My efforts to retreat were in vain, and soon my trembling leg gave way, causing me to fall to the ground. I begged the wind in a hopeful tone, “Please, please, someone help us…” Staring at the larger wolf, I freed Conan from the kangaroo pouch and gently placed him on the ground. The wolves watched my every move. My trembling voice continued, “I don't know if you can understand me… You can devour me, but I beg you, don't harm this innocent baby…”
The wolves exchanged glances in a communication that only they shared, and it didn't take long for them to move towards me. However, before they could reach me, a new wolf suddenly appeared in front of me, its fangs grabbing one of the hostile wolves by the neck and forcefully pulling it down, ending its life in an instant.
Involuntarily, my hand went to my mouth to witness such a display of strength. The surviving wolf lunged at its opponent, forcing the white and gray wolf to retreat and slam its paws into its opponent's ribs. A deafening growl tore through the air as the white wolf lunged again, biting the gray wolf above the leg. In a second attack, the white wolf sank its teeth into the opponent's face, an intense red flowing from it, signaling the severity of the injuries.
The gray creature retreated, took a quick glance at the lifeless bodies, and turned its gaze in my direction. With a threatening gesture from the empowered white wolf, the gray wolf disappeared into the forest, fleeing to the safety of the depths.
The wolf turned his attention to the baby. Instinctively, I jumped over Conan to protect him, yelling, “Do not dare approach; I have already taken the life of one of you, and I will not hesitate to do the same to you!” But it continued to approach, and my vision began to darken from the loss of blood.
Desperately, I turned to the baby: “Conan, forgive me…” Tears streamed freely down my face, meeting my nephew's delicate face. Then I turned my attention back to the wolf, my perceptions dimming as I struggled to raise the dagger. At the edge of my vision, I saw the white wolf transform before my eyes, revealing a human form.
I awoke suddenly, looking for Conan. Realizing that my injuries had been treated, I scanned the room and found my nephew in a crib beside my bed. My attention was caught by the enigmatic figure of the wolf, an icy white mixed with silver lights, entering the room.
“Don't come near us, beast!” I shouted, trying to sound threatening, though my voice betrayed the nervousness I felt.
The wolf continued to advance, stopping in front of me and sitting on its hind legs. It made a mocking sound, as if it found my threats amusing.
“I warn you, creature. I will not allow you to harm my baby!” I emphasized my words so that there would be no doubt.
The furry creature approached, staring at me intently and sniffing the air.
“This pup is not yours. The scent is similar, but not the same. He is mine,” it growled, baring its canines.
“Are you speaking? Or am I going crazy, hearing a wolf speak…” I stammered, fascinated.
“Hand over the pup, human!” it growled in an even more menacing tone, its voice resonating with authority.
“Pup? You will not touch my baby!” I cried desperately, standing in front of the crib in a defensive posture.
The wolf came even closer, and I tried to attack it. But with a quick and almost imperceptible movement, it managed to knock me to the ground and pinned me down, sniffing at my neck.
“As such a weak prey, you should not challenge me,” it growled.
I shivered, feeling a chill run down my spine.
“Your scent is similar, but not the same. You are not her and this is not her pup,” it barked, its serrated teeth close to my warm skin.
Suddenly, he stepped back and turned into a tall man with light skin and a proud gaze. His muscular frame exuded strength and vitality. His dark hair framed a chiseled face, a well-groomed beard adding a touch of sophistication. His confident posture and dominant presence drew attention, but my eyes went straight to the scar that ran from his shoulder to the center of his bare chest.
“WHAT ARE YOU?” I exclaimed loudly, shocked and frightened.
He declared with determination, “This pup is mine!”
“Why do you call him a puppy? Who do you think you are to claim him?” I asked, raising a challenging eyebrow.
“I am his father and his king!” his voice sounded fierce and cold.
“I-I… you're the father?” I stammered, stunned by the revelation.
“Yes, therefore the puppy belongs to me,” he declared imperiously.
“No!” my reply was firm, defying his claim.
He raised an eyebrow, assessing my defiant response.
“No? Interesting…” he remarked, watching my growing determination.
With a firm stance, I asserted, “I promised my sister that I would care for and protect her child as if it were my own. I will not let you take him, even if I have to fight to the death!”
He watched, recognizing the courage that was rising in me. An almost imperceptible smile crossed his lips, but her confusion and nervousness prevented her from noticing it.
He admitted, “You don't smell of death; I believe your story.”
“Smell of death?” I repeated in surprise.
“Yes, your sister, she exuded sickness and death. But there was something unique about her…” His eyes narrowed as he thought. “At least I thought so.”
Tears filled my eyes.
“If you knew she was going to die,” I clenched my fists in anger, “why didn't you take care of her? Why did you abandon her? And why did you show up now to take away the only memory of her?” I yelled, staring at him without backing down.
“Your sister hid her scent well, leaving no trace. I found her by the scent of my pup. I sensed the threat around him and her desperation,” he pondered as he approached.
“Why did you attack me?” I asked, remembering the terrifying scenes in the cemetery.
He shrugged, “I didn't attack you. I was protecting them.”
“Weren't the other wolves with you?”
“No, they are from another pack. They want to destroy my heir and take my throne,” his gaze hardened, and I could feel the hatred in his words.
“Throne? You're a king,” I asked in astonishment.