
"Where are you?!

The driver, a middle-aged man with a serene expression, occasionally glanced in the rearview mirror as if checking traffic. However, I could sense his disguised curiosity when our eyes met, reflected in the rearview mirror.

"Hi to you too, Kai. And we're fine! "I force a brief enthusiasm.

He sighs, making his impatience evident.

"I asked a question, and you haven't answered yet "he says slowly, emphasizing each word.

I exhale, avoiding direct eye contact with the rearview mirror.

"I'm going to see Deb.

"No, you're not "he says without hesitation "Go back home immediately!

"Don't I already spend enough time in that house? Like I'm in a gilded cage? "I change my tone enough for Kai to hear "I also need some time doing ordinary things "I finish quietly, resting my head against the window.

A brief silence settles in.

"Everything I do is for your safety "I close my eyes, forcing a smile.

"You always say that, but I never really know what you think you're protecting me from "I inhale deeply "And I'm sure I can handle it on my own, at least today.

"Hailey "His voice becomes urgent "Hailey! "he yells just before I end the call on him.

I take out some bills from my wallet, extending them to the driver as the car stops in front of the small building.

As I entered the building, my cell phone began to ring insistently in the pocket of my jacket. The shrill sound echoed in the lobby, breaking the warmth and tranquility of the surroundings.

The atmosphere around me still had that cozy touch. The soft-toned walls and gentle lights created a serene atmosphere that contrasted with Deb's urgent call hours earlier; something had happened, and she needed to see me.

While the old elevator slowly ascended, the creaks and metallic groans seemed to echo my impatience. The cell phone still rang insistently, but I had decided to ignore what Kai wanted to tell me to make me go back home.

Each floor that passed felt like an eternity, and I could feel frustration growing inside me with each ring of the cell phone. It was as if Kai's call was an invisible thread trying to pull me back into the chaos outside, but I resisted, determined to find a moment of peace before facing whatever was happening.

Finally, the elevator reaches my floor. The doors opened with a metallic sound, and I step out hastily, turning off the cell phone with a sigh of relief.

"Deb "I call out as soon as I enter the apartment immersed in darkness "I'm here "I leave my bag on the console table, my eyes roam the space ahead, but for some reason, I decide to go to the second floor, imagining that Deb might be in the shower or even sedated with the medication she was taking, but what I found was just empty rooms.

I slowly descend the stairs, heading back to my starting point, considering that maybe it would be better to call Deb.

I gradually stop walking as I turn on the bedside lamp when in the darkness of the room, I notice the outline of a man. He was tall, and since the room wasn't completely dark, I could see his silhouette perfectly.

It's only when I take a step back that I realize I'm breathing through slightly parted lips.

"Looking for Deb? "His slightly hoarse voice sounds, causing a brief shiver.

Something inside me screamed to get out of there as fast as possible, but my legs wouldn't obey me.

"Where is she? "I struggle to keep my voice steady, impossible given the situation.

He walks towards me slowly, until his body is partially illuminated by the lamp's light. His skin was tan, his eyes clear, green to be more precise; his well-defined mouth, and his hair, cut short.

There were too many details to notice all at once, besides his serious expression.

"I was waiting for you, Hailey "I take one more step back, physically preparing myself to escape from there, wondering how I could open the door quickly and run as fast as I could to the elevator, of course, if it was waiting for me there; if not, I would have to try my luck with the stairs.

I turn and run towards the door, my heart pounding in my chest. My hands tremble as I grasp the doorknob, but before I can open it, a sudden grip envelops me.

I try to resist, to fight against the force pulling me back, but it's useless. I'm dragged with force, losing my balance and falling seated. My attempts to get up are in vain, the sharp sound of boot heels echoing on the floor, mixing with the confusion that takes over my mind.

Panic mixes with adrenaline as my body is dragged across the floor. My mind races to find a solution, a way to escape, but surprise and the strength of the attack leave me dazed. As I struggle to break free, the reality of the situation overrides what I had been ignoring on my phone, and I realize that perhaps Kai's call was a warning, something I should have listened to.

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