The Game
I didn’t stop running until I got to the fountain in the middle of town. The three tier waterfall feature shone with colors at night and the statues of two kids playing ball were lit up by flood lights. I ran my fingers over the ledge of the fountain, before reaching into my pocket for a penny. My father had always given me a penny to throw into it when we would visit. He said to make a wish and it would come true.
No matter how many times I tossed pennies inside of it, none of my wishes ever came true. The latest one, I had all but begged the fountain gods for, was to bring my father back to my mother and I. I sighed and flipped the penny inside, once again sending up my wish silently to the nobody that was not listening. I ran my fingers through the water, smiling sadly.
“Sorry, Dad, but I don’t believe in fountain magic anymore.”
I set my bag on the ground and pulled my book out. I bit my lip as I looked at the beautiful blonde on the cover. The men that surrounded her would be more than enough to satisfy any woman. I knew it was just a picture, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to be her. I opened the book and began to read. I had just made it to chapter two when the book was snatched out of my hand. I jumped to my feet ready to rip whoever had taken my book apart. I froze when I found myself looking at Timothy. I held my hand out.
“Give me my book. You can not just walk around stealing stuff.”
He looked down at it and my face reddened. I lunged for the book, but he dodged my outstretched hand. He read the page, before turning it. He raised his eyes to mine and smirked.
“Is this what you are into? It seems a little wild for you,” he teased.
I felt my blush get deeper, but I was not about to let him know just how embarrassed I was. I let my hand drop and sat back down. I waved my hand at him as I crossed my legs. His eyebrow raised and he went back to my book.
“‘Alpha Kane moved away from her and the beta took his place behind her. She looked over her shoulder and counted the men in the room. 4. There were 4 men waiting for their turn to-’”
I lunged at him again and this time managed to grab the book back. We rolled on the ground and he landed on top of me. He smirked and my heart started pounding. I lifted one hand to push on his shoulders while I pushed the book into my chest with my other one.
“Please, get off of me.”
He took my wrist in his hand and put it above my head. “You know, darling, if that’s what you’re into, me and my boys are more than happy to oblige.”
I swallowed hard and before I could answer, the bell from the town hall rang out. He leaned down and kissed my neck once, before sucking for a moment. He got up and started jogging towards the hall, leaving me in a confused puddle of my own desire. I slowly sat up, trying my hardest not to melt back onto the ground. I pushed my book back into my bag and covered it with as many papers as I could.
I hurried to the hall and barely managed to make it inside, before the security guards locked the doors. Missing a hunt lottery was cause for 24 hours in jail and I had done that punishment once. It was more than enough for me to get the hint. I shot Timothy an angry glare and he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. What a prick. He knew what he was doing and he did that shit on purpose. I sat down in an aisle seat on the last row, hoping that when my name wasn’t called, I could escape quickly, before he could catch me again.
I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed as he moved to the podium. He scanned the room and his eyes lingered on me. My body heated and once again I was thinking about being under him as he fucked me silly. Damnit. I needed to focus. His younger brother moved towards him with the box of names in it. I glanced around the room at the 50 or so people gathered there. Our town’s population had dwindled to close to 300 people. Between the elderly, disabled, and children there were only those in the room capable of hunting for food. The children gathered fruits and vegetables and the disabled people made bread. I sighed and mentally crossed everything in my body in the hopes that something magical still existed and would hear my plea not to be picked. He shuffled the scraps of papers, before pulling out 7 and placing them on the table in front of him.
“Raul M., Tony P., Jamie T., Lee S., Sebastian U., Timothy W. and,” he paused to look straight at me, “Natasha W.”
My heart started pounding as all of the men named started to stare at me. I gulped, feeling like I was the one that was going to be hunted and from the look in Timothy’s eyes, that was exactly what he intended to do. I stood up and everybody else looked at me. I glanced at the door, willing to take the 24 hours in jail over hunt tonight. I took a step towards the exit and Raul and Jamie blocked my path. Jamie grinned at me.
