Forbidden Temptations (A Collection of Steamy, 18+ Tales)

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Tiana's POV

You know that feeling when you just discovered how good it feels touching your pussy for the first time. The bliss. The fucking bliss. There's nothing quite like the first time. Then you want to do it over and over and over again till it's all you want at that fucking moment until the magic ends.

Well, trying a sex toy for the first time comes second. The sensation runs through every fucking nerve in your body shooting up fireworks in your brain. It's impossible to explain but that's how I felt at that moment.

At that moment of contact, everything melted away. Everything stopped. Everything ceased to exist. It was just the sense-numbing feeling right before I jumped off the cliff.

Life suddenly had colors. It was as if I could see everything clearly and appreciate life all at once.

My OhMiBod...

The first week of getting it, I had used it more than fifty times and counting. By the second week, I was taking it along with me to school. It was with me all the time.

Mr. Miron's biology class was on and the agonizing feeling of boredom was so overwhelming that I just had to get away to save me.

As a third of the class dozed off, I raised my hand briefly obstructing the projected slides of dissected amphibians that made the torturous class unbearable.

"Yes, Tiana." Mr. Miron's voice was without interest. He always sounded that way; like someone had sucked the life out of him and he in turn had been tasked to suck the life out of everything else.

"Can I use the ladies' room?"

"Sure. Not like you'll be missing anything of educational importance."

I rolled my eyes in the darkened room as I got up from my seat.

Pssst... Tiana

I looked down at my bag. The voice had come from my bag, the pocket where I kept my OhMiBod.

Take me with you. C'mon... You know you wanna.

I stared down at the bag as my brows knotted in indecision.

"Move! You're blocking the best part." Gilbert scowled.

Gilbert was the class weirdo. I wasn't surprised he'd be the only one watching that crap.

Without thinking, I opened the pocket and snuck my OhMiBod into my pocket then left.

Inside the stall, I took three deep breaths before entering pornhub. The sound of a brunette screaming filled my ears through my earphone.

The man fucking her looked like an offspring of Bigfoot. He was the hairiest thing I'd ever seen. His dick had a slight curve and the brunette seemed to be enjoying every inch of it.

C'mon. What are you waiting for? Turn me on...

My OhMiBod talking to me should have weirded me out but I was already getting horny.

I paused enough to listen for any telltale signs of another person using the other stalls. There was complete silence.

The Duracell battery I had inserted that morning was new. It was the fifth batch since getting my toy.

I got out my iPod and connected it to the Ohmibod choosing one of the fastest songs on my playlist. I needed this to be as quick as possible.

Hesitating just for a moment, I adjusted the speed to the highest before pressing play on my iPod.

I gasped sharply writhing my toes from the turrets of pleasure shooting up my G-spot.

"Oh fuck. Yes!" I moaned out loud losing control.

My hands trembled so much that I had to drop the iPod. Hot liquid rolled down my legs, legs that jerked in every direction.

"Uh, man. That's it. Hell ya." Hot tears stained my cheeks.

I grabbed my heavy tits and squeezed hard popping the top buttons.

The first wave of orgasm hit me making my moan catch in my throat. It didn't give me time to breathe before the second followed and then the third.

I...I have to, stop this...

My eyes felt heavy with exhaustion but I was just able to turn it off on time.

It took half an hour before I was able to feel my legs once again. When I finally touched my AirJordans on the floor it felt like I had just stepped on a cloud.

"Whoa." I breathed out a chuckle.

My legs wobbled a little but I made my way to the sink. I had to wash up. I could smell the potent stench of fresh sin and guilt on me.

It was a miracle no one had come in while I was under the mercy of the G-spot vibrator.

Psssst... Tiana

Hell no! I kept it inside my pocket after rinsing it off.

I was on my way to class adjusting my black mini skirt without paying much attention to where my legs were taking me when I bumped into a rock-solid body.

The self-defense classes I'd been grudgingly taking for two months paid off as I stopped myself from falling.

"Hey! Watch i-" My voice trailed off as Coach Calton smiled apologetically at me.

He helped me steady myself with one strong arm going to my back. I unconsciously relaxed pushing closer to his comfort.

"I didn't see you there." His voice was a gentle caress.

Get a grip, Tiana, I cautioned myself sternly biting my lower lip. I didn't want a repeat of our first meeting. It had been a disaster in its way.

Was it possible that he could smell the sin on me? I read somewhere that some guys could sense when a girl just recently cummed. It was an erotica book but I considered it information nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" His eyes were soft when he spoke.

"I'm fine Coach. I needed that. Nothing like a tackle to get the blood pumping, huh?"

Stop talking you fucking idiot!

He chuckled. "It's Tiana, right?"

I told him he was right.

"We keep running into each other like this and I'll have to force you to get the nurse on speed dial."

We both chuckled together or rather he chuckled and I watched while I did what he was doing.

"I'm terrible with names. I know what you must be thinking. How is it possible I coach a high school basketball team and I can't keep names in my head for long."

I shook my head. "Not really."

He let go of me seeing as I was up on both feet once again. I was tempted to fake leaning over but I stopped the thought from manifesting its foolishness.

"Here's what I do. I pick out a certain attribute and mix it with their names just like a cocktail, and voila! An effective coach that knows everyone's name is born." I stared at him the whole time as he spoke. There was something about the way the man talked that was lethal to any woman hearing him.

I had to know. "So what's mine?" I asked casually.

He considered it for a while and just as he was about to speak.

"CC, I've been looking everywhere for you. Thomas needs you, man."

Wayne Tobeski was walking over with his heavily built frame swaying to his bounce walk. The stupid bounce walk. I'd have strangled the motherfucker no question but then every girl in the cheer squad would hold a candle-lit vigil mourning him for a month.

Coach Calton turned to leave but stopped long enough to say, "I'll be seeing you, Tiana."

He turned the corner and I sighed in disappointment oblivious to Wayne's restless eyes on me.

"Why do you look so fuckin' hot?" He said out loud more to himself, his index finger tapping his lower lip.

I knew exactly just how hot I was. There were times I would stand in front of the mirror watching my reflection with lust.

Wayne Tobeski hadn't said a word to me since he started hanging out with the popular jerkwads and inevitably became one of the most desirable guys in the whole school. There had been a time when I could have been foolish enough to classify him as a "friend" but I wasn't that kid anymore.

He studied me through glassy blue eyes with his expression showing the depth of his interest. His gaze fell and I noticed he was staring at my exposed cleavage. The swell of my breast was visible from the buttons that popped open when I pressed them earlier.

"Dude." I waved in his face trying to get his attention. "Can you not do that."

He ignored me completely focusing on nothing else but my breasts. There was a faraway look on his face. If I didn't know any better, with his level of concentration I'd think he was an Einstein or Tesla.

"Wayne?!" I was getting worked up.

He jerked. "What?"

"Why the fuck are you ogling my breasts?"

"They're nice looking tits." He said in a matter-of-fact way.

"I know." I gave him my meanest look.

Suddenly Mr. Miron's lame class didn't look so bad after all. It was better than having to stand on display for this fucking loser's perverted pleasure.

I turned to leave but his hand stretched out to stop me on impulse. He let go immediately giving me a repentant smile that some might consider cute.

"I'm sorry, Tiana. Can we start over." He ruffled his hair thinking it would turn his boyish charm on. "Can I take you out later? I know this place. The food is to die for."

"You'll love it." He winked.

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