Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter 06

Reality hits me when I arrive home after school, the whole day was like blur and I wanted to go home after crying but I know I can’t skip class because of so much works to do and the last thing I want to happen right now is fail my class, my dad would kill me and he will have reason to get angry at me… I’m like preparing for the worst especially that I feel like sooner or later the affair will be revealed.

“What happen?” I just got home and I didn’t notice mom on the living room working, I didn’t know she’s home early… or she didn’t come to work.

“Huh?” I pouted and acted like I don’t know what she’s talking about but she gave me raised brows that made me sigh and it didn’t took me long to tear up once more.

I just feel so tired because of the fight I had with Ezra, the pressure from school, the family that I don’t know is going to last long… I’m just so scared and anxious… I feel like I’m going to explode from all of this feelings building up inside of me, and if it weren’t for Harvey earlier I would have gone crazy on my own with no one to talk to as my feelings are bolting up.

“You know you can tell me anything right?” She hugged me tight as I cry to her arms, My mom and I are close because she’s really hands on with me when I was still a kid and up until now that I’m a teenager, but what we don’t agree in is that I’m going to marry someone for the business, she just doesn't get it, I want to find love like how she found dad… not because it’s needed for our business to expand… both dad and mom are close minded on that part.

We’re both sitting on the floor while I contemplate to tell her what I know… she’s going to brake, and I know my mom is strong but she will break, I know she does, she loves dad more than anyone in this world and I can’t afford that to happen, and I don’t want to be the reason for the chaos in our family.

“Ezra and I had a fight… it’s because of Leah. I told him that she’s kind of a bitch and how I lost my friend because of how busy he is to her and he kind of said some words that really hurt me.”

I want to add more to that but I stopped there. Mom kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly. “I know how you feel jealous about their bond but you can’t really blame Ezra on that, he’s getting to know her fiance and you’re both growing… it’s not forever that you will be by each other’s side… especially that you have different priorities now.”

I shake my head at that. “We can still hang out if we want to… you and Aunt Marie has different goals in life but you still found time together… and I want that for our friendship… I don’t want anything to get in our way… because I believe in our friendship… but I guess it’s unrequited, just like the love I have for him.”

Mom sigh and didn’t say anything, she just let me process my emotions while being there. I suddenly remember what I said… I want my friendship with Ezra to be like mom’s and Aunt Marie’s… I take that back. Friends don’t back stab each other.

Aunt Marie had a choice but she choose to commit something that’s unacceptable. I’m also angry at dad for doing something like this for our family but it’s Aunt Marie who had a choice… not to get involve with dad but I guess this has been going on since their school time… it just bolted up inside until both decided to get married… they were lying to themselves and only realize that they want each other.. is that really the case or are they just tempted because they used to want each other? I’m scared and confuse.

“There’s also one thing that I told him… and he shut me off.” There’s no turning back now. My hands are shaking as I hold mom as I look through her eyes.

Her brow creased and looks confuse now. “Why are you looking at me like that? Did something happen? What did you do?” I shake my head at her sadly and I bite my lips before proceeding.

“I caught dad… and Aunt Marie kissing, it was on my birthday.” Her mouth open but she didn’t say anything. She look at me straight in the eye finding the truth in me… and tears began to fell once more and I shake my head as I hold her hand tight.

“That’s impossible, your dad would never do that to us.” She said emotionless but I can see that she’s scared to believe me but I can tell that she had this thought in her… maybe a long time ago but brushed it off. I don’t know how long has been this going but I’m scared yo find out the truth. “You must’ve seen wrong. Maybe there were just talking.”

“Mom… I know what I saw.”

Mom looks lost and she can’t look at me know. She look around the house and that’s when I realize she was looking at the frames hanging on the wall.. their wedding photos, our family pictures and many more.

“I’m sorry mom.”

She shake her head and smiled at me. “It’s not your fault.” She whispered and hold me by my shoulder looking through my eyes. “I know you’re scared, honey… but let’s trust your dad. I trust his love for me and for our family, he will never do anything like that, don’t worry I’ll talk to him.”

Mom said that but I know we’re just lying to ourselves… because we both know that there’s a possibility for anything… and out of all person… she’s the one who knows.

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