The Best Apology
I sat up yawning. After this morning's adventures at the nursing home, I had come home to sleep. I hadn’t meant to sleep all day, but I was exhausted. I glanced at the clock. 5:30 PM. I had an hour to kill before the lottery tonight. I stretched and got out of bed. I could walk around town and maybe throw a few more pennies into the fountain. I put my shoes on and quickly went to my mother’s room. I stood in the doorway and watched her stare out of the window for a moment.
“Hey, Mom. Are you eating today?”
She sadly shook her head. “No. You need to eat though.”
“I’ll eat later. I’m going to head out, so if you need me, you will have to call me.”
She nodded and I sighed as I left her room. I walked out of the house and drew up short when Jamie was leaning against the side of my house.
“What are you doing?”
“Waiting for you.”
“I’m sore.”
He laughed as he moved closer to me. He circled me once, before sliding his fingers down my arm and over my wrist.
“I’m not in charge. If I was, you would already be under me, screaming my name.”
I bit my lip in an attempt not to moan out loud, but it did nothing to stop the rush of arousal between my legs. I shook my head and started walking towards the fountain. He fell into step beside me, smirking.
“Tell me something, Tasha. Why didn’t you stop us last night?”
I frowned at his question. For as long as they knew me, I had never not followed through with something I said I would do. I cut my eyes at him.
“Would you have?”
His face turned serious and he nodded. “Of course we would have. We say we’re in control, but we wouldn’t ever make you do something you didn’t want to do.”
“Well, thanks for that, I guess. I don’t lie to people, Jamie. I said I would participate in our game and I did. I’m not a coward.”
He took my hand and kissed the back of it. His tongue ran over my knuckles and a moan escaped. He winked at me and dropped my hand.
“No, you’re a sore good little slut, apparently,” he teased, before leaving me standing in shock by the fountain.
I walked around the fountain, looking for the perfect spot to toss my penny. Maybe my wishes weren’t coming true, because I wasn’t tossing the penny right. I stopped by a small crack and ran my fingers over it. I reached into my pocket to grab a penny. I raised it to my lips and pressed a kiss to it, before closing my eyes.
‘I wish that victory would be mine tonight.’
I flipped the penny up and the little splash it made as it hit the water made me a little anxious.
“So, can I be a penny?”
I opened to find Lee watching me. I flushed at the way his heated gaze traveled my body.
“Sorry, I only take shiny pennies. You’re a little dirty,” I told him as I reached out to wipe mud off of his face.
He chuckled and brushed his fingers against my waist. “How about you let me win tonight and I’ll show you my favorite way to clean up?”
I swallowed. His eyes went to my throat and he took a step closer to me.
“Or you could also do that to me.”
My hand went to my throat. “I-I…”
He smirked. “Don’t be too quiet. I love the way you scream,” he murmured. He leaned toward me with his eyes on mine. “I’ll see you tonight. I hope you're not wearing underwear.”
He moved around me and just like Jamie, left me standing in shock. Fuuuuuck! What had I gotten myself into? I heard someone approaching me from behind and I spun around. Raul and Sebastian were heading my way and I took off, sprinting back to my house. I slammed my door and sank to the ground. Shit.
I glanced towards my mother’s room and she was nowhere to be seen. I slid my fingers into my pants and inside of me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the door as I fingered myself. These men were going to be the death of me. They hadn’t really done much, but my body was on fire with the memory of how they felt. I rubbed on my clit with my thumb as I thrust my fingers inside of myself. A knock on my door made me groan.
“Tasha?” Fuck. Timothy. “Sweetheart, let me in.”
I pulled my fingers out and slowly stood up. I cracked the door open.
His eyes raked down my body. “I want to apologize to you.”
“For what?”
He massaged the back of his neck. “The boys. You excite them. I tried to-”
I yanked the door open to pull him inside by his shirt. I shut the door as I pulled him down to kiss me. I tugged his shirt out of his pants, so I could slide my hands under his shirt. He picked me up and started carrying me. I didn’t know where we were going, but I didn’t care. I needed release and he was here. He pulled back.
“Where is your room?”
I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Too far. Fuck me.”
He glanced around, before taking two steps to the table in the hallway. He sat me on it and helped me wiggle out of my pants, before undoing his own. He pushed my legs open and ran his fingers down my folds. He groaned.
“Baby, you are so wet.”
I took his cock in my hand and stroked him. My legs went back around his waist and I used them to pull him so close to my aroused body that he had no choice, but to slip into me. My back arched immediately and a small moan came from my mouth. He leaned down to kiss me after frantically looking around. His hand massaged my scalp as we rocked our bodies together. He grew more hurried in his movements and my body tightened with every stroke. His fingers left my hair to dig into my hips as he pulled me forward harder. My head dropped back and he kissed down my neck.
“Cum for me, darling,” he murmured against my skin. “Be my good little dirty girl and cum on daddy’s dick.”
I arched my back more, pushing my breasts out in the hopes he would take the hint and take a nibble or bite or two. When his mouth immediately latched onto my nipple, my body exploded around him and I moaned. He thrust a few more times, before emptying his load into me. He pulled back to smile at me.
“Does this mean we’re forgiven?”
I ran my fingers through his hair. “Maybe.”
My alarm went off and I glared down at my pants on the floor. He bent down to snag them for me. I silenced my alarm, before jumping off the table. We straightened our clothes. He kept his eyes on me and I lowered mine. God, I really was a slut. Less than 24 hours ago, I was a virgin and now I was jumping more than one man’s bones. I couldn’t even lie to myself that I wasn’t looking forward to doing it again. He pulled me close to his body and brushed my hair to the side. He kissed the back of my neck.
“Come, I’ll walk you to the town hall.”
I shook my head. “You can’t be seen with me. It would look bad, especially with me working for you now.”
He bit into my neck, before sucking on it hard. He lifted his head to look at it, before placing a kiss over it.
“There, now you won’t forget you are mine.”
He moved away from me and I turned in time to see him disappear out of the back door at the end of the hallway. My alarm went off again and I took off, racing to the town hall. I sank into a chair, panting. Tony sat on my left and Raul sat on my right. Sebastian sat in front of me and Lee sat directly behind me. Tony leaned forward to whisper something to Sebastian and then they both looked at me. I let my head drop. Sebastian laughed and I looked up. Jamie was glaring at them from his place next to Timothy. The bell rang and the security guards closed the doors.
Timothy met my eyes as he reached for the box to draw names. I stood up and he paused.
“I want to hunt tonight. I’ll be waiting in the hall for my team.”
I walked out of the meeting room and went straight to the gun safe to wait. I heard Timothy start to call out names and every one he read out made my body more and more aroused. A few minutes later, my six men were eagerly coming for me. I cleared my throat. Towards me. Tonight I was coming for them. I wanted to see how far they would go with my orders. I refused to lose tonight and fully intended to use being in control to my advantage for the next 24 hours.