Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter 01

Who would have thought that we wouldn’t end up together? We’ve known each other since we were kids, and everyone thought including myself that I would marry him… he’s an ideal man and I have always seen him that way… but I guess he only sees me as his sister.

“Do you really like her?” I asked Ezra, my best friend.

“Hmm.” He nodded while looking at the stars with a smile on his face. “I like her a lot, she’s beautiful, kind and she’s the girl I could ever ask for. I even think that I love her.” He then looks at me with a smile on his face… his eyes are shining brightly as he talks about her, while I’m nodding my head with a fake smile on my face… silently wishing that I could be that girl he’s talking about, but no matter what I do I know that I would never be her… and I would never be his fiancé.

I find it funny how can someone already be engaged with another person when they’re still in high school. I mean does Ezra even know what love really is that he’s willing to spend his teenage years with that girl? But oh well, I can’t really judge him when I myself also feel those things when it comes to him.

“Kids! Dinner is ready.” We immediately stood up from the ground we were laying on as we heard the maid call us.

When we enter the dining room, our parents are already seated at their usual spot, and Ezra and I sit next to each other.

“Are you excited to meet her parents, Ezra?” Dad asked Ezra and I noticed that mom was looking at me, and I just looked away and pretended to be busy with my food, feeling the lump on my throat as the conversation deepened.

It was painful to listen to all of the things that they were saying and planning for Ezra’s future, while I’m by his side, they never even saw me as a good candidate for him to marry.

“You’re going to find the love of your life just like Ezra… in time, but not right now that you’re still young.” Mom said as she combs my hair before bed, like she always does.

“Why can’t it be me, mom? We’ve known each other since forever.” I have so much to say but I stopped there… I don’t want to provoke her as we already talked about this.

“Because their family and ours are already an alliance, you both don’t need to marry for that to happen, but we have to expand our connections that’s why Ezra is going to marry that girl, and soon enough you will too… as the both of you will lead the company when the time is right.”

Those words were stuck inside my head until now, even in my class. Everything feels so wrong, but I can’t say anything about it because my parents always have the final say… we might be close, but they are very firm with their decisions… especially when it comes to business.

“You don’t look like your usual self.” A guy friend suddenly approaches me as I’m sitting by myself in the corner while looking out the window. I just smiled at him and shook my head. “Is there something I can help you to feel better.” I raised my brows at him. “How about ice cream?” He smirks as he notices the light from my eyes when he said that… and before I knew it, we were both walking towards the cafeteria to get one and I kept laughing as he keeps telling me jokes… and he made me feel much better with just a single conversation.

“Kate.” Our laughs died down as we heard Ezra’s voice from behind us, and when we both face him, my brows creased as he looks like he’s angry.

Before I could say anything he suddenly pulled me away from Harvey. “Don’t go near her again.” He said before dragging me away from the cafeteria where a lot of students probably saw.

“What is wrong with you?!” We reached the garden, and he stopped walking and I pulled my hands away from his hold but he only looks at me with anger.

“Stop hanging out with that guy! He’s a known playboy and he will only hurt you.” His eyes are in rage and it’s making me confuse but I shake my head and stop myself from assuming.

I shake my head at him. “What is it to you then? Why would you care if I’m in pain because of a guy? It’s up to me how I would handle myself, and don’t ever do that again… I can handle myself… and I’m capable of protecting myself… I don’t need you anymore, Ezra.” I said, feeling the pain from my heart as I could see the hurt in his eyes and before I could change my mind and words, I immediately turned my back and walked out.


Who gave you those flowers?”

Tomorrow is my birthday and we’re going out at the beach to celebrate it, today is Friday and I surprisingly received a lot of gifts from my friends and schoolmates, but what catches Ezra’s attention is the flowers that I’m holding dearly as he gets the paper bag that I’m holding when he found me.

“Someone from the class.” I smiled sweetly and he shook his head in disbelief and when a bunch of guys passed by, they greeted me with a happy birthday in which I responded. “Thank you.” and when I look back at Ezra he was already pouting.

“I can’t believe you’re flirting.”

