Chapter 5
I audibly gasped and turned to face her to graB onto her hands
“ Well Emilia don’t stop there, you must tell me more ! “
“ We greeted each other but nothing more, I’m not ready for mama and papa to find out just yet so it’s ok “
The happiness in her voice making her face light up and glow. I reached forward to run my hands over hers before bringing her in for a tighte hug. We stay silent for a moment just enjoying the embrace, I rub her back giving her another right squeeze then letting go to look back at her.
“ I’m so happy for you sister “
She smiles and just pulls me in for another hug before reaponding
“ Its such a beautifully feeling you know ? I’ve dreamed of this of having someone to love someone that loves me, it’s finally here “
Taking a deep breath I release all the feelings of envy and jealousy I had just from her expressing her excitement about the love she has found. Swallowing the ball in my throat refraining from expressing the jealousy I have.
“ I’ll see you down for lunch sister “
Emilia rises from the bed and makes her way out of the room in a dance like walk twirling the bottom of her dress. As Emilia leaves Braelia walks in.
“ Ms Helena is there anything I can help you with ? “
I stay silent not moving from my spot on the bed. Rubbing my hands on the comforter I sit on my eyes moving all around the room trying to find something to focus on other than how I’m feeling. My chest feels tight and the room starts to close in on me. Allowing myself to drop to my knees I feel Braelia rush to my side
“ Ms Helena are you alright “
Looking up at her I hold a finger to my mouth and shake my head letting her know we could just be silent. She looks slightly confused but just bows her head in silence and got comfortable next to me. My eyes stuck ahead of me on the window that let the sun light up the room. I wasn’t looking out the window but just at the window. A knock on the door brought me back before I could release a single tear or any other sign of emotion and felt as if the sound stretched the room back out from its shrunken state. It brought the feeling back into my body.
“ Helena? Lunch ? “
It was Emilia calling out. Trying to get the words out I look over to Braelia for help.
“ Yes ms Emilia we will be right down “
Without another question or response I heard the hall go quiet and then Emilia’s footsteps fading away letting me know she made her way back down the hall to the stairway. Without thinking I bring Braelia Into a hug. I just needed to feel some form of comfort. She hesitantly hugs me back before speaking up softly.
“ Ms Helena I think we should make our way down for lunch, they will start to worry “
Nodding my head I slowly pull away and rest my hands on each one of her shoulders taking a look at her and sharing a small smile in acknowledgment. I pushed myself up to my feet slowly brushing my dress down, smoothing out my hair and taking a deep breath in as I close my eyes.
“ I am ok, thank you Braelia.. “
We smile at eachother before she bows and makes her way over to the door, opening it and waiting for me to exit to close the door behind us both. As we walk down the hall I allow myself to take more easy breaths to calm myself and remind myself I am ok.
“ maybe im just hungry ? After all I haven’t eaten today “
Braelia sighs and just nods as if she’s agreeing with me. We make our way to the dining room where Braelia and I both take a bow in the doorframe.
“ Helena, why we’ve been waiting darling, is everything ok ? “
My father asked as my sister and mother looked up waiting for my response.
“ My apologies, I lost track of time once again “
Making my way over to my seat I situate myself before they settle the food infront of me, as I lay the napkin on my lap I notice my father waited for me to come down to start eating. I beam at my father and begin to take my first few bites, our first few bites together. My father always waits till we are all together and we have all taken our first bites to begin eating himself, he has since we were very little.
“ it was such a beautiful morning wouldn’t you guys agree “
My mother smiled at us three before landing her eyes on me
“ And I couldn’t help but notice you and Charles had an exchange of words as well Helena ? “
I raise my eyebrows and nod slowly before setting my fork down and patting my mouth with my napkin to buy myself just a little bit more time to form a well thought out response. Seeing the whole table was waiting for one.
“ Yes, we did actually. I apologized for the night and he.. did the same “
I shared a smile with my response hiding what I really wanted to say
I tried to apologize but he was too hung over to really care at least a little bit
My mother clapped her hands and grabbed ahold of my fathers hand sharing a joyful look
“ Oh that’s just wonderful Helena wonderful “
I notice she nodded her head slightly towards me while staring at my father as if suggesting something. Looking over to my sister I see her slightly narrow her eyes at my parents in confusion looking between my father and mother trying to guess what they’re going to say. My father clears his throat and looks over at me, I raise a single eyebrow and wait for his response.
“ So with the first ball of the season coming up and it being Hosted by the Churchills we thought, Your mother and I as well as the Sinclairs, well maybe-“
My mother cuts him off before he could finish
“ Wouldn’t it be lovely if you and Charles attended the ball, Together ? “