"Thank you for the advice, but I have to go," I told Kelvin, announcing my leave. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To see her and maybe do like you first asked, changing her contraceptive to vitamins," I replied.

"Do you know what the drugs look like?" He asked again. "I'm the one who gets the drugs for her, sure I know how they look. I will ask Jacob to get the exchange done quickly. Maybe by this evening, he will be done," I explained, leaving immediately to avoid further questions.

As I drove in, I noticed Chelsea in the pool, and I approached. I was shocked to find her smoking while holding an empty glass of wine.

"When did you start smoking?" I asked. It wasn't something she did when I met her. "You are home," she mumbled, putting out the cigarettes and swimming to the other side to get a towel to wrap around her body.

"I asked a question, Chelsea," I recalled. "I don't know, and you once used it to burn me. "Do you need anything," she asked me; judging by her tone, she was high as she would never talk to me like this.

"Nothing, I'm good," I replied, watching her enter. I once forcefully put smoke in her mouth before burning the rest of her skin.

It was the time she refused to have sex with me in the car. Goodness me, my mistakes are going to make things hard enough.

Inhaling, I decided to go with Kelvin's option, which is temporarily laying down the cook.

This would create, according to what he calls it, a positive atmosphere. And I did just that, giving them a two-month vacation.

Jacob soon came with the drug replacement in the same bottle and having the same design. He brought an extra bottle, so I could measure exactly how her contraceptive pill was.

Taking it, I head to her room, finding her carelessly asleep on the bed, which gave me more time to replace it and take the natural pills with me.

I returned to her room to arrange her properly, making sure she was covered, and then leaving when I was done.

I left my room, removed my clothes, and fell asleep, waking up late at night. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only one awake as Chelsea sat outside while focusing on her laptop.

I decided to join her, sitting opposite her while using my laptop. I wasn't working, just playing a game. And at some point, I will use my phone to video her.

"What are you doing?" I asked an hour later. "Work," she mumbled an answer. Closing my laptop, I checked hers, grabbed a chair, and sat close to her.

"Nice marketing strategy. It would increase your consumer," I muttered, watching her prepare the plan. "Thank you," she says, her eyes never leaving her system.

"Can you prepare a business plan for me," I asked, coming close to her, but she shifted. "For which of your companies," she asked.

"Any aspects," I replied. "Well, that's too sudden for me," she mumbled. "Why don't you give me the end of the week, and I will submit something for you," she suggested, to which I nodded.

"I would like to see what an art major can bring out," I said as she frowned. "I'm a management student," she corrected.

"I'm through," she announced as she pressed the send button. She began gathering her things and drinking her coffee fast.

"Was I supposed to wait in the playroom?" She questioned. "No," I replied. "Should I go, or do you need company right now," she asked.

"What were you going to do inside?" I questioned. "Smoke," she honestly replied.

"Chelsea, when I met you, you hated cigarettes or the thought of it," I said. " I know, and I hated other things, like shooting, but now I'm a steady customer at the shooting house," she mumbled.

"Can I go now," she asked in an uncomfortable tone, and I nodded, watching her rushing inside and shutting the door.

I found myself narrating the whole incident to Kelvin, who just laughed. "She is totally uncomfortable around you," he said while cracking up.

"Kelvin be serious," I said, watching his serious face before bursting out laughing again.

"Oh boy, you shouldn't have pushed her when she was all girly with you," he mumbled.

"Well, what can I do now?" I asked him. "Well, you change the setting, try getting you guys in an alone space," he suggested.

"Like a fake business trip, however, you only book one suite, or you can play sick again or maybe do both," he went on.

"Well, I know you will never disappoint, thank you," I said. "But I actually have a business trip coming this weekend, so I will just take her along and extend the days," I reasoned as Kelvin nodded his head in approval.

"Well, if you will excuse me, I have a wife who actually loves me, waiting for me at home," he teased, standing up and leaving me to work as I tried ignoring his laughter echoing down the hall.

"One day, I'm going to use those words," I mumbled, resuming my focus on my work.

I decided to return home early. The last time I saw her in the pool, maybe this time I could join her.

As I approached the living room, all I could hear was noise.