“What’s wrong with that? Plus, I’m entertaining the fact that someone admires me… and I want a boyfriend, my friends have boyfriends already and I want one too.”

He shakes his head. “You shouldn’t enter a relationship just because you’re jealous of your friends.” that made me smirk, he sounded like a grown up.

“Whatever! You don’t have a say to what I do in life.” I then walk away and enter the car first leaving him behind with the gifts I received.

Like normal friends do, Ezra and I are already okay despite fighting all the time. I’m currently building sandcastles here at the beach, Ezra’s and my family have been very busy working nonstop so they decided to take a small break and go here to have some fun, but I can’t help myself but pout because Ezra is on his phone.

“I should definitely get a boyfriend.” I said that caught his attention, he put his phone down and raised a brow at me.

“We already talked about this, and you’re too young, boys you’re age just want to make out.” My cheeks turned red after he said that, and I can’t help but cough.

“You’re always on your phone and you’re always busy. My friends are all busy and I don’t have anyone to hang out with.”

He shook his head and didn’t say anything. Of course, I know I wouldn’t get myself a boyfriend as I’m not ready for it yet. I just sometimes get curious… especially when everyone is in a relationship.

“Doesn't the two of them look good together?”

We’re all eating our dinner together, and as always Ezra and I are seated next to each other, and my brows creased after hearing what mom just said.

What the hell? Why are they doing this to me? They clearly set Ezra up with some girl and now they’re teasing us together? And after what mom told me that Ezra and I shouldn’t be together? I just can’t believe this is happening.

After dinner we went home. We rented a whole villa so my family and Ezra’s family could stay in one area, and I was tired and drained after all of the activities that we did that I fell asleep first while our parents continued the party by drinking downstairs.

It was past midnight when I woke up feeling thirsty and decided to go downstairs to get a drink as my room has none when I notice that there were people there… I thought it was just my dad talking to my mom after having a couple drinks with Ezra’s parents, but my brows creased as I realize that the person dad was talking to isn’t my mother… My heart suddenly pounded faster as I slowly descended down the stairs.

I gulped as I confirmed that it was indeed… Ezra’s mother. I wanted to go to them and ask them what they were doing but that would be a dumb thing to do because I’m already seeing what they are actually doing… they’re so close to each other and if you really look at it… you can see that they’re kissing… I wanted to curse and run to them to separate them but for some reason I stayed quiet as I walked back inside my room with tears falling from my eyes… and a question came to mind… does mom knows? How long has this been going on? Are they crazy? I wanted to go to mom and tell her what I saw but I’m scared that when I go to her… dad will find out and right now I don’t think I want to see him… nor speak to him… because my heart is breaking for our family.


“Mom how did you became with Ezra’s parents again?”

Days passed by and I don’t think my parents notice my indifference, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it that right now I’m asking mom questions.

“You dad and Ezra’s mom were friends since high school, and I became her friend after and that’s when I got to know your dad… and then later on she became friends with Ezra’s dad as your dad and I were getting close and that’s how we ended up here… it’s magical if you think about it.” Mom smiled and I smiled back at her despite the thoughts I’m having.

“Did dad and Aunt Marie never get into a relationship together? They’re really close, and if you really think about it, they could have ended up together… no offense mom.”

She chuckles. “That’s impossible, the two of them were just friends and both of them were even there for each other when problems arise… to make it short they were just best friends… and if that’s not the case then the two would have married each other.” I nodded at mom despite not liking the story I’m hearing.

I have this urge to tell mom what I saw last week, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it because when I look at her face, I can see her smiling as if everything was so magical while she tells me their story… and I hate to take that happiness from her.


“What would you do if our parents have a relationship with each other… a romantic one.”

Ezra and I were in the backyard doing our homework when I suddenly asked him that question and his brows creased as he stopped what he was doing.

“What kind of question is that?”

“A hypothetical one. Been reading a book and I just wonder what your thoughts about it.”

“I think it’s never going to happen but if it does… it’s crazy and we would probably never see each other ever again… and it would cause a lot of problems as both of our family’s business is interconnected to each other… that’s what’s keeping our family close… and if that happens, it would all fall apart, and we would fall apart. So, that shouldn’t happen.”