“Going somewhere, sweetheart?,” he asked.
My shoulders slumped and I slung my backpack over my shoulder. I narrowed my eyes on him.
“I’m going hunting. The guns are out there in the hallway,” I replied defiantly.
A hand gripped my elbow tightly and I flushed when I realized that Timothy had snuck on me without me noticing. Again. He steered me out of the meeting room and down the hall. He unlocked the gun case and gestured inside.
“Pick. Ladies first, gentlemen.”
A shiver ran down my spine as his husky voice washed over me. I grabbed a rifle, not even caring which one it was in my hurry to get away from the tantalizing scent the man wore. I deposited my bag inside of the gun safe and walked out of the hall. I was determined to put as much distance between me and them as I could. We normally hunted in groups, but my father had taught me well enough that I could take down a deer by myself. Getting it back to town, on the other hand, would require the men. Fuck.
As I neared the treeline, a whistle came from behind me. I promptly ignored it. I was too worried to see what they wanted. It wasn’t just bad luck that put me in this group today. Not after Timothy had said his friends would have been more than happy to pass me around. A few more yards and I could disappear deep inside of the forest and hide until I was finished hunting. I groaned when Raul, Jamie and their ringleader, the great Timothy himself, got in front of me. I raised the rifle and aimed it at Timothy.
“Move or I swear to all that is holy, I will shoot you.”
He laughed and moved forward until the barrel of the gun pressed into his chest. “Then shoot me, darling, or better yet why don’t you hear us out.”
I disengaged the safety and his laughter died. “I just want to hunt and go home. Move.”
He ran his fingers over the barrel. “How about a game, beautiful?”
My hands loosened on the gun a little. “What game?,” I asked, curiously.
“Rules are if you kill something before we find you, you are in charge.”
I lowered the gun, eyeing him suspiciously. “And if you find me first?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “I guess if you don’t, then that would make us in charge, now wouldn’t it?”
“And what exactly is this game for?”
He smiled. “For fun. Why else would you play a game?”
I glanced around at the others and their excitement was written all over their faces. I set the butt of the gun on the ground.
“So, if I win, you have to obey me?” They nodded. “For how long?”
“Until the next hunt.”
I bit my lip and Timothy’s eyes immediately dropped to it. I knew what they wanted. I had known it for a while. They didn’t hide the fact that they wanted to sleep with me, but they had been blown off every time. If I agreed to this, that would be what they would want. I picked the gun back up and put it over my shoulder.
“I will agree, but it’s just us. We don’t talk about it to anybody and nobody else joins,” I say.
“Done.” The three men in front of me parted to let me pass. “We’ll even be nice and give you a five minute head start.”
I sprinted into the woods and leaped over fallen trees. I headed straight towards the location where my father had shown me the deer always grazed. I was looking for a spot to conceal myself when a gunshot rang out and I knew it was a warning that they were entering the woods to start their hunt. I got wet and immediately cursed my body. The fascination with this very activity in my books had definitely played with my common sense. I scooted back in the bush I was hiding in and positioned the gun, ready for a deer, any animal really, to run through.
Suddenly, a whistle close to me, made me look around frantically. There was no way they had found me that fast. I began to back out of my bush to move when a kiss was placed on the back of my neck. I groaned.
“Well, hello, darling. I do believe you lost,” Timothy murmured in my ear.
I closed my eyes, wanting to just disappear into the ground. He licked my neck and I shuddered.
“I won. Do you know what that means?”
I nodded. “You are in charge,” I whispered.
He gently bit my neck as he began to tug my shorts and underwear down. He moved between my legs and began to rub my pussy as he kissed my neck again.
“My, my ,my. What do we have here? Nice and ready for me.”
“Timothy, please.”
He moved again and the next thing I knew he was rubbing his cock where his fingers had been seconds before.
“Yes, princess?”
“I’m a virgin.”
He laughed in my ear. “Oh, I know. I promise to be gentle.”