An Enemy, A Traitor And A Mate
Alorea felt her world invert in an instant. She could never have fathomed that this man, Scorpio, had been secretly collaborating with the lycan king all along.
Scorpio, once the grandson of the last alpha, had anticipated succeeding his grandfather as the pack leader. However, it was Nathan who proved more worthy and ascended to the role. Like all other werewolves, Scorpio submitted to him, recognizing Nathan as his leader. But now, Alorea saw through the deceit. Scorpio had been a traitor from the start.
She was unable to comprehend that all the day's events had been part of a premeditated snare. Every action and reaction had been anticipated. Her shrewd move of snatching the dagger from Scorpio, her escape from Nathan after piercing his chest, and her inevitable walk into the trap they had laid out for her.
How could they have possibly deciphered her thoughts? How could they predict the future with such accuracy?
"No need to ask all that," the traitor snapped back. "If I were to tell you now, it would be far too easy. Where's the fun in that?"
Fun? He genuinely found amusement in all this. Alorea could feel her blood simmering, her rage escalating as she glared at him.
"You betrayed the pack, how dare you speak so casually? How dare you conspire with a blood demon against your own kind?"
The two men shared a laugh, their gazes locked. Then the werewolf's laughter ceased and his brow furrowed. "You have so much loyalty, don't you? You were exploited and abused by him. No one even acknowledged you as a member of the pack, yet you believe it's smart to cling to the unspoken allegiance that has kept you captive? What a loser," he sneered.
Alorea felt a pang in her heart as his words echoed. Yes, she had been mistreated and disregarded by her own mate. She had endured torment every single day for the past three years. She had been used night after night, victimized at every turn. Yet, she had always held the werewolf culture sacred in her heart, and she still did, even in this moment.
This was the ethos her parents had instilled in her, the prevailing sentiment in her pack, in her land. The pack always took precedence, regardless of the circumstances.
She did harbor a deep resentment for Nathan due to his treatment of her, but she had never borne any personal animosity towards the pack as a whole. She couldn't comprehend why anyone would act as Scorpio was for any reason.
"Why?" She murmured, as shattered as she was bewildered.
"I've grown weary of being bossed around by that dimwit you call your husband. 'Scorpio, escort Alorea to my chamber.' 'Scorpio, eliminate the blood demons intruding on our territory.' 'Scorpio, do this.' 'Scorpio, do that.' I've had enough."
His voice escalated with each grievance. Clearly, he had been suppressing this fury for a long time, and his plot had been in the works for just as long.
Alorea pondered when Scorpio had started working for Demeatris. How long had they been involved in this conspiracy? What was the ultimate aim of this conspiracy? Undoubtedly, these two were plotting something, and it was surely nothing good.
"What are you planning to do? If he truly comes for me, what will you do?"
This time, Scorpio smiled. He snapped his fingers and gestured towards Demeatris, who had remained still and silent for so long, a faint smirk adorning his sinister face.
"This man here is going to defeat your husband, with my assistance. I will end Nathan's life and succeed him as a worthy alpha. Don't worry, we'll be doing you a favor. If Nathan retrieves you anyway, you'll be in even greater danger."
Alorea's anger intensified. Her inner wolf was ready to rip these two apart, if not for the magical chains restraining her.
She might not have loved Nathan as she once did, but she couldn't stand the thought of him dying. When she had stabbed him earlier, it felt as if she had plunged the dagger into her own heart. Then, discovering that the dagger was poisoned, she could barely live with herself. Only the prospect of freedom kept her focused.
"He won't come," she finally whispered. Based on everything they had said, there was no evidence that Nathan loved her. He still didn't care for her, only for her body. He was infatuated with her body, obsessed with it. But that didn't mean he would journey all this way; it was too improbable. "He doesn't love me, he won't risk his life for me."
This time, it was Demeatris who responded. His voice was deep and heavy, filling every corner of the room in an eerie manner. "Perhaps you're right, and he won't come to save you out of love. But that bastard Nathan is the most arrogant man I've ever known. He won't let you go after what you've done to him. Even if by some miracle he forgives you, what about this...?"
At this point, he retrieved a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Unfurling it, he began to read aloud.
"Dear King of the Wolves... How long has it been, Nathan? I miss our duels, our rivalry in its purest form. So much so, that it compels me to pick up a pen and write to you..."
Alorea listened, suspense mingling with fear. She knew this was a letter penned by Demeatris to Nathan. And she could sense it was not leading anywhere good.
"But more than all those," Demeatris continued, reading with a slight smirk at Alorea, "I have most missed the sweet touch of a woman. In my long life, I have forgotten what it is to desire, how it feels to savor the essence that courses through a woman. But do not grieve for me, Nathan, for I have found a balm for my longing. A beauty has journeyed all the way from you to me."
At this point, realization dawned in Alorea's eyes. She knew where this was heading, and she couldn't bear it.
"Some say she is the queen of werewolves. Others claim that aside from the great appendage of a certain alpha, nothing good enters her. I say, to hell with the alpha, to hell with his appendage. To me, she remains untouched. I am captivated by her. If she has eluded your tender caresses, then I must assume you are not man enough for this beauty. I will step into your shoes, what do you say? Isn't this a gift... from a king to a king?"
The two men erupted into laughter as Demeatris finished the letter.
"Yours immortally," he continued, his voice tinged with amusement, "Demeatris."
Alorea was left reeling by the end of the short but infuriating missive. She knew it had already been dispatched to Nathan, and she could sense that he had received it. And that he was undoubtedly on his way now, ready to reclaim her for himself.
"What do you think, Alorea?" Demeatris's voice echoed in her ears from a distance. "He's too proud to let this slide, isn't he? He can't bear the thought of anyone else tasting you."
"I wager he's almost here," Scorpio added. "He may be a great king as they say, but he surely acts before he thinks."
They both laughed again, fueling Alorea's anger.
"You treacherous coward!" She screamed at Scorpio. "Both of you! Enough of this cowardice, these gutless tricks. Face him yourselves if you're man enough."
But her words had no impact on them. Even though Scorpio looked visibly enraged at being called a coward and lunged towards her as if to strike her, Demeatris remained in his position, smiling as if it was a compliment. He was truly a wicked man, and Alorea couldn't predict what his next move would be.
"Let her be," Demeatris directed Scorpio. "She is the beacon we need to draw in the alpha. She deserves at least that much honor."
Exasperated, Alorea seethed at this statement. Who needed their honor? Who sought their mercy? She had no intention of aiding them in their nefarious plans; she would rather perish.
"Kill me!" She demanded, wrestling with the chains that bound her.
"Don't worry. You'll die soon enough," Scorpio retorted. "After your husband, so he can continue to violate you every night in hell."
This was followed by another bout of laughter. Then, the two men exited the room, leaving her alone with her predicament.