My heart started to beat so fast as Ezra answered that with seriousness and I didn’t even realize that all aspects were affected… what’s in my thoughts is that we would just feel betrayed and yes, I would never see Ezra again but not to the extent that our business will also be affected.

“And what if it does?”

“Then we’re going to make sure that it won’t happen… and we’re going to prevent it.”

I wanted to ask… what if it’s already happening but instead, I gave him a smile. “That’s really crazy, good thing it’s not happening.” I smiled at him and continued doing my homework even though my mind was wandering elsewhere.

“You’re acting weird.” Ezra suddenly said that made me look at him. “Is there a problem? Should I be worried?”

I gulp as I look at him in the eyes… and God knows how much I want to tell him everything, but I just couldn’t especially when I now know it’s really serious and I don’t want this to be serious… I’m hoping that it was just a mistake, they had some drinks that night and maybe there were just confuse and I’m trying to hold onto that… even though my gut’s telling me that that’s not the case.

“No. There’s no problem… maybe I’ve just been too caught up by what I’m reading… that’s why you should hang out with me sometimes… I ended up reading things when I’m alone.” Ezra looked at me and smiled slowly.

“I guess I’ll try… seeing that you miss me.”

And with that I gave him an eye roll that made him laugh, and his laugh eased me up a bit, he doesn’t know how thankful I am that he’s right here right now… or I would probably go insane.

Days passed by despite me still thinking about it, I was fine because Ezra was beside me. Our family still acts the same and I haven’t notice anything weird after what I saw… but now that Ezra’s family is having dinner at our house and that they’re sleeping again at our house I can’t help but feel nervous as I get down to my room, I felt uneasy.

“What are we going to do? This is wrong.” I heard Ezra’s mom… talking to someone, probably my dad.

“We should stop this madness.” I was right… it is really my dad.

“What are you talking about? Out of all time, now? Now that I’m pregnant with my child?”

My eyes widened after hearing that and my heart stared to beat so fast, and I just couldn’t explain what I’m hearing right now. This is crazy and forbidden. I’m so scared right now, and I want to cry but no tears left my eyes as I watched them hugging from afar, and Ezra’s mom is crying in my dad’s embrace.

“We’ll get through this… I promise.” He whispered.

“How can you say something like that when you’re not even going to end your relationship with her? You always choose her over me… if you had chosen me a long time ago, we would have been happy together and not be in this situation at all.”

“We both have a family… don’t say that now.”

“You’re just using me… or are you using her? Should I tell her instead? You’ll have no choice left.”

“That’s enough! You’re not thinking of the bigger picture here. What about our family? Our kids and our business? Everything will fall apart because of what you’re thinking.”

That made her silent and look away from dad, and upon listening to them, Ezra’s word came back to me… him and dad are both thinking the same way and I can’t help but tear up as I go back to my room feeling the pain inside of me as I force myself to sleep.

Morning came and if I hadn’t heard about last night’s conversation, I would have said that everything feels normal and that there’s no problem but because I heard everything, I feel like my eyes are open now because of it.

“You’re lost in your thoughts again.” I didn’t even realize that Ezra was talking to me, and I just smiled at him as a response. “I’m going to the bookstore this afternoon. You should come to clear your mind; you seem to be lost in your thoughts lately.”

“I probably should. I’m done with my homework anyway and I have nothing to do.”

Ezra and I are talking while our parents are also talking to each other and as I look at them, I can’t help but wonder when this beautiful family would last… I feel like I should cherish my every moment with Ezra because my mom might be a good person, but I know that she doesn’t forgive easily especially because she hates betrayals and the likes… then I look at Ezra… will our relationship remain?

“What?” I shake my head and divert my attention to my dad… now talking to Ezra’s mom.

I’m noticing their movements around each other and when I would look at mom, she looks clueless and looking at her makes my heart ache… I hate that they’re betraying my mom and now having a baby… what would they do? Would they tell us? Or will they continue to hide it from all of us?

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