled and in the next second, the man in black gave the final order.

"Kill her!"

This was the final straw and she desperately banged against the wall.

She could do nothing, it was like an invisible force was pressing down on her and she just couldn't breathe.

"Mother..." She whispered weakly as she caught her mother’s gaze. She looked at Estella with so much love and muttered words of love to love .

Even to her dying moment, she loves her.

How could she deserve such love when she couldn't even save her when she needed her the most? Estella cried

"Bye..." Her mother muttered and swiftly, a knife was stabbed into her chest and into her heart.

Estella heard her shrill cry of pain and it echoed in her ears as the scene played on repeat in her head.

A massive burst of pain burst out through her heart and she screamed, in agony.

"Ahhhh!!!" She yelled as she rolled on the bare floor. Uncontrollable pain radiates through her and distinctly, she could hear the men trying to break down the glass wall.

But then, they couldn't.

Her parents had set up a fortress to protect her but she was worthless to them when she ought to protect them too.

"Take me away…” she muttered as she just wanted to leave, alongside them. The smiling faces of her parents flashed in her head and the happy memories they had together, felt like yesterday.

It was just days before her 18th birthday and she was looking forward to her first shift. She was looking forward to running through the woods with her father.

He had promised that he would train her to become the strongest female wolf alive.

But there he was, laying lifeless without fulfilling his promise against his wish.

"Just let her be! We have no use for her." She heard the man in black say.

Of course, she was just as worthless.

"Find that woman!" He ordered and she let out a low mocking chuckle. Her parents died all because of a stranger.

How unbelievable!

As she lay on the floor, She felt a sudden shift within herself. Her spirit and soul felt like it was being suppressed and a burning pain radiated from inside out.

"Hmmm..." She groaned in pain as She was pulled into thick darkness.

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