And as I got closer to the scene, I found all the servants knocking at Chelsea's door, pleading with her to come out.

"What's going on?" I questioned. Wondering why they would be disturbing her, but then they looked worried. "She is doing it again," Martha spoke out.

She is going to self-harm herself, sir. She got high," she explained. Again, meaning this wasn't the first time I didn't have time to process this calculation.

"Martha, get the spare key," I quickly ordered. "Sir, it won't work; Madam changed the key to her room a long time ago; she is with the spare," Martha inform me.

"Fuck shit," I exclaimed, dropping everything on me and pounding on the door till I burst it open. I rushes in to find her not there, however her shower was running.

As I entered the bathroom, he found traces of blood, which led to the bathtub. There, Chelsea sat in the bathtub, looking miserable, the water mixed with her blood as they were visible signs of injuries on her body.

"Get it off," she screamed from time to time. "Chelsea ," I softly called as she hopelessly looked at him.

"I want it all gone," she mumbled. "Why can't I get it off," she broke in another fresh tear.

"Chelsea," I called again; this time, I helped her up and rinsed her body, wrapping her body with a towel and getting her to bed.

"What are you looking at? Get a doctor," I yelled as they hurried away, and I turned my attention back to her. She was trying to break free.

So I held her down, pulling her into a tight embrace, and when she couldn't struggle to break free, she rested her head, crying till she slept off.

Then only was I finally able to dress her up, arrange her well, and while the doctor attended to her, I returned to her bathtub, draining the bloody water.

Picking out the razor from the tub, I sighed again as I sat at the bathtub's edge, scanning her bathroom, which was in bad shape.

From the broken mirror to the bloody footprints and shattered items. "Sir," the doctor called from outside the door. I went out to meet him.

"I'm through. I have dropped her medication," he informed. "You may go," I coldly responded.

"Sir, if you would permit me, I had advice that Chelsea goes for therapy before," he spoke up.

"Before?" I asked, as he was the second person confirming this wasn't the first time. "I had treated a cut on her wrist, a hot iron burn, and …," the doctor paused when he looked at me. I guess I couldn't handle my expression.

It seems to have occurred to the doctor that I wasn't aware of this matter. "I will take my leave now," he excused himself, leaving as Martha entered.

"How long?" I questioned, grabbing a chair and sitting close to Chelsea. "Quite a long time ago, Sir, mostly when you are on a business trip or when she was sure you won't be coming soon," Martha explained.

"And you kept this, why?" I interrogated further. "When it started, I told madam to tell you, but she said you wouldn't care anyway," Martha replied, already stammering.

"You still could have told me yourself," I defended, trying to maintain being right. "I am her husband, and whether I care or not, I'm still entitled to know what happened to her, "I went on, my tone going high with each passing minute.

"I'm so sorry, sir," Martha apologized. "The next time this goes on, and I'm not informed, you and your family's members are going to be six feet below this earth," I threatened.

"Did you hear that?" I questioned, glaring. "Yes sir," Martha stammered. "Good, now prepare another room for her, one closer to mine, well decorated and stocked," I ordered, emphasizing on well decorated.

"Oh, one more thing, remove any sharp object from her room," I instructed as Martha nodded. "You may go," I ordered her as she nodded, leaving me alone.

I decided to stay there, waiting till she woke up. I first decided to clear the alcohol and the hard drugs from her room, searching the whole place and disposing of the few I could find. It was hard to think she added drugs to this.

Once I was done, I sat down close to her again, my mind on a lot of things as I watched her sleep.

I wrap my hands around her, kissing it before caressing her hand and smiling as I proceed to talk to myself.

"I drove here thinking of excuses to give you for us to go on that trip to Chelsea, but now you gave me a reason to, making things easier for me," I mumbled.

"I honestly thought getting you out from your stepmother and sister would make things easier for you, Chelsea,"

"Were you like this before we met, or did coming here make you worse," I continued, perming her hair.

"Chelsea, how long would I wait for us to converse as a couple, for you to love me just as much as I do for you," I asked.

"Will there ever come a time when you will tell me that you loved me, or am I just delusional?" He went on speaking to himself.

"Or is this just another delusion, and should I try to stop it,".

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